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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/04/13 in all areas

  1. these are mostly unpopular scripts that probably not getting a lot of replies more popular ones will be in separated topics getitemname2 function for the moment use version 2.4 Global Function PS: why am I getting rep even before I make any release ? O.O
    9 points
  2. reviving this topic -> http://www.eathena.ws/board/index.php?showtopic=183485 add this into SVN BUILDIN_FUNC(getguildmember) { struct guild *g = guild_search( script_getnum(st,2) ); int i, j = 0, c = 0, type = 0; if ( script_hasdata(st,3) ) type = script_getnum(st,3); if ( g ) { for ( i = 0; i < MAX_GUILD; i++ ) { if ( g->member[i].account_id ) { switch ( type ) { case 1: mapreg_setreg( reference_uid( add_str("$@guildmembercid"), j ), g->member[i].char_id ); break; case 2: mapreg_setreg( reference_uid( add_str("$@guildmemberaid"), j ),g->member[i].account_id ); break; case 3: break; default: mapreg_setregstr( reference_uid( add_str("$@guildmembername$"), j ), g->member[i].name ); break; } j++; } } if ( type != 3 ) { mapreg_setreg( add_str("$@guildlv"), g->guild_lv ); mapreg_setreg( add_str("$@guildconnected"), g->connect_member ); mapreg_setreg( add_str("$@guildmax"), g->max_member ); mapreg_setreg( add_str("$@guildexp"), (int)g->exp ); mapreg_setreg( add_str("$@guildmembercount"), j ); } else { for ( i = 0; i < MAX_GUILDALLIANCE; i++ ) { if ( g->alliance[i].guild_id > 0) { mapreg_setreg( reference_uid( add_str("$@guildallianceid"), j ), g->alliance[i].guild_id ); mapreg_setregstr( reference_uid( add_str("$@guildalliancename$"), j ), g->alliance[i].name ); c++; } } mapreg_setreg( add_str("$@guildallianccount"), c ); } script_pushint(st,1); } else { mapreg_setreg( add_str("$@guildmembercount"), 0 ); mapreg_setreg( add_str("$@guildallianccount"), 0 ); script_pushint(st,0); } return 0; } BUILDIN_DEF(getguildmember,"i?"), credit to GodLesZ
    3 points
  3. @curiosity Thanks a lot for adding how to apply the change for other client dates! I believe that for now, this will be enough to begin leading this project now to the community uses. At least until Ai4rei takes his time to make a plugin for the patcher mentioned before. (In case he considers to do it of course) Some words: It was the 2011 year when my partner wondered how to add custom GR2 mobs. Almost 2 years later, by the contribution of very generous and great people below, this is finally possible: Doss, Ricky92, Ai4rei, curiosity, Lemongrass, Shinryo, Yommy, Greenbox Without the help of these guys, and of course the support of all those members here, this would not be possible now. Very special thanks to Ricky92 that, even by being from another community that doesn't has to do with ragnarok he accepted gladly to help us, and to release this so necessary tool for free. Finally we can tell, that yes, this project can be marked as "Done"!, and now, the best part comes: Let the community learn from it, and begin a development in a very special area in graphics that has never existed before in the past years, due to the limitations you already know. This will not be easy, but I truly believe that people will be interested if enough basic elements as guides/resources are added in a specific forum for it. In gratitude to all, I will try do my best to make the above be possible, and for now, I'm aiming to submit a thread were the staff will consider to add or not, this forum we are talking. Thank you all. And you are invited to take a look into the graphics forum in time to see the results of all the possibilities that now we have, with this great addition to us.
    3 points
  4. Hello i am Leinadz, Im expert about files programming using C++ and Pascal. READ THIS I can see other people having a problem in decrypting their GRF especially if you forgot to backup your GRF and accidentally encrypt it, then they can't find a way to Decrypt it. So i made my own program that has GRF Encryptor/Decryptor and Client Profile Configuration that only your client can read your Encrypted GRF. Im Developing it right now because i only started today making this program. The concept of this program is still weird and ugly because im only testing my GRF file to be encrypt. But if everything i finalize , then i will start designing my Program . ENCRYPTING GRF I will try to encrypt pal1.grf. This will be the result if GRF Extractor will view the Encrypted GRF. DECRYPTING GRF 1. Ok, ill try to Decrypt the Encrypted Pal1.grf What will i add to my program? GUI ( To put buttons , designs, and etc in my Program to make the program more easier to use ) Client Profile Configuration ( That only your client can be able to read your Encrypted GRF ) Speed Encryption Anti-crack Encrypt Patch files ( Such as Spr files , Act files , Lub files , and other files from Data folder) Then thats it PLS.. FEEDBACK
    2 points
  5. Sorry, I didn't have much time to work on it since november because of all birthdays and celebrations (why everyone born around december ?). I'm not able to add the important speed up update on the loading. It was an idea to use multiple threads to parse the client files (using 4 threads is 4 times faster) but it seems we can't load multiple part of a file at the same time. But I don't care, I did some good optimization (on zlib, and file parsing) and the loading is still faster : 4.5 seconds to load Prontera (you can compare with the video, it's ~4 time faster). I still need to optimize one part of the loading, when a map have a lot of instances of the same models it's really slow : yggdrasil01 take 17 secs to load (wtf ?!). I did some improvements on the TGA Manager due to NPOT textures causing problems. I also add a DB file to add the blue sky (note: I don't plane to add the cloud features in the near future). I have to say also, this project will be (source) released this year, finished or not. There is no way to donate ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Offtopic: I also played a little with RO2 VDK file archive. It's one of the easier format I find in my life, ~10 minutes to understand the structure, ~15 minutes to write a loader... Funny to see how this file is build... Note: no I don't plane to do a ro2browser...
    2 points
  6. roBrowser is an open source project that try to port Ragnarök Online in the browser using web technologies (javascript, HTML5, WebGL). It's goal for now is to match the official client, and in future add custom features on its core. As it use web technologies, it will allow to use it in all OS, and in future should work in all ables system that can render a web page. Get the source (Thanks to report all bugs) If you like roBrowser, you can help me improving it or even thinking about doing a donation ? Screenshots Some usefulls links : Source code Installation guide WebSite API Guide Forum Demo (Yep there is even a demo if you want to try it).
    1 point
  7. I make a continuation of this topic this topic mainly concern about unpopular but useful scripting techniques ... should wiki this up someday Randomize item reward Method 1: use F_Rand function. Method 2: use temporary variables. Method 3: use array. Method 1: use F_Rand function Method 2: use temporary variables Method 3: use array sigh ... I seriously need someone to make the english better, my explanation always sux any staff member here feels like can make this topic better, please do so
    1 point
  8. File Name: Asprika Recolor File Submitter: icabit File Submitted: 01 Feb 2013 File Category: Recolours Content Author: Icabit Don't claim it as your own or sell it for real money Click here to download this file
    1 point
  9. What is it? The code was taken from *Amod (but tweaked to work with rA and fixed a few bugs). This system would allow (non-stackable, non-pet-egg) items to be bounded onto a player's account. This means that the bounded items cannot be traded, dropped, auctioned, nor mailed. But, they can be storaged so that it can be shared among the characters of that account. What does it include? - Item coloration to distinguish bounded items and non-bounded ones (see screenshot below) - Script commands (getitembound, getitembound2, equipisbounded) to create and check for bounded items - At commands (@itembound, @itembound2) to create bounded items - New group permission (can_trade_bounded) to allow the group to distribute these bounded items if enabled (mostly just for High GMs / Admins) - Changes to the SQL files to track bounded items. This would effect cart, inventory, and storage databases.
    1 point
  10. Hi everyone, The server rAthena is hosted on will be down for maintenance around 5:00 am EST. The forums/wiki will be offline for approximately 1 hour. IRC will still be available during this time. http://go.rathena.org/irc Thank you for your patience. Server maintenance is complete. Forums: ONLINE BuildBot: ONLINE
    1 point
  11. This is 1 map of a large mapping project I'm working on (with other peepz). Been messing around with models & space textures to come up with a docking bay for players to arrive & depart in. This is the final result. [Sorry not for release!]
    1 point
  12. File Name: Megingjard Recolor File Submitter: icabit File Submitted: 01 Feb 2013 File Category: Recolours Content Author: Icabit don't claim it as yours or sell it for real money the bmp collection file for black is kinda sucky well whats more important is the drop file and the item bmp Click here to download this file
    1 point
  13. It's not exactly a tool bar , so that part will stay for sure, and to be honest... that's not really flashy. It's a simple and basic linear gradient that goes from blue to a darker blue. What about the progress bar? It's... windows's default progress bar with some text on top of it ;o. Nothing harmful in my opinion, so that will stay as well. Plus I like it! If you want to disable the indeterminate state (the flashy thing that goes around every x seconds), you can now disable the UI transparency. This override windows's style and replace the progress bar with one that doesn't have that glowing thing and you will need to restart the application to see the changes. As for the transparency though, some people may find it annoying and an option has been added. Transparency was useful to see behind the window and that was the whole point of it. I do find windows's interface terrible, but it has nothing to do with the application... Anyway, an option has been added to switch back to the default's windows style for most of the components (the menus and menu items will not be changed, not for now at least). The user from the post #9 is using windows XP, so I'm surprised it looks this good to begin with.There are missing default fonts on that computer as well and the progress bar you see has been frozen/fixed ages ago. So it's not a very good reference. Hopefully these changes would satisfy you, even though it's not exactly what you asked.
    1 point
  14. Thanks guys . I only need few things to be added to my program then ill release it for free .
    1 point
  15. the npc CAN move outside the map with unitwarp + getnpcid prontera,155,187,5 script dsasda 100,{ .@map$ = strnpcinfo(4); npctalk "I am currently in "+ .@map$; sleep 1000; if ( .@map$ == "prontera" ) unitwarp getnpcid(0), "morocc",156,93; else if ( .@map$ == "morocc" ) unitwarp getnpcid(0), "prontera", 156,191; end; } move to script support btw
    1 point
  16. Hi guys! Just wanna share with you all a little bit of myself first, my RO adventurer started back when I'm 11 years old, that time it was still under the series " War Of Emperium", been In and out of many wonderful server which most of them have closed down, but through this 10 years [ Yes, I'm 21 now sadly ]. RO have been one of the faithful game, which provide me many fond memories which keeps making me come back to the game itself, I started doing scripting when I'm 16, help out in being a GM in one of my friend small community server and due to studies and all i got to leave the game to pursue my studies... and here i am, back again, this time in rATHENA instead of eATHENA! HAHAHAHA Alright as the tittle goes, this coming Sunday, it's actually the first day of Chinese New Year, the day where Chinese gather together with their relatives,family and love ones to celebrate this special occasion. Alright there's a few suggestion here 1) Trading mandarin orange for Red Packets ( ANG POW ) During Chinese New Year, the younger one will exchange a pair of mandarin orange with their elders for Ang Pow ( $$$ inside ) blessing them with many prosperity words like "GONG XI FA CAI" and all. In RO, maybe we can set up an NPC which trade 2 mandarin orange for a Red Packet with each turn in. 1-1) Mandarin orange can be a wide server drop ( All mobs drop at a certain percentage 2-3% with a level range will be good) 1-2) Ang pow is set to reward players with Zeny or maybe a 1-2% chance of dropping a Golden Coin ( consider to be lucky sign ) 1-3) Golden Coin gain from Ang Pow can be exchange for some custom item which is related to the event itself 2) Reward players with a minimal time duration login 2-1) Let say player have to login for at least 2 hours daily to gain a Golden Coin which can be accumulate to exchange for custom item and etc 3) Monster Event! 3-1) This year is the year of the snake, under the Chinese zodiac, so maybe you can set up your server so that when people hunt Dark Snake Lord, they gain extra stuff from it! 3-2) Also if you did some research on the background of how Chinese New Year came about, it got to do with this monster call " Nian" ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nian ) and yes it does resemble one of RO monster doesn't it? xD Maybe you can set up an event whereby a "GIANT NIAN" monster comes out to terrorize the people in your server in some map ( maybe town too xD ) by using the '@monsterbig 1514' command, of course it gotta be a custom mob unless you want it to be easy kill! Important : Main purpose of having this few event in server Well, from my experience in RO, it taught me many many new things, like how people around the world celebrate their special celebration and occasion all around the world, and i guess it doesn't hurt letting your server people learn about the Chinese culture as to let them gain an insight of how Chinese New Year is like for the Chinese people after all it may be a fun thing to let introduce some event to your server now and then so that the people can enjoy it together! Well, i really do hope that scripters can share this script to everyone in rATHENA, 1 and 3 seems pretty easy to script out with the help of some tools in rATHENA download! Last but not least, if you have any question, you can always ask "GOOGLE"! I believe they do have abundant information about Chinese New Year! edit : Actually I'm not requesting for the script, LOL, because i don't have a server, but well some suggestion to introduce the culture to your fellow server mates ps: so sorry for this fast type out request with all the broken English and all here and there! and lastly HAPPY ADVANCE CHINESE NEW YEAR GUYS!
    1 point
  17. SQL alter table guild add column woe_points int(11) default 0 after emblem_data, add index (woe_points); In npc/guild/agit_main.txt under OnAgitBreak: add query_sql "update guild set woe_points = woe_points +1 where guild_id = "+ getcharid(2); Ref this post *If you want to display guild points prontera,155,181,5 script Woe Points 100,{ .@nb = query_sql( "select name, woe_points from guild order by woe_points desc limit 3", .@guild_name$, .@points ); for ( .@i = 0; .@i < .@nb; .@i++ ) { if ( !.@points[.@i] ) break; mes ( .@i +1 )+". "+ .@guild_name$[.@i] +" -> "+ .@points[.@i]; } close; }
    1 point
  18. Someone moved it here, I don't know why but yeah it should be better on "project > clientside". Yeah I already build a loader for it in html5/js, it was funny but I don't think I will use it further for other things ----------------------------------- I add my RSM-Viewer in the project to work more and faster on the RSM file since it need some changes (optimize the compilation, add the animation, change the smooth normal methods, ...), what I love about this tool is the way it can be embedded to webpage :
    1 point
  19. Nude is the script command, this is an atcommand, that's the difference. I think she says there was already a function that does that. You can just use bindatcmd and nude. But still, this is a good share xD
    1 point
  20. Pelo o que lembro, o rA ainda não tem elas estáveis, dizem que o brAthena tem. ( digo dizem porque eu li, mas nunca testei)
    1 point
  21. A quest is a quest, yes. That does not mean however that all the images and the description should be ripped straight from RMS. Do the quest yourself, write the quest guide, make screenshots, use those as illustrations for your guide. That's how you make something that's yours.
    1 point
  22. O nome é Rebellion, mas acredito ainda estar inativa e sem informações.
    1 point
  23. prontera,160,180,5 script portal 45,2,2,{ if ( quest_done & 1 << 0 ) warp "guild_vs2",0,0; else // warp "prontera", 27,40; warp "prontera",156,191; end; } prontera,152,180,5 script npc1 100,{ if ( quest_done & 1 << 0 ) { mes "now you can access the dungeon"; close; } else if ( quest == 3 ) { mes "ok now you can access the dungeon"; quest_done = quest_done | 1 << 0 ; quest = 0; // save memory; close; } else if ( quest == 1 || quest == 2 ) { mes "please talk to npc2"; close; } mes "want to go in xxx dungeon ?"; next; mes "talk to npc2"; quest = 1; close; } prontera,156,180,5 script npc2 100,{ if ( quest == 2 ) { if ( kill_poring_count < 10 ) { mes "kill not enough poring"; close; } mes "well done, go talk to npc1"; quest = 3; kill_poring_count = 0; close; } else if ( quest == 1 ) { mes "then go kill 10 poring"; quest = 2; close; } mes "lalalala~~"; close; OnNPCKillEvent: if ( quest == 2 && killedrid == 1002 && kill_poring_count < 10 ) dispbottom "poring killed ["+ kill_poring_count++ +"/10]"; end; } reset kill_poring_count into 0 when done
    1 point
  24. Download a New DATA for Renewal. I think there is a Version 3. Para dyan
    1 point
  25. ... your trunk/db/mob_item_ratio.txt 5017,100.3011 my trunk/db/mob_item_ratio.txt 5017,100,3011 you are the 1 who should see your 1st post clearly...
    1 point
  26. if your character / account had used this before....you cant use it again.... // -- Usable for Only 1 Time set .Based,1; // [ 0 - Account Based / 1 - Character Based ] if( ClassHelper == 1 || #ClassHelper == 1 ) end;
    1 point
  27. Si, al parecer tu editas la imagen con los premios que quieras y esta misma edición la colocas en el script para que sean comparables. Básicamente así funciona, creo yo.
    1 point
  28. Information How to you use? Attach this custom script, usually is used in NPC script storagecountitem <item_id>; storagedelitem <item_id>,<amount>; Screenshots Download storagecountitem.patch: storagecountitem-rA.patch storagedelitem.patch: storagedelitem-rA.patch Sample NPCs script storagecountitem: storagecountitem.txt storagedelitem: storagedelitem.txt **If you like this mods, could you rate this post and give me rep +1?** **Idea is requested by someone, he wasn't able to pay me, so I release this as free mod. **
    1 point
  29. What permissions do you have set for your group: 2?
    1 point
  30. hi emistry. i tried to put the script inside my job changer but when i reload it the npc job changer its not clickable .. what seems to be the problem.? You broke the NPC. o_O Your best thing to do is show us the script / show us the error the map server is spitting out when you reload it. Sidetrack: This is a scripting issue. Moved.
    1 point
  31. Sorry, I don't know anything about those patch generator plugins, so I'll leave that to someone else. Though I did find the byte sequences I posted in other clients. I haven't actually tested, but I think it should go like this: 2011-03-10a patch can also be used for 2010-11-24aRagexeRE (and probably earlier) to 2011-12-14cRagexeRE. 2012-04-10a patch can also be used for 2011-12-20bRagexeRE to 2012-07-16aRagexeRE. 2012-08-08dRagexeRE and later clients are obfuscated...
    1 point
  32. I wonder this is npc1, npc2 or ... 3rd npc ?let's see ... npc 1 if ( quest_done ) { warp "dungeon", 0,0; end; } else if ( quest == 3 ) { mes "ok now you can access the dungeon"; quest_done | 1 << 0 ; quest = 0; // save memory; close; } else if ( quest == 1 || quest == 2 ) { mes "please talk to npc2"; close; } mes "want to go in xxx dungeon ?"; next; mes "talk to npc2"; quest = 1; close; npc 2 if ( quest == 2 ) { if ( kill_poring_count < 100 ) { mes "kill not enough poring"; close; } mes "well done, go talk to npc1"; quest = 3; close; } else if ( quest == 1 ) { mes "then go kill 100 poring"; quest = 2; close; } mes "<insert some text here>"; close; OnNPCKillEvent: if ( quest == 2 && killedrid == 1002 && kill_poring_count < 100 ) dispbottom "poring killed ["+ kill_poring_count++ +"/100]"; end; nostalgic ... I used to love to write this kind of quest script 6 years ago
    1 point
  33. change the items type to 0...
    1 point
  34. check your file settings data.ini make sure the grf list are correct.
    1 point
  35. sry I didn't test the script throughly yesterday // ~~~~~ show time left in days, hours, minutes and seconds ~~~~~ function script timeleft__ { if ( ( .@left = getarg(0) ) <= 0 ) return getarg(0); .@day = .@left / 86400; .@hour = .@left % 86400 / 3600; .@min = .@left % 3600 / 60; .@sec = .@left % 60; if ( .@day ) return .@day +" day "+ .@hour +" hour"; else if ( .@hour ) return .@hour +" hour "+ .@min +" min"; else if ( .@min ) return .@min +" min "+ .@sec +" sec"; else return .@sec +" sec"; } prontera,167,178,1 script Player Promoter 436,{ set .@name$,"^228B22[ Player Promoter ]^000000"; mes .@name$; if ( getgmlevel() == 99 ) { mes "Hi Admin, do you want to distribute ^00CC00Player Promoter Cards^000000 with your name on it ?"; next; for ( .@i = 1; .@i <= .total_group; .@i++ ) .@menu$ = .@menu$ +"Distribute "+ getitemname( .group_idreq[.@i] ) +":"; .@s = select( .@menu$ ); getitem2 .group_idreq[.@s], 1,1,0,0, 254, 0, getcharid(0) % ( 1 << 16 ), getcharid(0) >> 16; close; } else if ( getgmlevel() > 1 ) { mes "Only Admin can use me"; close; } for ( .@i = 1; .@i <= .total_group; .@i++ ) .@menu$ = .@menu$ +( ( getgroupid() < .@i && countitem( .group_idreq[.@i] ) )? "upgrade to "+ .group_name$[.@i] : "" )+":"; if ( getstrlen( #pp_accupgrade$ ) ) { sscanf #pp_accupgrade$, "%d %d", .@id, .@time; mes "Your account is currently a ^00CC00"+ .group_name$[.@id] +"^000000. You still have ^0000FF"+ callfunc( "timeleft__", .@time - gettimetick(2) )+"^000000."; if ( getstrlen( .@menu$ ) == .total_group ) close; } else if ( getstrlen( .@menu$ ) == .total_group ) { mes "Make a donation and you can upgrade your account to become Super Players ^^"; close; } mes "Do you want to upgrade your account ?"; next; .@s = select( .@menu$ ); delitem .group_idreq[.@s], 1; #pp_accupgrade$ = .@s +" "+( gettimetick(2) + 604800 ); // 1 week atcommand "@adjgroup "+ .@s; mes .@name$; mes "Your account has successfully upgraded to "+ .group_name$[1]; sc_start sc_expboost, 2147483647, 300; // sc_start sc_itemboost, 2147483647, 100; close; OnPCLoginEvent: if ( getgmlevel() > 1 ) #pp_accupgrade$ = ""; if ( !getstrlen( #pp_accupgrade$ ) ) { sc_end sc_expboost; sc_end sc_itemboost; end; } sscanf #pp_accupgrade$, "%d %d", .@id, .@time; .@left = .@time - gettimetick(2); if ( .@left > 0 ) { atcommand "@adjgroup "+ .@id; if ( .@left >= 2147483 ) { sc_start sc_expboost, 2147483647, 300; // sc_start sc_itemboost, 2147483647, 100; } else { addtimer .@left *1000, strnpcinfo(0) +"::Ondemote"; sc_start sc_expboost, .@left *1000, 300; // sc_start sc_itemboost, .@left *1000, 300; } end; } Ondemote: atcommand "@adjgroup 0"; sc_end sc_expboost; sc_end sc_itemboost; message strcharinfo(0), "Your account has demoted to normal player"; #pp_accupgrade$ = ""; end; OnInit: // setarray .group_<definition>, <group ID 1>, <group ID 2>, <group ID 3>; ... must follow the sequence in 1,2,3,4,5 ... setarray .group_idreq[1], 31002; setarray .group_name$[1], "Super Player"; .total_group = 1; end; }
    1 point
  36. move to source modification support since you only wants to log @items, I rather say there is no need to log atcommand at all because picklog already helps you log @items with type A
    1 point
  37. 2012 clients.. http://supportmii.com/ro1/Clients/
    1 point
  38. prontera,155,181,5 script kjdfhskfhds 100,{ getpartymember getcharid(1), 0; for ( .@i = 0; .@i < $@partymembercount; .@i++ ) { if ( compare( $@partymembername$[.@i], "ruru" ) ) { mes "sry, "+ $@partymembername$[.@i] +" is not allow to enter"; close; } } mes "free to go"; close; }
    1 point
  39. Yes sure I'll make a suggestion: Washi of Earthbound RO would you stop copying everything in your sight as if they are your free inventory? You mean "Ive been working [copying] the past few weeks on a toplist for the RO community" This is not a "project", this is a [i don't know what to call this] made by a copycat thick faced sucker. No I don't care you are a voting or review site. As long as you write your own stuff. Let see: Are you too stupid or lazy to create your own forum section, sub-section and even the forum descriptions? What's the deal? Screenshot from http://forum.ratemyserver.net/: http://misc.ratemyse...01-22-12-28.jpg Screenshot from http://www.forums.ratemyro.com/ : http://misc.ratemyse...01-22-13-23.jpg That's not enough, you went ahead and copied everything from image to instruction directly from http://ratemyserver.....php?type=10000 Stolen: http://www.forums.ra...topic,23.0.html == ss: http://misc.ratemyse...02-01-38-35.jpg From my website: http://ratemyserver....10000&qid=10030 Stolen: http://www.forums.ra...topic,15.0.html == ss: http://misc.ratemyse...02-01-39-42.jpg From my website: http://ratemyserver....10000&qid=10029 Stolen: http://www.forums.ra...topic,14.0.html == ss: http://misc.ratemyse...02-01-40-12.jpg From my website: http://ratemyserver....10000&qid=10004 Stolen: http://www.forums.ra...topic,38.0.html my website: http://ratemyserver....10000&qid=10014 Stolen: http://www.forums.ra...topic,37.0.html my website: http://ratemyserver....10000&qid=10011 Stolen: http://www.forums.ra...topic,36.0.html my website: http://ratemyserver....10000&qid=10039 Stolen: http://www.forums.ra...topic,35.0.html my website: http://ratemyserver....10000&qid=10005 Stolen: http://www.forums.ra...topic,34.0.html my website: http://ratemyserver....10000&qid=10024 Stolen: http://www.forums.ra...topic,33.0.html my website: http://ratemyserver....10000&qid=10022 Stolen: http://www.forums.ra...topic,32.0.html my website: http://ratemyserver....10000&qid=10043 Stolen: http://www.forums.ra...topic,31.0.html my website: http://ratemyserver....10000&qid=10050 Stolen: http://www.forums.ra...topic,30.0.html my website: http://ratemyserver....10000&qid=10021 Stolen: http://www.forums.ra...topic,29.0.html my website: http://ratemyserver....10000&qid=10009 Stolen: http://www.forums.ra...topic,28.0.html my website: http://ratemyserver....10000&qid=10017 Stolen: http://www.forums.ra...topic,26.0.html my website: http://ratemyserver....10000&qid=10045 Stolen: http://www.forums.ra...topic,25.0.html my website: http://ratemyserver....10000&qid=10049 Stolen: http://www.forums.ra...topic,24.0.html my website: http://ratemyserver....10000&qid=10047 Stolen: http://www.forums.ra...topic,22.0.html my website: http://ratemyserver....10000&qid=10012 Stolen: http://www.forums.ra...topic,21.0.html my website: http://ratemyserver....10000&qid=10001 Stolen: http://www.forums.ra...topic,20.0.html my website: http://ratemyserver....10000&qid=10023 Stolen: http://www.forums.ra...topic,18.0.html my website: http://ratemyserver....10000&qid=10018 Stolen: http://www.forums.ra...topic,17.0.html my website: http://ratemyserver....10000&qid=10002 Stolen: http://www.forums.ra...topic,16.0.html my website: http://ratemyserver....10000&qid=10040 Stolen: http://www.forums.ra...topic,13.0.html my website: http://ratemyserver....10000&qid=10046 Stolen: http://www.forums.ra...topic,12.0.html my website: http://ratemyserver....10000&qid=10019 Stolen: http://www.forums.ra...topic,11.0.html my website: http://ratemyserver....10000&qid=10008 Stolen: http://www.forums.ra...topic,10.0.html my website: http://ratemyserver....10000&qid=10031 Stolen: http://www.forums.ra.../topic,9.0.html my website: http://ratemyserver....10000&qid=10032 Stolen: http://www.forums.ra.../topic,8.0.html my website: http://ratemyserver....10000&qid=10015 Stolen: http://www.forums.ra.../topic,7.0.html my website: http://ratemyserver....10000&qid=10044 Stolen: http://www.forums.ra.../topic,6.0.html my website: http://ratemyserver....10000&qid=10010 Stolen: http://www.forums.ra.../topic,5.0.html my website: http://ratemyserver....10000&qid=10033 Stolen: http://www.forums.ra.../topic,4.0.html my website: http://ratemyserver....10000&qid=10033 Stolen: http://www.forums.ra.../topic,4.0.html my website: http://ratemyserver....10000&qid=10003 Stolen: http://www.forums.ra.../topic,3.0.html my website: http://ratemyserver....10000&qid=10027 Stolen: http://www.forums.ra...topic,42.0.html http://www.forums.ra...topic,41.0.html From my website: http://ratemyserver....10000&qid=10048 Stolen: http://www.forums.ra...topic,40.0.html http://www.forums.ra...topic,39.0.html From my website: http://ratemyserver....10000&qid=10020 I do believe you plan to copy the rest of my quest database seeing you have the sub-sections setup exactly like the sections I have for my quests: http://misc.ratemyse...02-01-37-32.jpg (refer to: http://ratemyserver.net/quest_db.php) If you really do then that just prove you are as I described. You didn't miss any chance to be lazy and take free content everywhere. I don't know how you can even copy my advertisement text ... http://www.ratemyro.com/advertise/ == screenshot: http://misc.ratemyse...02-01-20-09.jpg ^ is basically a combination of text taken from: http://ratemyserver....vertise_low.php and the bottom part of http://ratemyserver.net/advertise.php Are you done with your "How far can I copy marathon" yet? If you can still call this "your project" I demand answer to all of the infringement above. Btw, you sent a total of at least 450 pm spams in RMS forum + eAthena forum + rAthena forum (about 150 each forum, Paradox924x / Maki / Me can tell you this is true). A couple hundred spam on the facebook pages/ facebook pm / chatango chatbox of various servers no matter dead or alive. What else you wouldn't do to promote this sucker? Maybe something like this too http://rathena.org/board/topic/77072-webdesigns-no-coding/page__p__171123#entry171123 ? I sure hope the graphic people don't fall for it. Stop copying at my expense. Use your brain. I have never met such a pok kai in my life. I should appreciate Ancyker more.
    1 point
  40. Are there some staff issues going around? Seeing how the activity has dropped a bit.
    1 point
  41. Well, this design was coded for eAthena so it will not work on rAthena. But you can make it work by making some changes ( if you know ). If ever i got time, I will convert it to rAthena and RePost. Thanks
    1 point
  42. 1 point
  43. There is a difference between this and item_trade, this would create a single instance of that items being bound, while the item_trade blocks its trade altogether. example: getitembound 1136; //(Solar Sword[0]) this one Solar Sword[0] would not be trade-able, however if they go and get it from Pharaoh that one would be trade-able I don't think its worth adding though because this can be done via duplicate item in item_db2 and make that restricted in the item_trade Only Instance getitembound would be useful imo is when you want a common gear account bound and its involved in quests so would have to modify the quest script
    1 point
  44. be sure too put all the Stuff from Data Folder into your Custom GRF and place it in your Data.INI , and remove the DIFF READ DATA FOLDER FIRST should look like this
    1 point
  45. Meu caro, primeiramente recomendo que saiba no minimo programar em C/C++. Se você soubesse isso, não acredito que estaria tendo problemas para montar um simples servidor de ragnarok. Não precisa ser um 'expert', mas deve saber o minimo possível. PS: Não estou dizendo que alguem que não saiba ao menos programar em C/C++ não consiga montar um servidor. No entanto um servidor de qualidade, nesse caso já tenho minhas dúvidas. Basicamente os passos serão o seguintes, caso esteja usando windows claro: ( Se você usasse linux, com certeza não estaria perguntando isso :-) ). 1. Baixar uma versão SVN do rAthena. Ex.: Use o TortoiseSVN e coloque o link do svn do rAthena. Espere baixar. 2. Instalar alguma versão do Microsoft Visual Studio para C/C++ (de preferência a 2012). 3. Decidir qual o cliente irá usar. Por que? Vários motivos, questão de gosto, facilidade para encontrar soluções de problemas e até mesmo estabilidade. Algo que percebi é que clientes após 2011-12-28a usam um novo sistema para criação de personagens, que é uma tremenda dor de cabeça para arrumar, por que você terá que fazer alterações no código fonte, e não são alterações simples. Então recomendo o cliente 2011-12-28a. 4. Executar as alterações necessárias no código fonte do servidor (rAthena). Ex. de alterações: mmo.h #define PACKETVER 20111228 map.h #define MAX_LEVEL 999 #define MAX_ZENY 2000000000 #define MAX_STORAGE 999 ... dentre diversas outras que serão necessárias para as configurações que você deseja usar. Uma que é extremamente importante para as novas versões é a edição do pacote máximo usado pelo servidor. clif.h o original tem: enum {// packet DB MAX_PACKET_DB = 0xA00, MAX_PACKET_VER = 30, MAX_PACKET_POS = 20, }; recomendo alterar para: enum {// packet DB MAX_PACKET_DB = 0xA70, MAX_PACKET_VER = 50, MAX_PACKET_POS = 20, }; 5. Após executar toda a confiração do servidor, no que diz respeito aos fontes, compile. 6. Diffe seu hexed. Se não sabe como fazer isso, de uma pesquisada, existem inumeros tópicos por ai sobre isto. 7. Mote sua pasta data. A pasta DATA deverá ter tudo que é necessário para o correto funcionamento do seu servidor. Uma forma que eu recomando é utilizar a versão mais atual do DATA.GRF que seus jogadores irão utilizar. Por ex. a versão mais atualizada do DATA.GRF do BRO. Para montar sua pasta DATA você irá precisar: GRF Builder (pode ser baixado no ratemyserver.net) GRF Factory (idem) Editor de texto descente (recomendo o TextPad) Use o GRF Builder para extrair do proprio DATA.GRF os seguintes arquivos: todos terminados em txt (coloque *.txt na caixa de pesquisa) todos terminados em xml (*.xml) coloque na pequisa 'lua files' e extraia tudo que for encontrado. se você quiser alterar ou ter em sua DATA os arquivos referentes as telas de login, criação de personagens e itens customizados, tera que extrair um pouco mais de arquivos para obter a árvore de diretório corretas. Caso não queira ficar extraindo partes por partes, extraia o arquivo DATA.GRF todo (isso irá demorar) e depois vá apagando o que considera inútil, por exemplo as pastas que contem imagens de mapas, de cartas, etc. Uma pasta extremamente importante atualmente é a que contem os arquivos LUA/LUB de dados/configurações do cliente. Como eu disse antes, você irá extrair todos os arquivos LUB, por exemplo, do DATA.GRF do BRO. Isso é importante porque ele irá fornecer arquivos que contém por exemplo, as descrições e nomes da habilidades no idioma que você deseja que seu cliente execute. No caso do informado acima, todas as habilidades e seus nomes estarão em PT-BR. (pasta skillinfoz) PS.: o lubs do BRO vem com um arquivo chamado 'msgstring_br.lub', recomendo que criar uma copia dele e renomea-lo para: msgstring_kr.lub No entanto você não irá usar todos. Irá depender da versão do seu cliente e principalmente de quais custumizações você deseja fazer. Caso queria fazer customizações de itens, como por exemplo adicionar novos 'hats', deverá usar a pasta 'datainfo' original para seu cliente em formato LUA (.lua) para fazer isso. accessoryid.lua -> contem o "VIEW ID" dos itens para cabeça; accname.lua -> contém o nome do arquivo SPR e ACT para monstrar o item no personagem do jogador.; npcidentity.lua -> usado para adicionar monstros personalizados; dentre outros. Após fazer as inclusões/alterações necessárias, é altamente recomendado que você compile todos os seus ".LUA" para ".LUB". No link abaixo você terá tudo que é necessário para o novo modelo de dados usado pelos clientes, que a cada dia que passa, vem abandonando cada vez mais os antigos arquivos ".txt". http://svn6.assembla...de/Lua_Project/ Lembre-se que novos clientes usam agora uma pasta chamada "System" e uma chamada "saveData". No link acima você tem os luas necessários para a pasta System, mas deverá compila-los para que funcionem corretamente. Essa pasta é necessária para o novo 'setup' (aplicativo de confurações do rag) que a partir da versão 2011-06-10 (se não me engano) está diferente. Ele não usa mais informações inseridas no registro do windows (já era hora). 8. Conforme for montando sua pasta DATA, vá abrindo seu hexed e conferindo quais erros ele informa e ir corrigindo-os, adicionando ou conferindo os arquivos das quais ele aponta erros. Para que isso sejá possível, na hora de 'diffar' você não podera escolher opções como 'ignore missing files', etc. 9. Agora você deve editar as confiurações do seu servidor. Essa configuração fica na pasta 'conf' do emulador. Você deve alterar inclusive as configurações do inter_eathena.conf, onde fica as confirações para conexão com o banco de dados. Sobre o banco, não irei informa nada. Acredito que isso você já sabe algo. Se não, recomendo pesquisar. 10. Outra alteração importante é adicionar as descrições de pacotes no seu 'packet_db.txt'. No link abaixo tem tudo que você irá precisar para diffar e montar seu hexed em conformidade com o seu emulador. Inclusive contém uma pasta com vários packet_db, contém todos os luas necessários para cada versão de cliente dentre outras coisas. http://svn6.assembla...svn/ClientSide/ Basicamente você terá que copiar o conteúdo do packet_db correspondente ao seu cliente e colar ao final do packet_db.txt do rAthena. Lembre-se de mudar o packet_version para 'default'. Caso use o cliente 2011-12-28a, o packet_db é esse: http://svn6.assembla...28aRagexeRE.txt 11. Daqui para frente serão configurações mais personalizadas, como por exemplo, a inclusão/exclusão de itens personalizados/originais, novos monstros, novos mapas, etc. Essas alterações ficam por sua conta. Qualquer dúvida, tentarei ajudar na medida do possível. Att, Etherion.
    1 point
  46. Latest Stable Client Latest Stable LUB Latest Stable Data Files/GRF Clean RO Folder PM Judas if you have any useful content to add, suggestions, or information to make this setup process much easier! Thanks!
    1 point
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