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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/19/13 in all areas

  1. Disable skill or item usage in certain maps. Add a new txt in your db folder.. item_mapdeny.txt //<nameid>:<map1>{,<map2>,<map3>,<map4>,...} //Disables Red Potion usage in Prontera and Payon 501:prontera,payon skill_mapdeny.txt //<skillid>:<map1>{,<map2>,<map3>,<map4>,...} //Disables skill TF_HIDING usage in Prontera and Lighthalzen 51:morocc,lighthalzen That's it, nothing much to say. skill_and_item_mapdeny(rAthena17100).diff skill_and_item_mapdeny(rAthena17100)_v2.diff - Supports multiple maps per line skill_and_item_mapdeny(rAthena171278).diff Please click the button if I have helped you. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
    2 points
  2. Ryu is nothing about understanding or not. I have no doubt people understand it well, but that not mean it's longer to do so then a clean branch without those extra. Some of those #if have implicite relation like (struct item_data) orders declaration. Or thing like a status.val initialise on both but only used in 1 case. (yeah we could add proper #if check to make it proper but it's not the case). And if you get what I said image we doing so in a very well done handling, then you can magine as long dev continue; ifdef will increase giving a lessand less readable code. That really what he meant, nothing to do like can't understand or not... Now why readable matter ? on OpenProject like that many people contribute and if they can't read it fast they most likekly put code on a wrong place creating 2 handler for the same mean -> code complexion_> spaghetti... or just a general that long paragraph of mine make u lose more time to understand than a quite sentence. (time that you coul use to dig another bug etc..) But even if it's interesting for dev (even if that mean frequent extra merge work between both..) what really annoying imo is that people support/diff contribution etc will be impacted. Will at least require more info from support (wich branch/version if we could set it as prerequisit) and seing some say version=latest on bugreport doesn't feel to good about. (yeah you may found what was latest with date of report, but that not always their real rev...). For modules/diff well since index won't match obviously in both branch, you'll need most likely to do a version for each branch. (not that long but..) etc...
    2 points
  3. File Name: rss2news File Submitter: clydelion File Submitted: 06 Jul 2012 File Category: Web Resources Content Author: clydelion a.k.a. Rad/Skullcandy This addon for FluxCP enables the control panel to retrieve rss feeds. rss2news utilizes MagpieRSS to integrate FluxCP with IPB(and other forums that can generate RSS 2.0) and tinyscrollbar for neat display of news. Requirement: FluxCP RSS 2.0 The sample below retrieves news from a live rss feed. News Source : 'http://www.gmanetwork.com/news/rss/news' Screenshot: config: 'NewsUrl' => 'http://www.gmanetwork.com/news/rss/news', 'scrollbarbuttonsize' => '30', // WARNING! scrollbarbuttonsize must be less that scrollbarsize 'scrollbarsize' => '100', Reference: http://magpierss.sourceforge.net http://baijs.nl/tinyscrollbar/ For suggestions contact me via forums or messenger. yahooid: [email protected] To use, edit this... themes/default/main/index.php should look like.. <?php if (!defined('FLUX_ROOT')) exit; $this->redirect($this->url('news','index')); ?> Thank you for using this add-on.. rss2news by clydelion is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Click here to download this file
    1 point
  4. File Name: Ping ''IP address'' File Submitter: goddameit File Submitted: 16 Jan 2013 File Category: Source Modifications Content Author: Goddameit Preview : !! WARNING !! I don't know anything about ping.c (in this patch file) and I have no idea what will happen after install this. I only know this command will do and return message about ping answer. Main function author : http://goo.gl/tZ4fu Modify : Goddameit . This script command will return a string to let you know what is answer about this server use 'ping' to specify IP address ping("IP adress") . SAMPLE : http://pastebin.com/download.php?i=tWnafFc9 Click here to download this file
    1 point
  5. Hello there, It's been a long time since the last time I posted something here. (to the point) Here, I have repacked an updated Miruku Client, dated on 9th of January, 2013. Client was updated through normal patches, repacked using WinRAR (sorry, I still haven't learnt NSIS since the last time (http://rathena.org/board/topic/70753-miruku-07-09-2012-7th-september-2012/'>Miruku 07-09-2012 (7th September 2012)) I updated. Parts are uploaded to Mediafire. Enjoy and have a nice day~ http://www.mediafire.com/?8owj579z85ncb'>Miruku 09-01-2013 *PS: please let me know if something happens. If there is (are) missing files / problems / etc, please don't forget to PM me. Sorry, the files on my Mediafire have been deleted~ UPDATE: As I heard so much problems encountered when downloading the file (yes, I admit it is all because of my account), I have made a mirror from filecloud.io with the links below: http://filecloud.io/k2mwt8ra'>BGM http://filecloud.io/j1g6adbw'>Part 1 http://filecloud.io/djntzwpa'>Part 2 http://filecloud.io/n6chkj78'>Part 3 http://filecloud.io/5akyl0jc'>Part 4 http://filecloud.io/bdf4t8ep'>Part 5 http://filecloud.io/s82eo4fm'>Part 6 http://filecloud.io/h0xmbu71'>Part 7 http://filecloud.io/prwqiaxd'>Part 8 http://filecloud.io/hidfu2wz'>Part 9 http://filecloud.io/yu4r2qf6'>Part 10 http://filecloud.io/2y86nvum'>Part 11 UPDATE 2: Instead of sharing these files like that, I am giving you the credentials of my Mediafire. Well, I ask for all of you to be nice to all other as well as me. Not much, I am just asking you NOT to delete / damage the any of the files inside the account, as well changing the password. So, here it is: Mediafire e-mail: [email protected] password: freeforfriends Have a nice day! UPDATE 3: Now available on GDrive! https://docs.google.com/folder/d/0B4GIW--OnyUETlNPcEZhdEU0YkE/edit?usp=sharing'>https://docs.google....dit?usp=sharing Have a nice day! UPDATE 4: A mirror has been added, http://star-o.net/miruku/'>http://star-o.net/miruku/(Thank to Snow) !!! Re-hosting and re-mirrorring is NOT allowed without permission from the owner of the file !!!
    1 point
  6. Hi, I made this tool to generate the LUA files (accesoryid.lua and accname.lua) directly from your MySQL tables (item_db and item_db2) and mixing the data with the file idnum2itemresnametable.txt The contents are generated using the Sprite Name in idnum2itemresnametable.txt and the item names in MySQL, including your custom items. Please help me to test the application and give me all your feedback to fix any problem. Download LUA Generador: http://www.4Undeads.com/uploads/LuaGenerator.1.3.rar (or download it from the attached file in the post) Regards, Myzter LuaGenerator.1.3.rar
    1 point
  7. Some of you might remember the Monopoly map I showed years ago on eAthena, some might not. In the end, I do not have the time or will to finish this script and I figured I'd toss it to the rAthena community to see if someone's willing to pick it up and release it for everyone. The script is far from done but it has a solid base from my point of view. You can play with multiple players, throw dice, your pawn moves, you can buy property and build houses and hotels on it, etcetera. It works pretty neatly already but it's far from done really. There are probably some notes in there as well and in some cases there might be code that's just partially done but it loads and works mostly. I have also included the map and the textures for it so you can test it right away and see how it works. I'm not really expecting anything but it would be great if someone would pick up the project and finish it. I put quite some hours of work into this but sadly I'm too busy with other things to still work on this. Enjoy and thank you! Here's a screenshot: monopoly.rar monopoly_new3.txt
    1 point
  8. ohh, copy content of this addon to your index,php ( that's module and theme )
    1 point
  9. Hello Hyuna, you can use it whith every client , just edit the mmo.h and change it to your client date , and be sure to set your packver in the packet.db to the right packetver and dont forgett to recompile
    1 point
  10. Lalala~ bueno, no hablemos del futuro y sigamos en el presente. Parece que ya tengo la mayoria de la carpeta cities completa. Mañana vere como me organizo para que todos contribuyan al proyecto.
    1 point
  11. I don't have a kRO account so I can't really gather too much information on WoE:TE (Training Edition). I've tried Googling but it pulls up just the patch notes and little banters about it. Just some questions I have: How do you get to the Prontera and Aldebaran maps? Are they linked through from the cities or NPC? What do the treasure chests drop? Are the Guardians the same as WoE? Are the mechanics completely the same as WoE? (Besides disabled classes/items/buffs) Are 3rd class disabled from getting to the castle maps or the realms (The map that links you to all the castles)? When the character enteres and is rejected, are they sent back to their save point or outside of the warp? Or does it completely not let them go through the warp portal? Just some questions I had. If anyone knows anything more I would appreciate it!
    1 point
  12. There's // ========================= StartEvent: //Announcement to notify all players // ========================= On The Script. Put OnMinute00: Before it.
    1 point
  13. OnMinute00: // start every hour StartEvent: //Announcement to notify all players
    1 point
  14. feefty, this is the ping i am getting
    1 point
  15. Clown on a ball is a sprite made by Jupeto, and it is available for purchase trough here ---> http://rathena.org/board/files/file/2467-clown-on-a-ball/
    1 point
  16. The items are loaded through iteminfo.lua so you have to find an English version of that.
    1 point
  17. FYI most installer programs are limited to 2 GB due to .cab compression size of 2 GB. Like Brian said, the installer would have to utilize multiple cab files for it to work.
    1 point
  18. Here's an idea: edit the mob spawns in trunk/npc/re/mobs/dungeons/lhz_dun.txt and add an event label so when those monsters are killed, they trigger a script the script could do calculations for 1.5% drop rate and also calculate which random item to drop from an array 1. (this example is with the default lhz_dun04 mobs) You would edit your permanent monsters spawns for mob ID 2500-2520. lhz_dun04,0,0,0,0 monster Randel 2221,50,5000,0,"custom_lhz4_drops::OnLhz4MobDead" lhz_dun04,0,0,0,0 monster Flamel 2222,50,5000,0,"custom_lhz4_drops::OnLhz4MobDead" lhz_dun04,0,0,0,0 monster Celia 2223,50,5000,0,"custom_lhz4_drops::OnLhz4MobDead" lhz_dun04,0,0,0,0 monster Chen 2224,50,5000,0,"custom_lhz4_drops::OnLhz4MobDead" lhz_dun04,0,0,0,0 monster Gertie 2225,50,5000,0,"custom_lhz4_drops::OnLhz4MobDead" lhz_dun04,0,0,0,0 monster Alphoccio 2226,50,5000,0,"custom_lhz4_drops::OnLhz4MobDead" lhz_dun04,0,0,0,0 monster Trentini 2227,50,5000,0,"custom_lhz4_drops::OnLhz4MobDead" 2. the custom drop script: - script custom_lhz4_drops -1,{ OnInit: // list the item_id of your equips here setarray .items[0], 2607,2285,5170; end; OnLhz4MobDead: if (rand(1000) < 15) { // 1.5% chance set .@item_id, .items[rand(getarraysize(.items))]; if (checkweight(.@item_id,1)) { getitem .@item_id,1; } else { getmapxy(.@map$,.@x,.@y,0); makeitem .@item_id,1, .@map$,.@x,.@y; } } end; }
    1 point
  19. Do you have the noreturn mapflag set? trunk/conf/mapflag/noreturn.txt //= Also restricts "warpparty" and "warpguild" script commands.
    1 point
  20. here you can get the luas http://subversion.assembla.com/svn/ClientSide/Lua_Project/ and be sure too use the latest client translation files. http://subversion.assembla.com/svn/ClientSide/Translation_Project/renewal%20data/
    1 point
  21. How about we end things with a cliche quote? "If it ain't broke, don't fix it."
    1 point
  22. 6 players are allowed to enter :
    1 point
  23. wow ! you pointed me in right direction ! gives you 1 rep mob_controller_17100.patch and this script is now working fine in latest rathena SVN - script poring_race -1,{ if ( .ai_action[AI_ACTION_TYPE] == AI_ACTION_TYPE_WALKACK ) { getmobdata .ai_action[AI_ACTION_SRC], .@data; unitwalk .ai_action[AI_ACTION_SRC], .@data[6] -1, .@data[7]; } else if ( .ai_action[AI_ACTION_TYPE] == AI_ACTION_TYPE_DEAD ) { if ( .ai_action[AI_ACTION_TAR_TYPE] == AI_ACTION_TAR_TYPE_PC ) .@name$ = rid2name(.ai_action[AI_ACTION_TAR]); else if ( .ai_action[AI_ACTION_TAR_TYPE] ) { getmobdata .ai_action[AI_ACTION_TAR], .@slave; if ( .@slave[4] < 100000000 ) .@name$ = rid2name(.@slave[4]); } if ( getstrlen( .@name$ ) ) mapannounce "guild_vs2", .@name$ + " stop killing already", 0; .@id = getd( ".id"+ .ai_action[AI_ACTION_SRC] ); callsub L_spawn, .@id; setd ".id"+ .@id, 0; } end; OnInit: for ( .@i = 1; .@i <= 6; .@i++ ) callsub L_spawn, .@i; end; L_spawn: .gid[ getarg(0) ] = mobspawn( getarg(0) +"", 1002, "guild_vs2", 62, 56 - getarg(0) *2 ); setd ".id"+ .gid[ getarg(0) ], getarg(0); mobattach .gid[ getarg(0) ], strnpcinfo(0); setmobdata .gid[ getarg(0) ], 25, AI_ACTION_TYPE_DEAD | AI_ACTION_TYPE_WALKACK; setmobdata .gid[ getarg(0) ], 26, 1; unitwalk .gid[ getarg(0) ], 61, 56 - getarg(0) *2; return; } guild_vs2 mapflag nomobloot
    1 point
  24. Do keep in mind that the game does not work. You will have to finish it, hence the WIP
    1 point
  25. Help me guys i dunno whats the problem of my itemdb Please check this /kis2
    1 point
  26. There, I included the originals for the textures so anyone can edit them. They're in PNG format as they were made in Fireworks. monopolypng.rar
    1 point
  27. *points to banner* I'm a GM on TalonRO and this map was made by me so yes
    1 point
  28. Easy enough to photoshop that out of there, haha.
    1 point
  29. *le me interest waking up*
    1 point
  30. Very unique system! Monopoly is a classic game and seeing this working completely would be amazing.
    1 point
  31. this look fun. hope someone would finish the script. it's need time to develop.
    1 point
  32. Weird :S maybe it was your internet conection? did you try again? I think all ppl could download this one without that error. Please try again and let me know by PM or post here if you want. If you can, I can give you a mirror, or mail it to you. Thanks pal! Great ! I'm sure a lot of servers are allready using it and thats make me happy
    1 point
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