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Everything posted by Secrets

  1. Thank you for the information in the OP and the reply above. This will come in handy!
  2. Replace all sd->inventory.u.items_inventory to sd->status.inventory
  3. This mod was ported from a Hercules plugin by @bio which can be found here. Thank you for the great idea. This mod implements a new script command called `sellitem` which works just like `callshop`, but only for selling items. This command has an ability to filter out unwanted items that you don't want to display in selling shop. The <type> parameter is for specifying the filter type. SFT_TYPE - Type filter SFT_ID - ID filter Item type filter hides every item that isn't of type specified in <param> parameter. You can set nth bit of <param> to allow certain item type to be displayed. Where n is an item type's numerical value. See src/map/script_constants.h for more info. Item ID filter hides every item whose ID isn't equal to <param>. <Overcharge> parameter controls whether overcharge skill will affect item value display in the window. Example usages: mes "[ Jellopy Lover ]"; mes "I buy Jellopy for 50 Poring coins each."; close2; npcshopattach "JellopyShop"; sellitem "JellopyShop",SFT_ID,909; end; mes "[ Rare Items Collector ]"; mes "Sell me some rare items and cards"; close2; .@filter |= 1 << IT_CARD; .@filter |= 1 << IT_ARMOR; .@filter |= 1 << IT_WEAPON; npcshopattach "CardShop"; sellitem "CardShop",SFT_TYPE,.@filter; end; DOWNLOAD THE DIFF FILE
  4. Any client configured properly will work just fine on pre-renewal rAthena. If you want pure pre-re experience then I recommend 2010 clients. We still fix bugs for pre-re.
  5. This script is usable but it needs some adjustment. You could use scope variables (.@) instead of temporary char variable (@). The class checking part for 3rd classes could be changed to utilize eA job system and add a blacklist of class instead.
  6. I would instead stop using eAthena. It's full of bugs and possible exploits.
  7. From my decompilation result, Xrag is a pure client-side hack tool without any interference to the network component of the client. So yeah, no, packet obfuscation won't stop Xrag.
  8. Read sub-forum descriptions here. https://rathena.org/board/forum/25-scripting/
  9. /offtopic eAmod is forced by eAthena's license to be released under GNU GPLv3. No one has stolen anything from eAmod or Zephy because everyone with access to eAmod's codebase is permitted to re-release the software or a portion of it under the same license. Oh, and eAmod code is a mess.
  10. Q: How to check account is loggedin or player online by php script? A: Use this MySQL query. SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `char` WHERE online = 1 AND account_id = <your variable> Q: How to disable Database cach on memory ? A: No, you can't. That would require some serious rewrite on rAthena source code and its performance would drop by a lot.
  11. Cleaned up the script. Got rid of some eA-style code. Removed the index selection dialogue and made the script automatically detect free option slot. itemoption.txt
  12. sudo make server && chmod a+x login-server && chmod a+x char-server && chmod a+x map-server
  13. You can use setunitdata script command to set the Emperium's Max HP without duplicating its mob database entry. Ps. Only press `Submit` once to avoid duplicate topics. (ครั้งหน้ากด Submit ครั้งเดียวพอนะ เดี๋ยวกระทู้โผล่มาสองกระทู้)
  14. https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/npc/mapflag/noteleport.txt#L361-L374 You're welcome.
  15. Store the rebirth count in a permanent character variable. Then modify the src to reduce gained EXP accordingly. Hint: Look at pc_gainexp function in src/map/pc.c
  16. I could see your concern, but this time things are different. Converting codes to C++ isn't the highest priority work. In fact, we still do most of updates on our current C codebase. Login, char, inter and perhaps in the future, map server will be rewritten from ground up instead of reusing 200x tech that *Athena used.
  17. Find per += (((signed int)sd->status.job_level)-50)/2; //Updated per the new kro descriptions. [Skotlex] in status.c and edit the formular yourself. And no, this isn't a bug. Your topic title is misleading.
  18. https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/src/char/char_clif.c#L307 Change #if false && PACKETVER >= 20151001 to #if PACKETVER >= 20151001
  19. use this command to resolve the error chmod +x athena-start
  20. That means your rAthena binary is already up-to-date with the source code.
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