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Everything posted by Secrets

  1. Secrets


    @Akkarin Does it work for you?
  2. Secrets


    Wooo, it's working!
  3. You don't have required files for the dressing room system.
  4. If you are using renewal mode, a portion of cast time is not affected by DEX.
  5. client hash packet has nothing to do with this
  6. You probably updated your server without recompiling it.
  7. Probably incorrectly ported script from Hercules or other emulator.
  8. Old mail system has been replaced by the new RODEX mail system. We are working on getting it implemented.
  9. Yes, I even use a newer client for my 2nd class server
  10. Try running the queries from sql-files\upgrade\upgrade_20140612.sql
  11. Yes, it's possible to set up a game server on non-RO hosting and Google wouldn't care your server files. Oh, and to clear your misunderstanding, no VPS is 100% secure. The host machine can read your console output, read your VPS' memory, etc.
  12. WeeMapcache is evil and shouldn't be used. Use rA's mapcache tool instead.
  13. Cloudflare only work for HTTP services.
  14. This font is very hard to read on iOS devices.
  15. Don't parse the file every time you call the script command. Parse it on startup and make the script command grab the name from (maybe) a DBMap.
  16. Why not make a script command that parses your mp3nametable.txt?
  17. If you are going to donate, donate to rA instead. I'd like some money for some coffee, but this project is solely for the community. Thank you for your feedback. You might be afraid that 100% of time available by our team will be dedicated to this project, but, no, we still improve our current emulator (rA) with current information we have. As for the void you mentioned, I'd like to fill those where I can, too. However, it was mostly caused by no official server files being leaked since a year or two years ago. New features were datamined from official servers, and it takes longer time than converting stuffs directly from official server files.
  18. There are lots of platform to choose from, but why C++? (Copied from Discord) Since C codes can be reused in C++, we can reduce our workload of rewriting stuffs. That also allows us to go bit by bit instead of rewriting the whole thing at once.
  19. Now that's a more constructive reply instead of your unconstructive first reply.I hope you understand why I told you to go away. So, I understand your opinion, but, old codes from eA/jA or even rA is why we want to refactor. We sweared from times to times in the developer channel because of these old codes.
  20. Typed this on my tablet, so sorry for bad format. I will edit the format later. I appreciate all questions and feedbacks. - Should we fully focus on ra++ now? Ans. Some of originally planned feature are postponed in favor if rA++ instead. - When will the support for ra end? Ans. We have no plan of ending support for rA yet. - Despite from linux compiling: Which major issues are open? Ans. There no real major issue at the moment. - On which "version" is ra++ currently? Which commits needs to be reapplied from ra? Ans. rA++, as of now, is almost up-to-date in comparison to rA, and I will regularly merge commits from rA. - Are we going to use modern C++ for rA++? Ans. rA++ will use C++11 as its standard. - Do you understand how big of work this is? Ans. Yes, and it's being done part by part. Usage of our redundant C implementation is slowly being dropped. For example, StringBuf is dropped in my local branch in favor of std::string that is more efficient and powerful. - Why? Ans. rA is in technical debt for long time. We don't want to create any custom implementation of , for example, containers that is already available and more powerful in C++. Implementing one ourselves will just make the project harder to maintain. Another example is STL containers such as vector. It has more use and functions compared to our macro based vector. - Do you understand that this is not 1-2-3 *poof* C++ Ans. Yes. - For first few year, you'll only convert C logic to C++ Ans. Dropping something and totally rewrite it in modern C++ is my choice if something is too big. - Statements on C++ Ans. C++ has improved in these past few years. I believe this is worth the time. - Azeroth's statement Ans. Which one have you seen refactored to C++? Go away
  21. rAthena C++ Migration It's a well-known fact that people can get old. A software can also get old. It has been years that rAthena forked from eAthena, which is a fork of jAthena. Countless changes were committed. A large number of developers come and go. So, we think that it's time to move forward and leave things from 200x behind. I'd like to announce the project that was started by @Lighta, picked up later by the rA dev team, Project rAthena++. It is an attempt of converting rAthena source code from C language to C++ with utilizing object-oriented programming in mind. We believe that libraries available in C++ will facilitate us greatly in creating new features in the future. Code for the project can be found in our GitHub Repository. However, the project has its downside. It may break every single source mods out there. Although, I believe that it will be much easier to recreate mods in the future. In addition, rAthena being in C++ open the possibility for a nice plugin system to make mod developers' life easier. Also, currently the project will not compile on Linux. We will make a change to our Makefile later to support Linux. Additionally, I'd like to ask you to help test this new branch of rAthena throughout the development process for bugs or bad merges that may happen here and there. The project is still in very early stage. Its code is not much different to what we currently have now, but it will get refactored everywhere possible to make a good code base to develop in the future. Finally, special thanks to @Lighta for a good base of code. @Sirius_Black for his refactored solution for rAthena. @Aleos for great advices and tips. @Lemongrass for great advices and tips. @Cydh for a great piece of code that get me out of the compile errors hell. Secrets signing out! Links: C++ development branch: https://github.com/rathena/rathena/tree/refactor/rA-cpp
  22. This chat has everything you need if you want to take a break off RO development, need help in making a server, or in need of anime. We have some RO experts, dank memes, and waifus by the weebs in there.
  23. No, you have to add a statement to increase magic damage as well.
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