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Everything posted by Rikimaru

  1. Yeah,I know that I said that,but if you click the download link in my First Post,then you'll see that there are 7 documents in the .rar file , all 6 iRO Daily Quests + 1 Document where all Daily Quests are added in 1 document.
  2. I already finished the iRO Daily Quests,I don't find more than theese.
  3. Umm...I'd suggest you to use Mob ID's like 2400 not 4000... Also make sure to add your custom mobs to the mob_db2.txt.
  4. Nice Website,but maybe you should make a smaller test size for the Copyright,because the Copyright is quite big. Also maybe you could add more Features to that , like a little place on the website for a Facebook Plugin,which a lot of server's use and maybe some more links to more sites,but all in all,for your first coded Website it seems really nice.
  5. @PiroKun : The Exp is the same as your server is using. If you're using Renewal,then it's the Renewal Exp rate,if it's not renewal,then it'll be non renewal Exp. @Keim : Thank you!
  6. My Desktop,sorry for this mess :
  7. hyrule = the Map name,where the NPC is placed on. 123 = the X-Coordinate,where the NPC is going to appear (on the Map Hyrule) 68 = the Y-coordinate,where the NPC is going to appear (on the Map Hyrule) 5 = the Direction of the NPC,that means,where he is looking at ( Check out the Wiki for more information about this ). script = meanst,that it's a NPC Script,it means,it's no shop,it's no cashshop,it's a script Refiner = the NPC name,the name which is going to appear if you Hover the NPC 909,{ = 909 is the Npc Sprite of the Npc and the ,{ means that the script starts now. Check out the rAthena Wiki for more information about Scripting. http://www.rathena.org/wiki
  8. Awesome,there are the new Connections from map to map now !
  9. Really nice work. I love your Websites. Keep it up!
  10. so why you're working with scripts if you aren't interested in them ? Confuses me.. I exactly thought the same when I have read this.
  11. aww i used : swtich(select("Reset Zeny:Player View:Cancel")) { It's a little typo,replace it with this : switch(select("Reset Zeny:Player View:Cancel")) { sorry about theese little typos.
  12. You could use GorthexTiger and Nibi's Hourly Points script and modify it,to something like this and then it will work : //===== Hourly Points Script ========================================= //===== By: ========================================================== //= GorthexTiger modified by Nibi and Rikimaru //===== Current Version: ============================================= //= 1.4 //===== Compatible With: ============================================= //= Any e/rAthena Version //===== Description: ================================================= //= Get Points every successful hours of gameplay, you cannot get //= the Points even if you miss a second or a minute. A player will //= get a very big bonus if they played 12 hours consecutively //= or without logging out of the game. If the player is vending //= the script will then stop. //===== Additional Comments: ========================================= //= You can modify the script to your liking. //= The default Points is Kafrapoints change it anyway if you like. //= 1.1 = Check Chatting too //= 1.2 = 5 Minute Idle Check & @at/@autotrade check. //= 1.3 = Corrected the current balance line on 12 Hours Consecutive //= 1.4 = Edited the Script for Khaii on rathena.org/board //==================================================================== - script randomreward -1,{ //--Start of the Script OnPCLoginEvent: attachnpctimer ""+strcharinfo(0)+""; initnpctimer; end; OnTimer30000: //Check if Vending (normal or @at) if(checkvending() >= 1 || checkchatting() == 1) { stopnpctimer; end; } //Check if Idle getmapxy( .@map$, .@x, .@y, 0 ); if(@map$ == .@map$ && @x == .@x && @y == .@y) { set @afk, @afk + 1; } //If move timer resets else { set @afk, 0; } set @map$, .@map$; set @x, .@x; set @y, .@y; //Idle Check for 5 Minutes if(@afk == 5) { stopnpctimer; end; } end; OnTimer60000: set @minute, @minute + 1; //Check for 1 Minute if(@minute == 15){ set @minute,0; getitem -1,1; } stopnpctimer; initnpctimer; end; } //--End of the Script
  13. Okay here's the edited Script : prontera,155,181,5 script Sample 757,{ set .Guild,getcastledata( "prtg_cas01",1 ); if(getgmlevel () >=90) { mes "NPCNAME"; mes "Hello GM!What do you want to do"; next; swtich(select("Reset Zeny:Player View:Cancel")) { case 1: mes "NPCNAME"; mes "Okay reseting the Zeny."; set Zeny,Zeny - 2000000000; next; mes "NPCNAME"; mes "Okay I reseted the Zeny."; mes "Goodbye!"; close; case 2: goto OnPlayer; case 3: close; } } OnPlayer: if( getcharid(2) == .Guild ){ mes "^FF0000Current Tax : "+$Tax+" %"; mes "Total Earning : "+$Earn+" Zeny."; } mes "This Gold Room is currently owned by ^FF0000"+getguildname( .Guild )+" Guild^000000."; mes "You may hunt gold inside the room, but with a ^FF0000"+$Tax+" % Tax Rate^000000."; mes "Each kill in the Room you will gain 1 Points and each point equal to 100,000 zeny."; next; switch( select( "Hunt Gold", "Claim Zeny", ( strcharinfo(0) != getguildmaster( .Guild ) )?"":"[^0000FFMaster^000000] Claim Earn", ( strcharinfo(0) != getguildmaster( .Guild ) )?"":"[^0000FFMaster^000000] Change Tax" )){ Case 1: warp "mosk_que",0,0; end; Case 2: mes "You have "+#GoldPoint+" Points."; if( !#GoldPoint ) close; mes "How many you want to points claim ?"; input @Amount,0,#GoldPoint; if( !@Amount ) close; next; set #GoldPoint,#GoldPoint - @Amount; set .@Gain,(( @Amount * 100000 ) - ( @Amount * 100000 * $Tax / 100 )); set Zeny,Zeny + .@Gain; mes "Gained ^FF0000"+.@Gain+"^000000 Zeny due to Tax Rate of "+$Tax+" %"; close; Case 3: mes "Total Earning : "+$Earn+" Zeny."; if( select("Claim It:Cancel") == 2 ) close; mes "How much you want to claim ?"; do{ input @Amount,0,$Earn; if( !@Amount ) close; if( ( Zeny + @Amount ) > 1000000000 ) mes "Limit Exceed..."; }while( ( Zeny + @Amount ) > 1000000000 ); mes "Gained "+@Amount+" Zeny."; set Zeny,Zeny + @Amount; set $Earn,$Earn - @Amount; close; Case 4: mes "^FF0000Current Tax : "+$Tax+" %"; mes "Enter your New Tax Rate."; input $Tax,1,20; mes "^FF0000Updated Tax : "+$Tax+" %"; close; } OnInit: monster "mosk_que",0,0,"Gold",1002,100,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnMobKill"; end; OnMobKill: monster "mosk_que",0,0,"Gold",1002,1,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnMobKill"; set $Earn,$Earn + ( 100000 * $Tax / 100 ); set #GoldPoint,#GoldPoint + 1; dispbottom "Total Gold Point = "+#GoldPoint+" Points."; end; } mosk_que mapname nowarp mosk_que mapname nowarpto mosk_que mapname noSave mosk_que mapname noteleport mosk_que mapname nocommand 50
  14. Thank you Myrmiddon. Also all the Scripts are working,maybe something else is wrong with mrpc's files,because I have them added on my Server,too and they're working and I tested all of them Also,more things coming soon.
  15. If you restrict all Classes for izlude,then NOONE will every be able to go izlude again,except if you remove the Script. That means Izlude get's useless.
  16. I don't see exactly the same dialogues ,just with the Screenshots,they made on the Information Page,but I gave my best to make it exactly the same. Working on a few Scripts for my next Topic now. You can request a few Scripts,just send me a PM,and I'll give my best.
  17. You could try my Refiner/Derefiner/Repairman : // //=====// /==/ /==/ /==/ // // // /==/ /==/ /=/ /==/ // //=====// /==/ /=/ /==============/ /========/ /==//===/ /==/ /==/ // //=////// /==/ /==//=/ /==/ /==/==/==/==/==/ / / / /==/ /==/ /==/ // // == /==/ /==//=/ /==/ /==/ /==/ /==/ ======/ / /==/ /==/ /==/ // // == /==/ /==/ /=/ /==/ /==/ /==/ /==/ / /===/ / /==/ /==/ /==/ // // == /==/ /==/ /=/ /==/ /==/ /==/ /==/ / /===/ / /==/ /==/=====/==/ // // == /==/ /==/ /=/ /==/ /==/ /==/ /==/ /========/ /==/ /==///////==/ // ================ rAthena Script ================================================== //= Refiner and Repairman made by Rikimaru on rathena.org==// //=========================================================// //======== Description ====================================// //== Easy made Refiner with Repairman for new rAthena =====// //== Users. Please do not remove theese Credits ===========// //== Refines the complete Equipment to +10 and repairs ====// //== All broken items in the Players inventory ============// //================= Version : =============================// //============= V. 1.0 Bug Fixes by Rikimaru ==============// //=========== Credits End =================================// //===================== Script of Smith/Repairman =========// payon,163,214,3 script Smith 63,{ mes "[smith]"; mes "Hi,I can Refine your"; mes "Equipment to +100"; mes "or Repair your"; mes "Equipment.Also I'm able"; mes "to Derefine your Equipment."; mes "What do you want from me?"; next; switch(select("I want a Repair:I want a Refine:I want a Derefine:Nothing")) { case 1: mes "[smith]"; mes "Okay I'm going to repair"; mes "your Equipment."; next; while (getbrokenid(1)) { repair(1); set .@i, .@i +1; } if (.@i) dispbottom .@i + " items repaired."; mes "[smith]"; mes "Congrats!Enjoy!"; close; end; case 2: mes "[smith]"; mes "Okay I'm going"; mes "to refine your Equipment"; mes "to +10,Thx for using my Service!"; next; for(set @part,1;@part<101;set @part,@part+1) if(getequipisequiped(@part)) while(getequiprefinerycnt(@part) < 10) successrefitem @part; mes "[smith]"; mes "Congrats Enjoy it!"; close; end; case 3: mes "[ Smith ]"; mes "Okay I'm going to Derifne your Equipment now. You need 10.000 Zeny for that."; next; setarray .@a[1],256,16,32,2,4,64,8,128,512,1; select(getequipname(1),getequipname(2),getequipname(3),getequipname(4),getequipname(5),getequipname(6),getequipname(7),getequipname(8),getequipname(9),getequipname(10)); if ( !getequipisequiped(@menu) ) { mes "[ Smith ]"; mes "There's nothing equipped there..."; close; } if ( zeny < 10000 ) { mes "[ Smith ]"; mes "You don't have enough zeny"; close; } if ( getequiprefinerycnt(@menu) > 10 || getequiprefinerycnt(@menu) == 0 ) { mes "[ Smith ]"; mes "This item cannot be de-refined."; close; } atcommand "@refine "+ .@a[@menu] +" -1"; set zeny,zeny - 10000; mes "[ Smith ]"; mes "Your item has de-refined successfully"; close; case 4: mes "[ Smith ]"; mes "Okay,come back when you need me."; close; } }
  18. Try this : prontera,155,181,5 script Sample 757,{ set .Guild,getcastledata( "prtg_cas01",1 ); if(getgmlevel () >=90) { mes "NPCNAME"; mes "Hello GM!What do you want to do"; next; swtich(select("Reset Zeny:Player View:Cancel")) { case 1: mes "NPCNAME"; mes "Okay reseting the Zeny."; set Zeny,Zeny - 2000000000; next; mes "NPCNAME"; mes "Okay I reseted the Zeny."; mes "Goodbye!"; close; case 2: goto OnPlayer; case 3: close; } } OnPlayer: if( getcharid(2) == .Guild ){ mes "^FF0000Current Tax : "+$Tax+" %"; mes "Total Earning : "+$Earn+" Zeny."; } mes "This Gold Room is currently owned by ^FF0000"+getguildname( .Guild )+" Guild^000000."; mes "You may hunt gold inside the room, but with a ^FF0000"+$Tax+" % Tax Rate^000000."; mes "Each kill in the Room you will gain 1 Points and each point equal to 100,000 zeny."; next; switch( select( "Hunt Gold", "Claim Zeny", ( strcharinfo(0) != getguildmaster( .Guild ) )?"":"[^0000FFMaster^000000] Claim Earn", ( strcharinfo(0) != getguildmaster( .Guild ) )?"":"[^0000FFMaster^000000] Change Tax" )){ Case 1: warp "mosk_que",0,0; end; Case 2: mes "You have "+#GoldPoint+" Points."; if( !#GoldPoint ) close; mes "How many you want to points claim ?"; input @Amount,0,#GoldPoint; if( !@Amount ) close; next; set #GoldPoint,#GoldPoint - @Amount; set .@Gain,(( @Amount * 100000 ) - ( @Amount * 100000 * $Tax / 100 )); set Zeny,Zeny + .@Gain; mes "Gained ^FF0000"+.@Gain+"^000000 Zeny due to Tax Rate of "+$Tax+" %"; close; Case 3: mes "Total Earning : "+$Earn+" Zeny."; if( select("Claim It:Cancel") == 2 ) close; mes "How much you want to claim ?"; do{ input @Amount,0,$Earn; if( !@Amount ) close; if( ( Zeny + @Amount ) > 1000000000 ) mes "Limit Exceed..."; }while( ( Zeny + @Amount ) > 1000000000 ); mes "Gained "+@Amount+" Zeny."; set Zeny,Zeny + @Amount; set $Earn,$Earn - @Amount; close; Case 4: mes "^FF0000Current Tax : "+$Tax+" %"; mes "Enter your New Tax Rate."; input $Tax,1,20; mes "^FF0000Updated Tax : "+$Tax+" %"; close; } OnInit: monster "mosk_que",0,0,"Gold",1002,100,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnMobKill"; end; OnMobKill: monster "mosk_que",0,0,"Gold",1002,1,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnMobKill"; set $Earn,$Earn + ( 100000 * $Tax / 100 ); set #GoldPoint,#GoldPoint + 1; dispbottom "Total Gold Point = "+#GoldPoint+" Points."; end; } mosk_que mapname nowarp mosk_que mapname nowarpto mosk_que mapname noSave mosk_que mapname noteleport mosk_que mapname nocommand 50
  19. Try something like this : mapname,xxx,yyy,5<tab>script<tab>NPCNAME<tab>ID,{ OnMinute00: announce "Start event,event will be over in 30 Minutes",0; enablenpc "NPC's"; Start event scritps; close; end; OnMinute30: announce "Event is over now.",0; disablenpc "NPC's"; close; end; }
  20. Hmm... Did you change something in the Script? Okay I'm going to make my own Daily Quests now,too.
  21. I think ,that you could make it like this : prontera,155,181,5 script Sample 757,{ set .Guild,getcastledata( "prtg_cas01",1 ); if(getgmlevel () >=90) { mes "NPCNAME"; mes "Hello GM!What do you want to do"; next; swtich(select("Reset Zeny:Player View:Cancel")) { case 1: mes "NPCNAME"; mes "Okay reseting the Zeny."; set Zeny,Zeny - 2000000000; next; mes "NPCNAME"; mes "Okay I reseted the Zeny."; mes "Goodbye!"; close; case 2: goto OnPlayer; case 3: close; OnPlayer: if( getcharid(2) == .Guild ){ Add this to the Script.
  22. This is awesome! Thank you KeiKun,I even needed a new Client for my Server,my old one gives me a few errors
  23. If you want to have it every hour at the Minute of 15 then change OnMinute00: to OnMinute15: If you want to start the Event every 1 Hour and 15 Minutes then you could make it like this: mapname,xxx,yyy,5<tab>script<tab>npcname<tab>ID,{ OnClock0115: OnClock0330: OnClock0445: OnClock0600: OnClock0715: OnClock0830: OnClock0945: OnClock1100: OnClock1215: OnClock1330: OnClock1445: OnClock1600: OnClock1715: OnClock1830: OnClock1945: OnClock2100: OnClock2215: OnClock2330: OnClock0030: mes .@npcname$; mes "Things to do at that time goes here."; close; }
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