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Everything posted by Secrets

  1. I guess you can also make the <"password"> parameter optional for channel_create instead of requiring "null".
  2. there are no bad orders, there are bad answers haha Seems like you didn't see the thread pre-edit. That looked like he made no effort even for requesting a script.
  3. We are not really based on any episode. We add what's available to the emulator. For example, some episode 14.x's features are not yet implemented, but we already have the summoner class from episode 15-16.
  4. That's the worst request I've seen so far.
  5. Suggestion : Run the table creation query in OnInterIfInitOnce to make it more convenient to use your script. (No importing sql stuffs at all)
  6. If you are interested in pushing this to our official GitHub repo, go ahead and create a pull request. I will also do some cleanings for you.
  7. I would reject it for sake of backward compatibility since your diff completely break all scripts using <char id> parameter in statusup command. I have recently implemented needed_status_point script command to calculate amount of status points needed for raising stats to a point, so use that to get the amount of status points to subtract. *needed_status_point(<type>,<val>{,<char id>}); Returns the number of stat points needed to change the specified stat <type> by <val>. If <val> is negative, returns the number of stat points that would be needed to raise the specified stat from (current value - <val>) to current value. By the way, it's 2016 now, stop using the `set` script command.
  8. This has nothing to do with stat reset, just fyi.
  9. changebase them into 3rd class first.
  10. No, mailbox is replaced with RODEX on 2015 clients.
  11. This ^ I can't test SC's skills because I don't have required items.
  12. You probably misconfigurated the packet version or packet obfuscation
  13. WoE:Training Edition release! As of 7a011ecd, WoE:Training Edition and its related contents are now available on rAthena! First, I must mention that this update was brought to you by @Capuche, @Aleos, and @Cydh. This update would still not be a thing without them! The WoE:TE another version of War of Emperium for transcendent classes and below. Third classes and 2nd class of expanded classes are prohibited from participating. WoE:TE recreates all 5 of the Valkyrie and Luina realm castles called Gloria and Kafragarten. The entrance of WoE TE castle realms are located in Valkyrie and Luina. Some buffs and items are also disabled in WoE:TE for balance's sake. Content addition: - The WoE:TE system itself. - God Items Quest 3 Script engine addition: - OnAgitInit3, OnAgitStart3, OnAgitEnd3 These labels trigger when map-server receives WoE:TE castle data from the char-server, WoE:TE starts, and WoE:TE ends respectively. - agitcheck3, agitstart3, agitend3, gvgon3, gvgoff3 script commands. - getguildalliance script command. - See more about these recently added script commands in docs/script_commands.txt Secret signing off!
  14. update: soon release: too fast hundred years PR it.
  15. You can't use a Hercules instance script on rAthena.
  16. Correct me if i'm wrong. Is this "1st account, 1st character, job level 10" feature is suppose to be in the game? I mean, if it is legit at PRE-RE servers then I don't mind. I played RO since I was in primary school and I have never heard of this feature.
  17. - script #whatever -1,{ OnPCLoginEvent: if(!#firstCharJLv && BaseLevel == 1 && JobLevel == 1){ JobLevel = 10; #firstCharJLv = 1; } }
  18. As what i understand Linux is the type of OS. And there are many kinds of OS under the Linux Which are CentOS,Debian,Ubuntu and many more.. Most of the user nowadays use Debian 8 (Jessie) Please correct me if im wrong. It was the hosting company who told me to use CentOS was bad to host the server, which should be used pure linux. Tell that to all the "impure" Linux users which is the majority of the world
  19. Looks fine to me. Unless you messed up the script that sets @kill variable.
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