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Everything posted by Rikimaru

  1. What do you want to do with the script?
  2. Here use it : royal_room3,102,120,3<tab>script<tab>Skull Exchanger<tab>795,{ set .@n$,"[ ^336699Skull Exchanger^000000 ]"; mes .@n$; mes "Hi ^ff8000"+strcharinfo(0)+"^000000,"; mes "tired from collecting skulls eh ? well don't worry because your hardwork all paid off this time because you can exchange Skulls to iRO Cash Tokens."; next; mes .@n$; mes "You have "+countitem(7420)+" Skulls!"; mes "Just Remeber that 250 Skulls is equivalent to 5 iRO Cash Token."; mes "500 Skulls is equivalent to 10 iRO Cash Tokens!"; mes "750 Skulls is equivalent to 15 iRO Cash Tokens!"; mes "1000 Skulls is equivalent to 20 iRO Cash Tokens!"; next; OnStartexchange: mes .@n$; mes "Do you want to exchange your Skulls for iRO Cash Tokens ?"; next; switch(select("Yes,I'd be glad to:What can I buy with iRO Cash Tokens?:No,not right now")) { case 1: mes .@n$; mes "The Exchange Rate is 250 Skulls = ^0000FF5 iRO Cash Tokens^000000."; mes "Now you can choose if you want to exchange 250,500,750 or 1000 Skulls for tokens!"; next; switch(select("Exchange 250 Skulls:Exchange 500 Skulls:Exchange 750 Skulls:Exchange 1000 Skulls")) { case 1: if(countitem(7420) < 250) { mes .@n$; mes "Sorry but you don't have enough Skulls!"; close; } mes .@n$; mes "Okay let me exchange your skulls."; next; mes .@n$; mes "..."; delitem 7420,250; getitem 20001,5; next; mes .@n$; mes "The Exchange was sucessfull. You can now purchase items at the Cash Shop."; close; case 2: if(countitem(7420) < 500) { mes .@n$; mes "Sorry but you don't have enough Skulls!"; close; } mes .@n$; mes "Okay let me exchange your skulls."; next; mes .@n$; mes "..."; delitem 7420,500; getitem 20001,10; next; mes .@n$; mes "The Exchange was sucessfull. You can now purchase items at the Cash Shop."; close; case 3: if(countitem(7420) < 750) { mes .@n$; mes "Sorry but you don't have enough Skulls!"; close; } mes .@n$; mes "Okay let me exchange your skulls."; next; mes .@n$; mes "..."; delitem 7420,750; getitem 20001,15; next; mes .@n$; mes "The Exchange was sucessfull. You can now purchase items at the Cash Shop."; close; case 4: if(countitem(7420) < 1000) { mes .@n$; mes "Sorry but you don't have enough Skulls!"; close; } mes .@n$; mes "Okay let me exchange your skulls."; next; mes .@n$; mes "..."; delitem 7420,1000; getitem 20001,20; next; mes .@n$; mes "The Exchange was sucessfull. You can now purchase items at the Cash Shop."; close; } case 2: mes .@n$; mes "iRO Cash Tokens is to be clicked then you get 10 Cash Points."; mes "If you want to check what items are available, talk to the Cash Shop."; next; goto OnStartexchange; case 3: mes .@n$; mes "Okay goodbye!"; close; } } Have fun with the Script!
  3. I made one really fast,where the Players can choose if they want to exchange 250 Skulls,500 Skulls,750 Skulls or 1000 Skulls for Tokens. royal_room3,102,120,3<tab>script<tab>Skull Exchanger<tab>795,{ set .@n$,"[ ^336699Skull Exchanger^000000 ]"; mes .@n$; mes "Hi ^ff8000"+strcharinfo(0)+"^000000,"; mes "tired from collecting skulls eh ? well don't worry because your hardwork all paid off this time because you can exchange Skulls to iRO Cash Tokens."; next; mes .@n$; mes "You have "+countitem(7420)+" Skulls!"; mes "Just Remeber that 250 Skulls is equivalent to 5 iRO Cash Token."; mes "500 Skulls is equivalent to 10 iRO Cash Tokens!"; mes "750 Skulls is equivalent to 15 iRO Cash Tokens!"; mes "1000 Skulls is equivalent to 20 iRO Cash Tokens!"; next; OnStartexchange: mes .@n$; mes "Do you want to exchange your Skulls for iRO Cash Tokens ?"; next; switch(select("Yes,I'd be glad to:What can I buy with iRO Cash Tokens?:No,not right now")) { case 1: mes .@n$; mes "The Exchange Rate is 250 Skulls = ^0000FF5 iRO Cash Tokens^000000."; mes "Now you can choose if you want to exchange 250,500,750 or 1000 Skulls for tokens!"; next; switch(select("Exchange 250 Skulls:Exchange 500 Skulls:Exchange 750 Skulls:Exchange 1000 Skulls")) { case 1: if(countitem(7420) < 250) { mes .@n$; mes "Sorry but you don't have enough Skulls!"; close; } mes .@n$; mes "Okay let me exchange your skulls."; next; mes .@n$; mes "..."; delitem 7420,250; getitem 20001,5; next; mes .@n$; mes "The Exchange was sucessfull. You can now purchase items at the Cash Shop."; close; case 2: if(countitem(7420) < 500) { mes .@n$; mes "Sorry but you don't have enough Skulls!"; close; } mes .@n$; mes "Okay let me exchange your skulls."; next; mes .@n$; mes "..."; delitem 7420,500; getitem 20001,10; next; mes .@n$; mes "The Exchange was sucessfull. You can now purchase items at the Cash Shop."; close; case 3: if(countitem(7420) < 750) { mes .@n$; mes "Sorry but you don't have enough Skulls!"; close; } mes .@n$; mes "Okay let me exchange your skulls."; next; mes .@n$; mes "..."; delitem 7420,750; getitem 20001,15; next; mes .@n$; mes "The Exchange was sucessfull. You can now purchase items at the Cash Shop."; close; case 4: if(countitem(7420) < 1000) { mes .@n$; mes "Sorry but you don't have enough Skulls!"; close; } mes .@n$; mes "Okay let me exchange your skulls."; next; mes .@n$; mes "..."; delitem 7420,1000; getitem 20001,20; next; mes .@n$; mes "The Exchange was sucessfull. You can now purchase items at the Cash Shop."; close; } case 2: mes .@n$; mes "iRO Cash Tokens is to be clicked then you get 10 Cash Points."; mes "If you want to check what items are available, talk to the Cash Shop."; next; goto OnStartexchange; case 3: mes .@n$; mes "Okay goodbye!"; close; } } Have fun,I hope you like it.
  4. No Problem,also you could check out the wiki for more information about script commands. Here's the link : http://www.rathena.org/wiki/Main_Page
  5. Did you realize one thing: // If you want to change the item ID of the Gold Coin, edit here if(countitem(7420) < @coinschange) goto L_NOTENOUGH; delitem 7420,@coinschange; // If you want to change the echange rate, edit here // If you DO change the rate, don't forget to change the dialogue too! set @getitem,@coinschange * 5; getitem 20001,@coinschange; //input here your custom pods For me this part looks like you can put in,that you want to exchange 1 skull and then the NPC checks if there is 1 skull in the inventory of the Player,and if that's the truth,then the NPC exchanges the skull for the pods? Or did I get something wrong?
  6. What is the name of the NPC?Where is the NPC's location?If you give me this information I'm going to find that npc script and remove it for you.
  7. Kein Problem,wenn du sonst noch fragen hast,ich bin da!
  8. Hallo Lawliet, ich habe eben einmal in der SVN geguckt,und du musst einfach nur als erstes dafür sorgen das dein rAthena Server Renewal benutzt. Dazu gehst du in deinen src/map/config/ Ordner von rAthena und öffnest die renewal.h datei,da kannst du dann alles zu Renewal einstellen,ob der server 3rd Job Classes benutzt oder nicht. Dann musst du natürlich deinen Server recompilen. Danach gehst du so wie gewohnt in deinen conf/battle ordner,kannst da dann Max Stats und alles einstellen. Dann solltest du in den /db/ Ordner gehen und dort dann in den /re/ ordner,da dein Server Renewal benutzt. Dann öffnest du die exp.txt und stellst Max Level für alle Jobs ein. Aber das Max Level liegt standardmäßig bei 150 also solltest du wenn du ein höheres Level für deinen Server möchtest vorher in den src/map/ Ordner und die map.h datei öffnen und dort dann das Max Level höher als 150 setzen. Natürlich dann wieder recompilen und dann noch Server IP und ports einstellen bzw. inter_athena.conf ändern und dann server Starten.
  9. Oh yes,that's really a good idea!
  10. -Counter Strike -Dota 2
  11. use this : prontera,141,181,5<tab>script<tab>Sample<tab>100,{ set .@n$,"[ NPC NAME ]"; mes .@n$; mes "...."; set VARIABLE,1; next; mes .@n$; mes "Now talk to npc 2."; close; } prontera,143,181,5<tab>script<tab>Sample2<tab>100,{ set .@n$,"[ NPC NAME 2 ]"; if(VARIABLE==1) { mes .@n$; mes "Hey,you already talked to NPC 1."; mes "Nice!"; close; } else { mes .@n$; mes "Talk to NPC 1 first!"; close; } You just set a VARIABLE and then in the 2nd NPC you use if(VARIABLE==1) and then you can set the text,which you want the NPC to say if the Player already talked to NPC 1.
  12. Are you using the Dynamic Shop Quest NPC Menu , which was made by Lunar? Then you should use this one : https://rikisscripts.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/npc/Quest_Shop_Lunar.txt
  13. Did you put your splitted login screen into the correct folder?
  14. If you want to use rAthena,then you'll need the rAthena Software , which you can get here : Downloads you need : - rAthena SVN - Ragnarok Online Clients <--- Keikun or Ragnarok Online Clients here <----- Judas - Data Folder - Lua Project - Lua Files - Lub Files - Miruku or kRO and kRE I'd suggest : - Basic rAthena Client Tool to Diff your own Client : - Shins Diffpatcher Remember that you need Tortoise SVN,just check google for Tortoise SVN. About Guides. Umm... I haven't seen a lot of Guides about how to set up a full RO Server atm,but just check a few topics here for more informaion. Good Luck,I hope that I helped you!
  15. Why should this be a good addittion to the rAthena Software? Do you have any reasons,why you want it to see in the rAthena Software? Just because it's faster to increase the Monster HP and SP with one edit?If you set the amout too high,you'll error your server I think.
  16. Alejandra , te amo means I love you / I like you. it's italian , amo is the first person singular of the verb amare , which means (to) love sb./sth. te amo - I love you. That's what it means,yeah,I know that,because I'm italian.
  17. So you want to have 4 Reborns,and they always have to bring the NPC Items to reborn again,I could just copy and paste it from that NPC and make it like that You'll just have to change theese things : prontera,155,180,4<tab>script<tab>ThirdReborn<tab>100,{ set .@maxblevel , 99; set .@maxjlevel , 70; set .@reqitem,7292; // CHANGE THIS TO YOUR ITEM ID,WHICH IS THE REQUIRED ITEM set .@reqitemamt, 5; // CHANGE THIS TO YOUR ITEM AMOUNT,WHICH IS THE REQUIRED AMOUNT set .@rebornmax, 10; // THIS IS THE MAXIMUM OF TIMES,WHICH THE PLAYERS CAN REBORN mes "[Third Reborn]"; if(reborncount < 2) { mes "You didn't take second reborn yet."; close; } if(reborncount >= .@rebornmax) { mes "You cannot reborn anymore."; close; } if(Upper != 1 || BaseLevel < .@maxblevel || JobLevel < .@maxjlevel || countitem(.@reqitem) < .@reqitemamt ) { mes "You need to be Base Lvl: "+.@maxblevel; mes "You need to be Job Lvl: "+.@maxjlevel; mes "You need to have "+.@reqitemamt+" "+getitemname(.@reqitem); mes "You dont have enough requirements!"; close; } mes "Congratulations you are now reborn!"; delitem .@reqitem,.@reqitemamt; jobchange Job_Novice_High; resetlvl(1); skill 142,1,0; skill 143,1,0; set reborncount, reborncount+1; ResetStatus; set StatusPoint, StatusPoint+(reborncount*100); announce strcharinfo(0)+" has been reborn "+reborncount+" times.",0; close; } That's all you have to do. Credits go to deathscythe13 for the Script,I just changed it for him.
  18. And then the Player gets the Headgear after finishing the Quest,right?Then why don't you use the Dynamic Shop Menu,which was made by Lunar on eathena.ws? I just fixed the errors,which were shown in the Map Server,here's the Link : Lunar's fixed Quest Shop
  19. - Update : - Added 4 new Requested Scripts - Checked the Guess the Number Event,and normal Players aren't able to start the event,just the first time if a Player talks to the NPC,the NPC announces,that the Guess the number Event started,so the Players are not able to start it,because it starts with the OnMinute script command. - Now added the Guess the Number not automated event,which is just going to start if a GM lvl 40 or higher activates it. More changes coming soon.
  20. You can find the normal Eclipse sprite if you open the data.grf or rdata.grf with grftool and then search for it,that's how I search for mobs,which I'm recoloring.
  21. Just read the scripting guides on the wiki and check out the script commands,that's how I learned scripting. http://www.rathena.org/wiki/Main_Page
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