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Everything posted by Rikimaru

  1. Umm...I had an error like that on my Server one time,too,it was something with my item_db2.txt , because of my Custom Items and there was a Syntax Error or a wrong item bonus , which was not yet implemented like Emistry already said. Also I had a pc_bonus error , when I tested a Script,which automatically summons Mobs on a special time and if I use @killmonster my Mapserver gave me that error,so check NPC's and Custom Items or try to give us more Information about what your Mapserver gives you as an error message.
  2. Also ich habe Visual Studio neu installiert und bekomme jetzt leider noch mehr error Meldungen. Hast du denn MSN oder ähnliches Lawliet?dann könnten wir dort sprechen,sonst kann ich dir auch ein paar Sachen per PN schreiben,das ist sehr nett von dir.
  3. setarray .ItemID[0],7539,5022,512,607,608,7539,5022,512,607,608,7539,5022; setarray .Amount[0],1000,1,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12; This is going to be for January : Item ID 7539, Item Amount : 1000 After that for February : Item ID 5022, Item Amount : 1 After that for March : Item ID 512 , Item Amount : 3 So this is easy to change.
  4. Welcome to the rAthena Board!
  5. Here is a little Mini Dice Event Script made by me: //====================== rAthena Script =============================================================== //=== Made by Rikimaru //=== Topic Link : http://rathena.org/board/topic/58438-request-event-dice/ //==================== Information ==================================================================== //==== A Mini Dice Event Script //================= Version : ========================================================================= //=== V 1.1 Fixed a typo in the Script [ Rikimaru ] //=== V 1.0 Finished Scripting the Daily Reward Script [ Rikimaru ] //============== Credits : ============================================================================ //=== Credits to Rikimaru for the Daily Reward Script //=== rAthena Profile Link : http://rathena.org/board/user/434-rikimaru/ //===================================================================================================== //************************************************************************* prontera,151,191,5 script Mini Dice 872,{ //============================== Settings ============================================ set .@dicename$,"[ Dice Master ]"; set .cost,"1000000"; set .porincid,XXXX; set @pamount,XX; //========================= End of Settings ========================================== OnMenu: mes .@dicename$; mes "Hello " + strcharinfo(0) + " ,do"; mes "you want to play a round of dice?"; mes "if you want to play you need to "; mes "pay 1.000.000 Zenny every Round."; switch(select("Yes,sure!:No,I'm unlucky!")) { case 1: mes .@dicename$; if(Zeny < .cost) goto l_nozeny; set Zeny, Zeny - .cost; mes "Okay we'll start..."; set $@ran, rand(1,6); if ($@ran == 6) set .@dice1$,"6"; if ($@ran == 5) set .@dice1$,"5"; if ($@ran == 4) set .@dice1$,"4"; if ($@ran == 3) set .@dice1$,"3"; if ($@ran == 2) set .@dice1$,"2"; if ($@ran == 1) set .@dice1$,"1"; set $@ran2, rand(1,6); if ($@ran2 == 6) set .@dice2$,"6"; if ($@ran2 == 5) set .@dice2$,"5"; if ($@ran2 == 4) set .@dice2$,"4"; if ($@ran2 == 3) set .@dice2$,"3"; if ($@ran2 == 2) set .@dice2$,"2"; if ($@ran2 == 1) set .@dice2$,"1"; next; mes .@dicename$; mes "Okay I've got a " + .@dice1$ + ","; mes "You've got a " + .@dice2$+ " !"; next; if(.@dice1$ > .@dice2$) goto l_loose; if(.@dice1$ < .@dice2$) goto l_win; if(.@dice1$ == .@dice2$) goto l_draw; close; case 2: mes .@dicename$; mes "Okay bye!"; close; } l_nozeny: mes .@dicename$; mes "Sorry you need more Zenny!"; close; l_loose: mes .@dicename$; mes "Haha,sorry you lost."; goto OnMenu; close; l_draw: mes .@dicename$; mes "Draw,let's play again!"; goto OnMenu; close; l_win: goto OnPrize; OnPrize: mes .@dicename$; mes "Congratulations! You have won..."; mes "Take this as a Prize!"; next; mes .@dicename$; getitem .Poringcid,@pamount; mes "Goodbye!"; close; }[/codeBOX]
  6. Hmm...Aus irgendeinem Grund will mein Visual Studio nicht recompilen.Hätte jemand lust die letzte rAthena SVN als Renewal Server zu recompilen und die Server Daten dann hochzuladen? Oder kann das jemand mit meinem Server Ordner machen? Vielen Dank. MfG, ~Rikimaru
  7. Ich habe auch ein problem beim compilen : 1>c:usersXXXXXdownloadsrathena3rdpartymsinttypesincludestdint.h(43): fatal error C1083: Datei (Include) kann nicht geöffnet werden: "limits.h": No such file or directory und das kommt beim compilen ganz oft,was soll ich machen?
  8. setarray .ItemID[0],7539,5022,512,607,608,7539,5022,512,607,608,7539,5022; setarray .Amount[0],1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12; setarray .ItemID[0] sets the Item ID's , that means Players get Items with the ID 7539,5022,512,607,608 setarray .Amount[0] sets the Amount of the Item,which the Players get.
  9. Here you have the download link to the newest clients : http://subversion.assembla.com/svn/weetools/clients/
  10. Ich muss Realusion komplett zustimmen , warum weiter eathena benutzen , wenn es ein komplettes developement team gibt , das immer an den server dateien arbeitet? Es gibt doch nichts besseres als dies,oder nicht?
  11. If I sprite customs I just finish one bmp with a special .pal and save the pal , then load the .pal on the new bmp and start spriting again,to have the same colors on every frame. And like Gaypuff already said,the first color in the .pal has to be the background color,to make it transparent. Good Luck!
  12. It's easy to change,you'll just have to open the sprite with actor and edit the acts,so maybe you had a wrong act file.
  13. This script allows the Players to get the items if they talk to the NPC,you could add a baselevel requirement like this: prontera,155,181,4 script Sample 757,{ if(Baselevel < 99) goto OnFree; OnFree: if( !#Freebies && $Freebies < 100 ){ for( set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize( .Items ) - 1; set .@i,.@i + 1 ) getitem .Items[.@i],.Items[.@i + 1]; mes "Congratulations."; set #Freebies,1; set $Freebies,$Freebies + 1; }else{ mes "You cant take this anymore...."; } close; }
  14. Thank you for the Forum Ranks they look really nice , even if I don't have a server to use it on,but if I try to unzip it,I need a password. What is the password?
  15. You have to right click the .lua files and open them with the luac tool. I think there's a guide about that on google,so just search for a lua to lub files guide.
  16. I didn't mean to flame you,I'm scripting / helping a lot of people here on the rAthena board and no I don't try to spam for a Higher Rank position,I'm just trying to help,like I said. 20032,Spirit,Spirit,5,20,,100,,3,,2,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,1,,0,1,VIEWID,{ skill 482,5; skill 366,1; bonus bMdef,5; bonus bSpeedRate,50; },{},{} This would be the first Custom Item just to show you that I'm not spamming somewhere and to show you that I try to help and that I know how to do theese things. And 1 tipp: You could do this by yourself if you check your serverfolder/doc/item_bonus.txt Good luck. Greetings, ~ Rikimaru
  17. Yes you're not the only one that thinks that.
  18. Hört sich gut an. Wenn mir noch etwas einfällt sage ich dir bescheid.
  19. I would re-name the Mob spr and act like this : If there is a Mob Sprite that is named : õ»ç³¯°³ I would rename it to any Custom Mob name that fits together with the Sprite something like : Ryu,Megaman,Legendary Warrior,Legendary Skeleton , any mob name and then add it to the data folder into the Mobs folder and add it to the lua files. That's all.
  20. Ahh Okay then just do what I said ,add the sprites to the data folder like I told you to do it and after that add the Custom Armor and you'll be ready No Problems!
  21. try to make it : 4403, Kiel_Card, Kiel-D-01 Card, 6,20,, 10,,,,,,,, 769,,,,,{ if(!@e){ bonus bDelayRate,15;set @e,1;} },{},{}
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