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Capuche last won the day on September 23 2022

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About Capuche

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  • Github: Atemo
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  1. https://github.com/Atemo/scripts_customs/blob/master/olds_scripts/gatcha.txt
  2. Try the updated script https://github.com/Atemo/scripts_customs/blob/master/olds_scripts/gatcha.txt
  3. Some new animation skills are pretty well done. Thanks you for sharing your hard work
  4. The functionality mob + location is currently not implemented on rAthena (maybe later?) Currently supported: - Id: 22000 Title: Fishy affair Targets: - Mob: VADON Count: 45 - Id: 22000 Title: Fishy affair Targets: - Id: 1 Location: iz_dun01 MapName: Undersea Tunnel B2 Requires an update : - Id: 22000 Title: Fishy affair Targets: - Mob: VADON Count: 45 Location: iz_dun01 MapName: Undersea Tunnel B2 To do that find in quest.cpp if (qi->objectives[j]->mob_id == md->mob_id) objective_check = 6; else if (qi->objectives[j]->mob_id == 0) { and replace the 3 lines by if (qi->objectives[j]->mob_id == md->mob_id) { objective_check = 5; if (qi->objectives[j]->mapid < 0 || (qi->objectives[j]->mapid == sd->bl.m && md->spawn != nullptr)) objective_check++; else if (qi->objectives[j]->mapid >= 0) { struct map_data *mapdata = map_getmapdata(sd->bl.m); if (mapdata->instance_id && mapdata->instance_src_map == qi->objectives[j]->mapid) objective_check++; } } else if (qi->objectives[j]->mob_id == 0) { (untested)
  5. Currently working on Episode 18.1 scripts..!

  6. This isssue has been fixed by Lemongrass in https://github.com/rathena/rathena/commit/1deb5a5f3e3dbb716b2ef9fe43e4c79df3518063
  7. Maybe there is a mistake in your group name ? item_group_db_.yml - Group: MyItemGroup Contain: the name in const.yml must be IG_MyItemGroup because 'IG_' is appended to the name when the file is read.
  8. Ratio is a number between 0 and 10000, it can't exceed 10000 like in conf/battle/drops.txt 0 to remove the item 1 for 0.01% 10000 for 100% (in theory)
  9. To add a custom monster summon branch, the steps are: Add MOBG_G_D_Branch_01 before MOBG_MAX in https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/2f311bd1ef6abf0de642f93690eb37bebbb34d14/src/map/mob.hpp#L116 Add MOBG_G_D_Branch_01 after export_constant(MOBG_TAEKWON_MISSION); in https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/2f311bd1ef6abf0de642f93690eb37bebbb34d14/src/map/script_constants.hpp#L4625 After compiling your server should have created a folder named "import". Add your custom branch data in import/mob_summon.yml Header: Type: MOB_SUMMONABLE_DB Version: 1 Body: - Group: G_D_Branch_01 Default: MAYA Summon: - Mob: MAYA Rate: 100000 - Mob: DEVILING Rate: 700000 - Mob: Drake Rate: 700000 4. In import/item_db.yml - Id: **** AegisName: name Name: name Type: Usable Buy: 10000 Weight: 200 Flags: BuyingStore: true DeadBranch: true Script: | monster "this",-1,-1,"--ja--",-1-MOBG_G_D_Branch_01,1,""; All other steps are unnecessary (I think you just forgot to compile according to the error in your first post).
  10. # ItemCost: Item required to cast. (Default: 0) # - Item Item name. # Amount Item amount. How come you came to think that the file could support this when it's not in the documentation ? hmm............. ?
  11. How about https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/c5cf2f6e42b1cb88d501e0b3e7c56e870b928209/doc/script_commands.txt#L6567 *unloadnpc "<NPC object name>"; This command will fully unload a NPC object and all of it's duplicates.
  12. AG_CHATTING is not supported yet. See the pull request https://github.com/rathena/rathena/pull/4446 for an initial implementation.
  13. https://github.com/rathena/rathena/commit/d4d8130bcf0733d4d9edc4019db02184912c13c0
  14. Your old file have mistakes, your items should be type armor instead of weapon (4 instead of 5), or if they are supposed to be weapon type, the 'viewid' of the weapon must be defined source side.
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