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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/21/13 in all areas

  1. Hello everyone. Today I took my time to do my own tests with the amazing tool that Ricky did to us. And well I tried harder with importing a custom GR2 Animation in Ragnarok Online. Comparing the default gr2 mobs I just thought that [D]oSS and me were doing bad since we were importing the models with all the bones attached. And, it is only necessary to import the skin of them. The following video is my first test I did, using the Granny Converter made by Ricky92, and using the Granny Importer for 3DS Max 7 *All tools are attached in the first post of this thread*. The original GR2 Monsters are from Ragnarok 2 Gate of The World! [media=] [/media] Typo error: It is "Granny Converter". Sorry about that. I believe Ricky92 will add a new version of the converter soon. However I can tell that the Alpha version of it, works pretty well. Some notes We are still doing tests with the Default Rotation of the Customs GR2. We are kinda early to add a tutorial of importing your own GR2, since we are doing our own tests. However if you are familiar with 3DS Max 7 and Granny 3D, you might find these tips useful: When importing with the 3DS Max Granny Plugin, import with the Bink Textures at "0" in all options If you are importing Multi Mesh Models, you have to Group all the meshes and import them. Otherwise the Game Client will only show the first mesh of your Granny Model. For testing animation, you have to import ONLY the default skin of your model in 3DS Max 7 using the Granny Importer. DON'T IMPORT the bones of your animation, or you will have errors in Game. Seems that resizing the models increase the animation speed. Or, it is happening for a reason in the game client. We are still wondering why. If you want to test.... I will attach the files used in the video so you can have fun with them. Just copy the files in "data/model/3dmob/" in your data, and, for now only name the files as "kguardian90_7". and test by using "@disguise 149". Please keep in mind that additional animation indexes are not supported YET, since those are stored in "data/model/3dmob_bone/" and they are reserved in the client ... So, if you attack or die, in disguise mode your game client will crash. Also, keep in mind that these gr2 are for testing and the test I did was on a skymap. Since the default position of the gr2 mobs are kinda not ready (and I have no time to test today), I just tested in a map with a view clear area as the one in the video. Our State: I think we have enough with default animation, and I believe we are ready to move on with custom animation indexes (that means, walk, die, hit, etc) just as how the default WoE guardians are. (Yes, what I mean, is that a custom gr2 mob, can store multiple animations in the same model). In this state we trully need help, of people skilled with client packets and source, since our knowledge is more practical we are limited to do our tests more in a Graphical purpose. We will move on to try this multiple animation, but again, we currently need this kind of help. Thank you. 3d_Mob_default_animation_test.rar
    3 points
  2. inside trunk/src/map/itemdb.c change /*========================================== * Specifies if item-type should drop unidentified. *------------------------------------------*/ int itemdb_isidentified(int nameid) { int type=itemdb_type(nameid); switch (type) { case IT_WEAPON: case IT_ARMOR: case IT_PETARMOR: return 0; default: return 1; } } into /*========================================== * Specifies if item-type should drop unidentified. *------------------------------------------*/ int itemdb_isidentified(int nameid) { int type=itemdb_type(nameid); return 1; }
    2 points
  3. What's this? A mapflag. If any map that has noconsume mapflag, every players are at that map can't use any usable items. I said, any usable items. *Except player that has Group ID below noconsume_belowgroupid. This is written on conf/battle/noconsume.conf.* What's the first idea I made this? I hate cheater(s) when I made an event when I asked "Don't use any usable items, healing, pot, etc!" How to use this? Just make new mapflag file, the patch file including the mapflag. prontera[TAB]mapflag[TAB]noconsume Is this mod working on latest rAthena svn? I hope so, because I just tried it on my 17101. Any proof that it is working and tested? Where I can download the .patch file? mf_noconsume (Mediafire) *Better add the patch file manually. LOL* How if I want to the exception by group_level not by group_id? mf_noconsume-bygrouplv-rA.patch
    1 point
  4. Hi, I made this tool to generate the LUA files (accesoryid.lua and accname.lua) directly from your MySQL tables (item_db and item_db2) and mixing the data with the file idnum2itemresnametable.txt The contents are generated using the Sprite Name in idnum2itemresnametable.txt and the item names in MySQL, including your custom items. Please help me to test the application and give me all your feedback to fix any problem. Download LUA Generador: http://www.4Undeads.com/uploads/LuaGenerator.1.3.rar (or download it from the attached file in the post) Regards, Myzter LuaGenerator.1.3.rar
    1 point
  5. Erm... Why don't you just remove the option for 3rd Jobs on your Job Changer? I guess it's enough.
    1 point
  6. Colega, o uso do no-ip é simplesmente dispensável para qualquer configuração do servidor. O no-ip cabe apenas para uso do cliente (clientinfo.xml), isso se a conexão partir de fora da rede que se encontra o servidor, uma vez que será o CLIENTE que irá conectar ao servidor. -> = aponta dominio no-ip (myro.servegame.net) -> IP obtido por seu modem durante sincronização DSL ( - IP publico na internet) -> modem -> roteador (wireless/hub se tiver) -> seu IP interno de rede (computador) As configurações do rAthena no que diz respeito aos ip's devem permanecer inalteradas de preferência, pois assim o emulador ira identificar as configurações necessárias e fazer o uso das mesmas. Nesse caso, não se deve alterar o endereço para conexão do banco de dados no arquivo 'inter_eathena.conf' a NÃO ser que você está usando o servidor de banco de dados instalado em OUTRO computador na sua rede ou fora dela. Se o mysql está instalado na maquina em que está rodando o rAthena, deixe os ip's como localhost( que irá funcionar perfeitamente. Qualquer duvida, só perguntar. Att, Etherion.
    1 point
  7. Send a pm like if to a player name being "npc:mine"
    1 point
  8. Hi zeroel90, you can try to use 'GRF Builder' to pack/unpack your files I think the only untranslated problem are the buttons
    1 point
  9. You dont need to make save folder, since txt version is removed from rathena. Just continue with furthur steps.
    1 point
  10. This is most-likely not going to happen. The side option of Pre-Renewal is causing no harm, and imo the way it is currently setup is totally fine. Plus, most populated servers out there uses rAthena with the option of Pre-Renewal. Justmy2cents
    1 point
  11. Whisp to "npc:mine" (npc:drill doesn't exists), at the beginning you can craft only 1 drill, but you can train the skill "Drill Box" to be able to create more drills for refill. The drill crafting is hard in this game, you need patience because after 6 tries (or more) you will make a drill successfully.
    1 point
  12. The previous two answers are incorrect. You have two choices: Initiate all castles (using 'agitstart' commands), then terminate the castles you don't need. Only initiate the castles you need by calling the specific script labels. The first is what my WOE Controller script does (you configure times/castles in-game on an admin account); the second you'll have to write yourself.
    1 point
  13. for(set .@i,1; .@i<.@size; set .@i,.@i+2 )
    1 point
  14. I really don't see why we should drop pre-renewal... It's runing stable and doesn't need much work anymore anyways. I don't see why you people have a problem with it, you can change it on or off to your needs.
    1 point
  15. * Imitate the voice of AnnieRuru * No it doesn't ! (lol) It works only on rAthena
    1 point
  16. Original RO Model---> https://dl.dropbox.c...uardian90_8.gr2 Our Model for testing ---> https://dl.dropbox.com/u/52175822/house1.GR2 You are right, the converstion shows the multimesh on there, but for a reason in game, well you see the result. Perhaps this is something more in our side, since it has to do with the game. However your help is greatily appreciated in case you will take a look to the original model. ===== To everyone: We are ready to update our project (In case someone wonders, since Doss is not good at english I have to do it with his account =P). Changes are listed below: Changelog of our current progress so far Our current state. -For now, we are looking for people skilled with hooking packets in the client (we are aiming to contact Yommy again, since we are able to use custom granny now) so as a core developer (we are aiming to contact Greenbox for his help, since he shows interest before) who is able to dig into animation indexes in the server side emulator . Everyone is welcome. A video example To show you how to rip Ragnarok 2 -Gate of New World- gr2 mobs as 1 example, into Ragnarok 1. This includes how to handle the 3DS Max granny 2.6.1.X importer. So you can do your own testings. This is to improve the community participation, I'm sure most of people is willing to do his own testings now. Contact of Ricky92, and his donation link. I know he doesn't asks for this but this is more because myself wants it. Thanks for reading.
    1 point
  17. I agree on creating a separate branch for the two. Many servers enlisted on ratemyserver.net is running Pre-Renewal while on rAthena. So the removal of Pre-Renewal would be a nightmare to those that are on it. :3
    1 point
  18. I'd like to revive discussion regarding this topic. I think Lilith's addition is highly beneficial for a lot of servers. It can make balancing a lot of skills a tad bit easier for those that do not actually know how to modify the source.
    1 point
  19. to increase the heal rate or area size...refer this *areapercentheal "<mapname>",<x1>,<y1>,<x2>,<y2>,<hp>,<sp>; Not exactly limited to battleground use, this will restore HP/SP in a defined area at a percentage. Example: areapercentheal "bat_a01",52,208,61,217,100,100; end; edit the <hp>,<sp> part....( in % ) and....buff skills cant be done without any src mod.. you can set buff skill though when a character click it then get buff.. but not auto get buff when stand there for every x interval.. and of course you can make use of OnTouch Label.. so that when character get near..it will give buff when they entered the area
    1 point
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