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Everything posted by Rikimaru

  1. Why don't you just search the normal Eclipse Sprite and rename it to this?
  2. I searched on eAthena and found a post of AnnieRuru ,so I edited her Soul Linker NPC to make it work for you,like you wanted it to work. Here it is : http://pastebin.com/C2uH07ac
  3. Umm...I don't think that it's not that hard to script this NPC,why don't you try to do it by yourself?Although I don't get the last part,does the Player get the Headgear now or is he only able to wear the sprite until he finished the Quest?
  4. Same with me,I just see normal text and a few screens.
  5. Hello emong, this is easy to scripts,so I'd suggest you to think about it and then try to script scripts,which are easy like this by yourself. This time I made it for you,check this paste : http://pastebin.com/V9rG4LNS
  6. Same error with the Count to a Million Topic for me.
  7. Hmm...Maybe it's really just your internet lagging a bit and then the board stops loading the pictures,cause everything's working fine for me.
  8. Here it is : http://pastebin.com/EG40xJzy
  9. Nice nice,maybe I should start learning mapping. I want to create some maps for my favourite Server,too,but I wasn't able to work with the old Browedit. Hope to see more Updates on this soon.
  10. This should work for you now : disco,110,80,5 script WoE Prize 835,{ if ( agitcheck() ) goto L_woeon; switch(select("Kriemhild [Primary Castle]:Scarlet Palace [secondary Castle]")) { case 1: if ( getcastledata( "prtg_cas01", 1) != getcharid(2) ) goto L_not_owner; if ( $castle_claimed[1] ) goto L_claimed; if ( getguildmasterid( getcharid(2) ) != getcharid(0) ) goto L_not_gm; mes "receiving the reward for this castle"; getitem 13503,1; set $castle_claimed[1], 1; close; L_not_owner: mes "Your guild failed to take this castle"; mes "If your guild owned a castle ask your guild master to claim reward from me"; close; L_claimed: mes "Your guild already received the reward for this castle"; close; L_not_gm: mes "Ask your Guild Master to see me"; close; case 2: if ( getcastledata( "payg_cas02", 1) != getcharid(2) ) goto L_not_owner2; if ( $castle_claimed2[1] ) goto L_claimed2; if ( getguildmasterid( getcharid(2) ) != getcharid(0) ) goto L_not_gm2; mes "receiving the reward for this castle"; getitem 13504,1; set $castle_claimed2[1], 1; close; L_not_owner2: mes "Your guild failed to take this castle"; mes "If your guild owned a castle ask your guild master to claim reward from me"; close; L_claimed2: mes "Your guild already received the reward for this castle"; close; L_not_gm2: mes "Ask your Guild Master to see me"; close; } L_woeon: mes "A war is currently in progress"; mes "If your guild owned a castle ask your guild master to see me to claim the reward"; close; OnAgitEnd: set $castle_claimed[1], 0; // everytime woe ends the variable resets set $castle_claimed2[1], 0; // everytime woe ends the variable resets end; OnInit: waitingroom "Kriemhild Reward",0; end; }
  11. You could try this one,too,I just added a Derefiner and a Repairman to it,too. Here's the Link : https://rikisscripts.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/npc/Refiner.txt If you want the NPC to refine it just to +10 except to +100 then just change this part : mes "[smith]"; mes "Okay I'm going"; mes "to refine your Equipment"; mes "to +100,Thx for using my Service!"; next; for(set @part,1;@part<101;set @part,@part+1) if(getequipisequiped(@part)) while(getequiprefinerycnt(@part) < 100) successrefitem @part; mes "[smith]"; mes "Congrats Enjoy it!"; close; end; to this : mes "[smith]"; mes "Okay I'm going"; mes "to refine your Equipment"; mes "to +10,Thx for using my Service!"; next; for(set @part,1;@part<11;set @part,@part+1) if(getequipisequiped(@part)) while(getequiprefinerycnt(@part) < 10) successrefitem @part; mes "[smith]"; mes "Congrats Enjoy it!"; close; end; Have fun,I hope that I helped you.
  12. You mean,that you want every class,that wants to reborn,to need different items in that script? If yes,then the easiest way to do that would be working with arrays,so you set the array of the jobID's then of the req item for the classes and then 1 for the amount,I'd do it,but I'm scripting a different NPC at the moment,but maybe if you know how to work with arrays,then you could do it.
  13. As you can check in my Scripts SVN you can add this to the script from my Refiner,so it'll look like this : prontera,151,186,5 script Healer#h1-1::Healer 436,{ percentheal 100,100; sc_start SC_BLESSING,.duration,10; // Blessing lvl 10 sc_start SC_INCREASEAGI,.duration,10; // Increase agi lvl 10 while (getbrokenid(1)) { repair(1); set .@i, .@i +1; } if (.@i) dispbottom .@i + " items repaired."; end; } morocc,159,96,5 duplicate(Healer) Healer#h1-2 742 ayothaya,155,111,5 duplicate(Healer) Healer#h1-3 742 geffen,121,61,5 duplicate(Healer) Healer#h1-4 742 umbala,94,162,5 duplicate(Healer) Healer#h1-5 742 payon,180,105,5 duplicate(Healer) Healer#h1-6 742 alberta,185,144,5 duplicate(Healer) Healer#h1-7 742 aldebaran,134,123,5 duplicate(Healer) Healer#h1-8 742 izlude,125,118,5 duplicate(Healer) Healer#h1-9 742 xmas,149,136,5 duplicate(Healer) Healer#h1-10 742 comodo,188,162,5 duplicate(Healer) Healer#h1-11 742 amatsu,200,80,5 duplicate(Healer) Healer#h1-12 742 gonryun,164,130,5 duplicate(Healer) Healer#h1-13 742 yuno,152,186,5 duplicate(Healer) Healer#h1-14 742 niflheim,188,180,5 duplicate(Healer) Healer#h1-15 742 louyang,225,103,5 duplicate(Healer) Healer#h1-16 742 This script is going to heal and buff the player, + if he/she has broken items,the items will be repaired and they will have a Message in the Chat,with the Item Name,which was repaired.
  14. Ja da hast du recht tr0n,deswegen wenn ich einen Server habe,ist es immer ein internationaler , hatte bei meinem letzten Server beim Server start schon 10 Spieler drauf und danach waren zwischen 30 und 35 durchgängig online,allerdings als ich angefangen habe hat mir jemand den Server bezahlt,da war die Bedingung aber das es ein reiner deutscher Server ist,und da hatte ich zwischen 5 und 10. Aber wie gesagt,wenn du deutsche Server Dateien haben willst,kannst du ja ein Projekt erstellen und dir helfen lassen.Ich würde in meiner Freizeit auch ein bisschen helfen,aber ich bin im Moment aber Developer auf einem anderem englischen Server , und arbeite an einem längeren Script,der bis jetzt funktioniert aber jetzt muss ich noch ein paar arrays einbauen und den NPC die arrays abrufen lassen,das könnte noch ein bisschen dauern,aber wenn ich damit fertig bin kann ich ja noch gucken wenn du das Projekt hast,das ich dann ein paar NPC's übersetze.
  15. Kannst ja selber ein Projekt starten,an dem andere leute dann teilnehmen können,wo geholfen wird NPC's von Englisch nach Deutsch zu übersetzen,das wäre jetzt meine idee,wobei ich halt doch eher den Server auf Englisch lassen würde,da ich es gerne habe wenn nicht nur deutsche Spieler auf dem Server sind,sondern auch englische Spieler.
  16. Umm... And Judas,if the 2012 clients most have not functinal packets,and they're getting the clif_parse error : Unknown Packet Version,then maybe you could tell the people,how to use the newest 2012 clients maybe?I'd like to use 2012 clients like 2012-05-09b , but it's not working for me. Maybe you could make a Guide for that?
  17. This could be the Item Script for a Poring Suit : 19002,Poring_Suit,Poring Suit,5,10,,100,,1,,0,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,16,,0,1,0,{ bonus bAllStats,-9999; },{ atcommand "@disguise 1002"; },{ atcommand "@undisguise"; } Just change the 1002 to the Mob ID,which you want the Suit ,to disguise the player to.
  18. Okay thank you for the information,that there is a bug. I'm going to fix the bug asap.
  19. Oh my god Olrox,this is an awesome Map! All the effects,all the things in one map,I'm already thinking about a Story for a "destroyed Prontera". It looks just like I said,awesome.
  20. Rikimaru

    Map Error

    Okay,I already thought,that we won't be able to fix it.
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