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Everything posted by Rikimaru

  1. Hmm... Do you mean,you have a normal Website,where you can vote and then you want the account to have points? Or do you already use a CP,where you can vote,and if you have got a CP,which one are you using? Please be more specific if you want some more help,it's useless to use Jaypee's V4P Add-on if you're using Starsgames CP or CeresCP.
  2. I made one like this a long time ago,so I logged into my Game and took a Screenshot fast,mine looks like this,but I think it's a bit little,because they still see the head : You can see the Screen,which I made here :
  3. 1st : I'd suggest you to use the rAthena Emulator,since eAthena is almost dead(that's just my opinion,but check the board,there are no Updates/Topics,like here on rAthena,which get posted daily.),since rAthena has a really professional Staff,who is working on the emulator. 2nd : For all item effects check out your Server Folder/doc/item_bonus.txt or check the one of rAthena here : https://rathena.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/rathena/trunk/doc/item_bonus.txt
  4. setscript changes the Item Script of an item. As example,you have a Hat[0] and then you talk to an npc,who changes the Hat[0] effect to bonus bAllstats,1; Then after relogging the effect is removed,that's what he meant and he wants to add a Timer to the script,so that the Timer starts again after logging out and then logging in,except if the timer is removed by the player. I could do that.
  5. Rikimaru

    Map Error

    So the Map Server gives you that Error Message?
  6. Seems like your using the wrong LUA files for your client.
  7. cool :3 some examples would be nice I guess it'll be like this one (the shadow sizes for 4 monsters were first changed during 2011-06-01 maintenance): http://images.skylin...ow_radius_2.png http://images.skylin...ow_radius_3.png http://images.skylin...ow_radius_4.png Okay thank you for the information
  8. Really nice,gonna wait for more Updates.
  9. You can check that in the /db folder in the packet_db.txt and in /src/common/mmo.h ,also you set the packet_ver in the mmo.h Good Luck.
  10. Then you'll have to change the lights in the map,but for that you need to know,how to work with browedit,there is only day; or night;
  11. Just add this to the item : <Item Script>,VIEWID,{YOUR EFFECT WITH CONCENTRATION LEVEL 4;},{},{ sc_end SC_CONCENTRATION; }
  12. Kenpachi hat recht. Der einzige Emulator mit 3rd Classes war 3CeAM und das wars,alleine schon was an Bugfixes hier abgeht ist echt gut,deswegen sind auch mega viele leute von eA zu rA gewechselt,weil rA einfach abgeht wie eine Feuerwerk Rakete. Okay das war jetzt kein gutes beispiel aber egal,ihr versteht was ich damit gemeint habe.
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LwkaoC8i6Ko
  14. Doesn't look really bad,but for me I don't really like green. If I hear "Mana" I think of Mana on Warcraft III ,which was colored blue , but the font looks nice,maybe you could add an item to it or a RO Character,so it looks more RO-ish.
  15. Looks nice,good that you gave the credits to Beowulf and Dekamaster,too,most of the people don't do that,but maybe you could make it a bit more , let me call it interesting? It looks like a normal Ceres CP for me with a little integration,but for me it doesn't really look integrated,it's no bad work and this is just my opinion,but anyways,nice design.
  16. Really nice Loading Screens,I love them,they're really good.
  17. Muss ich tr0n auch zustimmen,eA is ja wirklich sozusagen tot und rA macht dafür umso mehr Updates,die auch echt super funktionieren! Also ein hoch auf rA würde ich mal sagen.
  18. Ne Problem war nicht gelöst,aber viele haben mir dann gesagt,das das Flux CP besser ist und dann bin ich umgestiegen auf das Flux CP. Trotzdem danke!
  19. Tut mir leid das ich dir nicht mehr informationen geben kann,aber ich würde mal sagen,dass er schon lange nicht mehr in eathena eingeloggt war. Man kann nur hoffen,das er vielleicht mal wieder kommt. Schau dir das an was im eAthena profil steht : Last Seen: 5th September 2010 - 03:00 PM
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