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Everything posted by Secrets

  1. This is another release to help rAthena users port recent instance releases from other emulators or old instance script which are still using rAthena's old instance script commands before the rewrite in r17386. This release helps translate script command calls to rAthena's version of script or get rid of errors when using these script command calls on rAthena. has_instance instance_attachmap instance_set_timeout instance_init To this point, you may only need to change `warp "mapname",x,y;` calls to instance_enter to port scripts mentioned above. [Download] Gist snippet
  2. if(getlook(LOOK_BODY2)){ // User already has jRO outfit on. Do something... }
  3. Just to clarify the misunderstandings, "no asking for link" was added because I didn't want to answer the following questions that would be asked. I personally don't have any hard feelings toward Hercules or any Hercules fork. I just don't like something the Herc dev team does, but that's why I choose to join this community instead of Hercules and move on. I don't know what happened between you guys in the past, but don't drag me in. Sincerely, Script/DB dev who joined in 2016 and doesn't understand a thing about this nonsense emulator war, Secret.
  4. I see many people getting hyped with recent script release for instances by someone. (no asking for link please) However, those scripts are not usable in rAthena. I guess I will release this script function to help them port the scripts without having to edit much of them. [Download] Gist snippet
  5. Some monsters are boss-flagged like Angeling, Abysmal Knight. MVPs are, well, MVPs.
  6. Item link's text will be distorted under some condition.
  7. I don't think eAthena supports packet obfuscation.
  8. IIRC, you have to choose between the old character creation window or packet obfuscation, because old clients with old char creation window doesn't have packet obfuscation implemented yet. Please correct me if I'm wrong
  9. Random Option System As of f296409, rAthena now supports Random Option System! Random Option System is a feature that is implemented in 2015-05-13 clients and later. It allows equipments to have up to 5 additional effects. You may think of it as 5 additional customizable card slots! With this feature, we believe it will open many more possibilities for server owner and scripters to create contents. However, this feature is still in initial release state. Bugs and issues may occur. We hope you could kindly report them to us. Finally, in addition to the feature, we will release more script command support for this feature in the future. Stay tuned! Details : - This features requires 2015-05-13 client or later to display the bonus in the client. - New database file has been added for renewal mode (db/re/item_randomopt_db.txt) - You can add additional bonus in db/import/item_randomopt_db.txt as usual. - New script commands. You can read more in doc/script_commands.txt * getrandomoptinfo - For reading attributes of the option calling this command itself. * getequiprandomoption - For reading attributes of an option on an equipped item. * setrandomoption - For applying an option to an equipped item. Special thanks to Napster for the initial code base of this feature.
  10. This is a known issue with 2012-04-10 client, and it is still not fixed. "Really long long numbers with letters" is called Git hash. It is legit even if it looks weird to you.
  11. You can read which skill is copied but not modify it by accessing these variables. CLONE_SKILL, CLONE_SKILL_LV (for plagiarism) and REPRODUCE_SKILL, REPRODUCE_SKILL_LV (for reproduce).
  12. Secrets

    bug @guild

    We don't support SVN versions anymore.
  13. I believe we still have some in stock. Please contact Aleos for details.
  14. We post noteworthy updates here. https://rathena.org/board/forum/10-development-news/ All commit logs can be found at https://github.com/rathena/rathena/commits/master
  15. You better edit the reply to prevent further misunderstanding.
  16. getarg(2,1) will return 1 if 3rd argument is not found.
  17. getarg(2,0); returns the 3rd argument passed in callsub command or 0 if it is not found. *getarg(<index>{,<default_value>}) This function is used when you use the 'callsub' or 'callfunc' commands. In the call you can specify variables that will make that call different from another one. This function will return an argument the function or subroutine was called with, and is the normal way to get them. This is another thing that can let you use the same code more than once. Argument numbering starts with 0, i.e. the first argument you gave is number 0. If no such argument was given, a zero is returned. place,50,50,6%TAB%script%TAB%Woman1%TAB%115,{ mes "[Woman]"; mes "Let's see if you win..."; callfunc "funcNPC",2; mes "Well done, you have won!"; close; } place,52,50,6%TAB%script%TAB%Woman2%TAB%115,{ mes "[Woman]"; mes "Let's see if you win..."; callfunc "funcNPC",5; mes "Well done, you have won!"; close; } function%TAB%script%TAB%funcNPC%TAB%{ .@win = rand(getarg(0)); if (.@win == 0) return; mes "Sorry, you lost."; close; | "woman1" NPC object calls the funcNPC. The argument it gives in this call is stated as 2, so when the random number is generated by the 'rand' function, it can only be 0 or 1. Whereas "woman2" gives 5 as the argument number 0 when calling the function, so the random number could be 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4, this makes "woman2" less likely to say the player won. You can pass multiple arguments in a function call: callfunc "funcNPC",5,4,3; getarg(0) would be 5, getarg(1) would be 4 and getarg(2) would be 3. 'getarg' has an optional argument since trunk r10773 and stable r10958. If the target argument exists, it is returned. Otherwise, if <default_value> is present it is returned instead, if not the script terminates immediately. In the previous example getarg(2,-1) would be 3 and getarg(3,-1) would be -1.
  18. eAthena from 2004 if anyone want to see things explode.
  19. You have to change your packet_version to 55 and make sure your packet_db.txt has packet data for that version. You might also want to check clif.h to make sure MAX_PACKET_VER define is 55 or above. If you don't know how, just download a new clean server and migrate your change instead.
  20. Secrets

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    No, this is a JavaScript code for you web page, and you should not interact with your database on front-end of your web app. You should raise a XMLHttpRequest call or jQuery.ajax() call if you are using jQuery to call a back-end code to update the database instead. If you don't understand what I'm talking about above, you should rather learn about coding a web app or hire someone to do it for you.
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