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Everything posted by Naruto

  1. use save advanced feature in act editor to avoid furture problems easily
  2. first off if you are trying to make it from scratch this is how you add an alpha channel https://media.giphy.com/media/Qsz3fb6t6LKqRvSGoc/giphy.gif just flip tab and add new layer itll add as alhpa 1 then when you edit something https://media.giphy.com/media/lojV1PtvNcQ45I8WAZ/giphy.gif black is 100% transparent NO COLOR, NO NOTHING will show i copy and paste my RGB layer and paste it into my alpha channel now the grey is like 60% visible and the white is SOLID then... thats pretty much it but this is how i draw on the alpha channel ℳ???08/10/2019 in saving file is it 32 bit or 8 bit images? [̷̏̀͋̀̚B̮̀͠O̮̚͝T̵͠]̵Z̶͠e̴̮r̶͠e̶l08/10/2019 i clicked the alpha channel thing while saving its like when you save as layers or as a copy and no i just use 32 bit for everything is rgb targa not index 8bit ℳ???08/10/2019 ohh okie got it 8 bit index only for sprite images thanks :3 [̷̏̀͋̀̚B̮̀͠O̮̚͝T̵͠]̵Z̶͠e̴̮r̶͠e̶l08/10/2019 yeah not sure about skill effects though but heres another thing you should know https://media.giphy.com/media/cJG3jX8f5OiSVJfTJD/giphy.gif set your brush to 100% opacity and add a new layer then next to the new layer set layer opacity your brush wont over lap anymore if you un click then reapply copy paste https://media.giphy.com/media/Qsa35vKPyhTEZEtoBA/giphy.gif no problem
  3. I think your thinking to much about being unique and thought simplicity would be the most ideal approach but, youll quickly realized how you could be making something so much cooler but are limiting yourself to something you can easily interchange and improve rather then to just go wild to begin with and say ops, i did it again
  4. Tons of effects are linked to status icons like soul linker blue effect And convex mirror icon
  5. Yeah its a huge pain lol
  6. you gotta hex it to get visual changes in the top left corner with all your status information, but im pretty sure if you change those files in the GRF .. commands like jobchange... will probably be different Ahh im not really sure which ones are for the name , the only one ive changed was the High Magician a few hexing rules 1) There exists invisible characters in the grf file names... if your working with a grf editor, you might see yourself get stuck on characters but its just all merged and messy... also you can replace names completly and it doesnt matter HOW IT ENDS AS LONG AS THERE IS SPACE BETWEEN IT AND THE NEXT ENTRY, YOU CAN MAKE NAMES LONGER, OR SHORTER soo... WAVEMASTER CAN BE EXTENDED TO WAVEMASTERDDDDDD and still not screw anything Actually theirs a few things i need to verify but this is sure way to edit ^ I just dont test things like gluing everything together and I usually leave a space... never really got in my way until i tried hexing modern games because sometimes you see DOTS as 01 02 in hex and not 00 which is null or w/e 2)Has to remain the same size as you opened it, so you need to add 00 in the hex portions if your making smaller names or something 4)no backspace or using delete key, you have to use your arrow keys .. . . But i included my client that i use for editting... Use it as an example as to what not to edit, ive changed everything BUT the ingame names in that corner You can... but my PC blew up and this was my last back up make the names smaller or bigger, i was just making them fit... just check out rule 1) 2018-04-18bRagexeRE_patched232323.exe And btw i didnt give you the client with wavemaster written, that was an older one... just look it up and make sure its the same ... but the trans classes are a bit different
  7. just find it in your grf make a copy and add the new name to it add it to your english translation or replace it completely
  8. Just try deleting them and dropping it un identified
  9. View File Residential Apartments Interior Models Hi I finished the majority of my residential apartments 3d model sets, missing a few little things... food, toilet paper rolls, and a few jackets to hang up instead of just those dresses Also I saved them as KITCHEN and not APARTMENTS... itd take a few minutes to fix but leaving it as it is... I included my personal map with this in case someone wants to make something and have me include it in my game, these walls are split in half for the interior... and the sizes are good for iro sprites and mine... btw sorry if you were building with any of my old models Submitter Naruto Submitted 09/14/2019 Category Models Video Content Author Lllaaazzz  
  10. Version 1.2.0


    Hi I finished the majority of my residential apartments 3d model sets, missing a few little things... food, toilet paper rolls, and a few jackets to hang up instead of just those dresses Also I saved them as KITCHEN and not APARTMENTS... itd take a few minutes to fix but leaving it as it is... I included my personal map with this in case someone wants to make something and have me include it in my game, these walls are split in half for the interior... and the sizes are good for iro sprites and mine... btw sorry if you were building with any of my old models
  11. cant you just make the grid bigger and give them more range ?
  12. alpha_center.tga alpha_down.tga but once you touch these your gonna have to re do them all... things like sanctuary, warp portal use these files and will go blank and invisible until you re save the ones associated with them data\texture\effect\alpha2.tga data\texture\effect\alpha3.tga data\texture\effect\alpha_center.tga data\texture\effect\alpha_down.tga data\texture\effect\alpha_left.tga data\texture\effect\alpha_right.tga data\texture\effect\alpha_upper.tga something like that, just delete your texture folder and cast sprites shouldnt have any issues... very plainly visible
  13. yeah we do get a few to play with though for customization at least q_q after looking them up... more then a few...
  14. Love how we can only use 1 sprite for dying animations, meanwhile monsters can have like 30-100 frames you kinda just plop over and die ?
  15. Naruto


    what emulator is the second test where it worked
  16. Naruto


    what emulator are you using for the first test ?
  17. probably built into the item id just change item id to something high and unused
  18. Naruto


    what do you mean ? example
  19. just dont write it in the description and negate it in the db
  20. Try this file in your pre re or renewal folder pet_db.yml BTW you can copy and paste all the contents from the renewal versrion which has the pet evolution system enabled ( pre re doesnt) and itll work fine, just a few missing item ids... just add them
  21. Yeah i just delete them till it works
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