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Everything posted by Naruto

  1. I followed @Syouji videos and stuck to the rules, never really failed me yet, just typical crashes like the f4 to f1 for wall textures, pasting stuff outside the grid and annoying sanity errors
  2. Mina its me q_q No idea, you tend to play around with the newer IRO stuff, im always just ripping from the old pre re stuff probably little to no compatibility issues ?
  3. this is what i do i never had to set my water heights or anything like that, whenever i get black spots i follow this guide and never encountered them again
  4. 123.jpg

    Pretty sure the script is right, but either way before i used to be able to test it but all i get is this error 

  5. Naruto

    Edit Item

    yeah but i dont remember which conf it is I promise you can change it though if you cant find it, just ask @AshiHanna then ask me again if you still cant find it I had a few seconds to look tonight here it is in itemdb.h #ifndef UNKNOWN_ITEM_ID //Use apple for unknown items. #define UNKNOWN_ITEM_ID 512 #endif
  6. Naruto

    Edit Item

    yeah but it wouldnt have a sprite or anything but itd exist
  7. what the hell was that dot there for anyways... i thought it was just lighting immersion good stuff though.. oh your charging them lol
  8. add them then delete them again or probably in your sql
  9. theres an easier way to do that and its by using the same command as '@'summon md = mob->once_spawn_sub(&sd->bl, sd->bl.m, -1, -1, "--ja--", mob_id, "", SZ_SMALL, AI_NONE); mob->spawn(md); btw you wanna change the AI_NONE to whatever your interested in, replace mob_id with its id, and ... idk just try playing with this instead
  10. no limit to item id , no worries
  11. these are the only areas you should be touching : the part with 2 names swrdsmn/sm is for folder and prefix the single ones are for the job name you want to change... those are a bit spread out though for rb class ^ it will ask you to change inf name aswell ^ohh and JOB SPRITE is linked to this one too , dont mistaken it for a prefix
  12. wow im really sorry your gonna have to read this thread , dont bother changing the formula for sg skills.... https://herc.ws/board/topic/17265-simple-auras-reusable-and-clean/?tab=comments#comment-92402 my bad... you could modify it but ill look through it later for you i just remembered that it was horribly written
  13. if(tstatus->race == RC_DEMIHUMAN) skillratio = 50; else; skillratio = 100; break; something like that in battle.c might be 2 == , or use +=.... your call and it should if they are your enemy : 428,0x86, , 0, 1, 100,enemy, 0x000 //SG_SUN_WARM but if you cant still let me know
  14. Yeah, try asking borf on his discord
  15. just use gettime2 or something . . .
  16. try using the code it was written with DUHHHHHHHHHHHH check your script.c
  17. I also edit my post since im wrong now
  18. you can make new items with no effects hard coded and add them using specialeffect though 1181,Tae_Goo_Lyeon,Tae Goo Lyeon,5,20,,2000,250,,1,2,0x00004082,2,2,34,4,90,1,3,{ bonus bFlee2,10; if(JobLevel>=70) autobonus "{ bonus bBaseAtk,50; }",10,10000,BF_WEAPON,"{ specialeffect2 EF_POTION_BERSERK; }"; if(getrefine()>8) { bonus bCastrate,-20; bonus bDelayRate,-20; } },{},{}
  19. idk just a coincidence a semi intelligent player in a dying game would also be posting with the same name on a dying forum
  20. i think he wants it to work like high orc
  21. ua is a job name weird youd be missing any though unless your screwing with your files
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