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Everything posted by Rikimaru

  1. Maybe it's this : //=========== TIMER SHOW ==================== <header>,{ mes "^66CCFF[Mining Area]^000000"; mes "Mining Time Limit:"; mes "^FF0000" + mine_day$ + "/" + mine_month$ + "/" + mine_year$ + " " + mine_hour$ + ":" + mine_minute$ + "^000000"; close; } //=========================================== Shouldn't you change the <header> to something else?
  2. This is the German Support Section,where people can ask for help in their language,if they are not really good at english,so they're allowed to talk in other languages in the International Support Section. @qunleszx : Ich weiß nicht ob es sowas gibt,da müsste man glaube ich eine neue MySQL Table in den Server integrieren,so wie die MySQL Table für die normale Storage und ich glaube dann bräuchte man noch ein paar Source edits. Könnte schon etwas dauern bis ich sowas fertig habe,muss ich mal schauen.
  3. Das ist schon klar das nicht zu unterschätzen,ich übersetzte im Moment 2 scripts also wolfchev und lhzb4 von Spanisch ins englische,also das ist schon nicht gerade wenig. Deswegen sollte man auch ein größeres Projekt machen und sich viele hilfsbereite Leute suchen,die auch die NPC's ins deutsche übersetzt haben wollen.
  4. Are the accname.lua , accname.lub / accessoryid.lua and accessoryid.lub having the same Headgear View's in the tables. I've had this error,when I edited my accname.lua and accessoryid.lua and I didn't convert them into .lub files. Else,does your client use the Read LUA First Diff? And,why don't you just copy the tabbings of other headgears and paste them to your headgears?
  5. Brian is right,you'll just have to find the right people.
  6. Könnte auch sein das dein Client,falls es nicht dein eigener ist,sondern der von einem anderen Server .dll Dateien benutzt,die die .grf nicht öffnen lassen,bzw. man errors bekommt. Außerdem könnte es sein das du irgendetwas bei erstellen der .grf falsch gemacht hast und sie so unbrauchbar ist.
  7. Hmm...seems like your firewall doesn't accept the ports,try to set the ports and allow them for your firewall.
  8. Did you try to restart server?Did you add the script to the server correctly? If you did everything,then I'd suggest you to check your map server again and check if there is an error.
  9. I got an error on mob.c when I try to recompile my Map Server after applying the patch...
  10. You want to change the Font of the Client? That means that you have to Diff a new Client with another font.
  11. Yes sure,then you'll have to add : if(countitem(ITEMID) < ITEM AMOUNT) goto l_noitem; delitem ITEMID,ITEM AMOUNT; getitem 501,1; and then add the l_noitem label which says : l_noitem: mes "[ NPC NAME ]"; mes "Sorry there are missing some items!"; close;
  12. Did you add the tabs? Normally it should work.
  13. You can use my Stat and Skill Points Seller,there you can set the zenycost by yourself. Check it out here : https://rikisscripts...kill_Seller.txt // = Script made by RIKIMARU on rathena.org // = Profile Link : // = http://rathena.org/board/user/434-rikimaru/ // = ENJOY THIS SCRIPT! // ================ rAthena Script ================================================== // ============== Information ======================================================= // = Stat and Skill Seller // = Made by : // = Rikimaru //===== Current Version: =================================================== //= 1.0 //===== Compatible With: =================================================== //= with any rAthena Revision //===== Description: ======================================================= //= This was a Requested Script,but it's useful for Newbie's //===== Additional Comments: =============================================== //= 1.0 Finished the Script [Rikimaru] //========================================================================= //= DO NOT REMOVE MY CREDITS AND CLAIM MY WORK AS YOURS //========================================================================= MAPNAME,XXX,YYY,D script Stat and Skill Seller NID,{ // ===================== Settings =========================== set .@skillname$,"^0000FF[ John ]^000000"; set .@zenyCost,100 // ================== End of Settings ======================= mes .@skillname$; mes "Hello ^FF0000["+strcharinfo(0)+"]^000000!"; mes "What do you want to do?"; next; switch(select("-Buy Stats:-Buy Skills:Cancel")) { case 1: mes .@skillname$; mes "Okay input the Amount"; mes "of Points you want to buy!"; mes "1 Point has a cost of 100 Zenny!"; next; mes .@skillname$; input .@amount; if( Zeny < ( .@amount * .@zenyCost ) ) { mes "You don't have enough money!"; close; } else { set Zeny, Zeny - ( .@amount * .@zenyCost ); set StatusPoint, StatusPoint + .@amount; mes "There,take them."; } case 2: mes .@skillname$; mes "Okay input the Amount"; mes "of Points you want to buy!"; mes "1 Point has a cost of 100 Zenny!"; next; mes .@skillname$; input .@amount; if( Zeny < ( .@amount * .@zenyCost ) ) { mes "You don't have enough money!"; close; } else { set Zeny, Zeny - ( .@amount * .@zenyCost ); set SkillPoint, SkillPoint + .@amount; mes "There,take them."; } case 3: close; } }
  14. Like I've shown you in the other Topic,I don't think that Lunar Cast added a Monster Kill Requirement Function to his Dynamic shop menu,to make a Quest NPC with Monster Kill Requirements you'll have to make it like this : NPC HEADER { mes "You have to kill:"; mes "100 Porings..."; mes "100 Fabres..."; mes "and 100 Chonchons"; next; if(PoringKills < 100) goto l_nokills; if(FabreKills < 100) goto l_nokills; if(ChonKills < 100) goto l_nokills; set PoringKills,PoringKills - 100; set FabreKills,FabreKills - 100; set ChonKills,Chonkills - 100; getitem 501,1; close; l_nokills: mes "You didn't kill enough monsters!"; close; OnNPCKillEvent: if(killedrid == 1002) //1002 = Poring { set PoringKills,PoringKills + 1; }else if (killedrid == 1007) //1007 = Fabre { set FabreKills,FabreKills + 1; }else if (killedrid == 1011) //1011 = Chonchon { set ChonKills,ChonKills + 1; } end; }
  15. What do you mean with that? Do you want that the Player has to kill 100 Necromancer and 100 Porings first,before he/she get's the item? I don't think that Lunarcast added this function to his Dynamic Shop menu,so the function for a Monster Kill requirement would be like this : NPC HEADER { mes "You have to kill:"; mes "100 Porings..."; mes "100 Fabres..."; mes "and 100 Chonchons"; next; if(PoringKills < 100) goto l_nokills; if(FabreKills < 100) goto l_nokills; if(ChonKills < 100) goto l_nokills; set PoringKills,PoringKills - 100; set FabreKills,FabreKills - 100; set ChonKills,Chonkills - 100; getitem 501,1; close; l_nokills: mes "You didn't kill enough monsters!"; close; OnNPCKillEvent: if(killedrid == 1002) //1002 = Poring { set PoringKills,PoringKills + 1; }else if (killedrid == 1007) //1007 = Fabre { set FabreKills,FabreKills + 1; }else if (killedrid == 1011) //1011 = Chonchon { set ChonKills,ChonKills + 1; } end; }
  16. The Item Script to disguise a Player into a different Job would be like this : ITEMID,Swordsman_Armor,Swordsman Armor,5,10,,,,1,,4,0xFFFFFFFF,31,2,16,,0,1,,{},{ changebase 1; },{ changebase Class; } The changebase means,that the Suit changes the Character's Sprite into the Sprite of Job ID 1,which is Swordsman,so if you want other Jobs than swordsman you have to change the "1" into another Job ID like 7 or something else. But this problem was cleared already in other topics,so try to use the search function next time please.
  17. Rock,Paper,scrissors and Mini Dice Event,are not automated,they're just NPC's and if a Player clicks them they can play the game. Only the guess the number event is automated.
  18. Yeah,but if you want to check both you have to make it like this : if( JobLevel == 50 && BaseLevel == 99 ) { mes "[ NPC NAME ]"; mes "Do sth. "; close; } The Script Commands which are used in the { } is the thing,which is going to happen if the Job Level of the Player is 50 AND the BaseLevel of the Player is 99. So it's really easy to check job and base level
  19. Rikimaru


    Also unbedingt brauch man das nicht,aber im prinzip ist es mir egal ob es einen gibt oder nicht. Ich wäre hauptsächlich im englischen Bereich im IRC unterwegs,deswegen ist es mir auch egal
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