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Everything posted by Rikimaru

  1. Hmm...Then there is definetly something wrong with your server,normally it should work now.
  2. Could you show us your scripts_custom.conf,which is in the npc folder?
  3. I said the same,but he said he already changed that.
  4. Yes,it resets the classes that have been hatreded!
  5. Okay thank you for the information,I didn't know that the problem has been something with the monster ID's, I thought it had been something with the source of the Server and the Client.
  6. Thank you Ziu and frenzmu06
  7. Doesn't look bad,but for me some more RO Characters are missing,that's the only thing I can say,the other things look really nice! 8/10
  8. Most of the private Server's have their own Special touch,because of the ideas of the Server Administrator. Every Server Administrator has his/her own ideas and high populated servers show,that they like this special touch of the Server,that's why they stay,but if the Administration changes and there isn't coming new stuff with this special stuff. That makes a lot of Player's leave theese Servers and that's why they have to close the Server after a few months. There are still RO Server owners,who are opening a Server just for fun,because they enjoy it,but a lot of people open RO Server's to make money with their server,that's why they accept donates and that's why they sell their Server if it's high populated,to get money.
  9. This topic is already really old if I may refer you to this : Posted 14 April 2012 - 06:04 PM ,but yes,you're right,this isn't really polite.
  10. You can refine them up to +100 with my Refiner here : https://rikisscripts.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/npc/Refiner.txt
  11. There are two things you'd have to change. The SRC of the rAthena Server files and the Clients Hex source,but I'm not really good at source editing and client hexing,so I hope that people,who know more than me are able to help you.
  12. I'd suggest you to read the Wiki Article about Custom Weapons here : http://rathena.org/wiki/Custom_weapons Good Luck at adding Custom Weapons!
  13. You have to check if a Custom Item,which you want to add into your Server has all the files,which means the drop sprite,which is actually the item bmp,which is shown if you open your item inventory,just compressed as a sprite,then the male and female .spr and .act ,which is the most important thing for a Custom Item Sprite,because theese are the images,which are shown if the Player is wearing the Custom Item,like Wings,and then you need a collection bmp,which is shown if you right click the custom item. So Good Luck if you already found out how to edit a Custom Item. Also,the visionary_tab was used with xRay,but xRay is no longer in use,because the xRay clients got outdated and now everyone uses the .lua and .lub files clients,because they're not outdated.
  14. He means,like you have your Patcherwebsite. Let's say it's like this for your RO Server : example-ro.com <--- Server website example-ro.com/patcher <----- The Patcher dictionary example-ro.com/patcher/patches/ <----- The dicrionary where you upload your patch files to. example-ro.com/patcher/patchlist.txt <------- Your Patchlist,which you change to add your patches. Now upload your patch file into example-ro.com/patcher/patches/ and let's call it patch001.gpf so you edit your patchlist.txt and add your patch001.gpf into the patchlist.txt like you should do it. Which Patcher are you using? Thor,Neoncube oder Jikari's Cube,or anything else?
  15. Nice Web Design and Patcher,keep it up.
  16. Warcraft III Reign of Chaos Warcraft III The Frozen Throne League of Legends Ragnarok Online Counter Strike that's all I play.
  17. There is no difference I think,maybe one of the battlegrounds is a newer version,but there is no difference I think.
  18. Why don't you just make it OnMinuteXX: then? So you check your clock,lets say it's 5:32PM now you make it like this : //if(gettime(4)==7) && (gettime(2)==1) { //enablenpc "Garden Entrance"; //this must be an issue, since if we here it's obiously enable OnMinute35: And then start your server,login and wait until it's 5:35PM and check if the NPC shows up.
  19. Okay in the Picture I see that it says this : 1st : the getmapmobs command was removed so change it to mobcount 2nd : The name Ancient Hero of the Garden is too long,change it to Ancient Hero 3rd : there is an unknown syntax at line 71,which I can't see in the picture,which you uploaded. 2nd Screenshot : 1st : set .garden$,"maze"; needs the ; at the end like pneuma already said. Now you say you still don't see the NPC? Hmm,did you fix all the tabbings? And also,did you check the script line under the header of the NPC? if(gettime(4)==6) && (gettime(3)==12) { Check the Wiki for this : http://rathena.org/wiki/Gettime It has a timer,it just shows up on Saturday because of gettime(4)==6 and at the hour of 12 because of gettime(3)==12 Good Luck,I hope that I have solved this little error now
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