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  1. I'm working on the Bink1 to Bink0 conversion routine now for the next update. If the last version published gave any error, please let me know, so I can fix it and release a "final" version. Also, if you have any feature request/suggestion, let me know.
    2 points
  2. That why I said you'd need someone to handle that. (like pushing change from RE to PRE) etc... Also I pointed the last topic in my 1st post bouhou no one read me =). Making it clean is imo important for maintenance. Like you don't want to read hundread of preprocess #if. Wich will increase more and more time go on. Will make it harder for people to take it over and participate in project. (harder to search where was the correct handler..). Well you can if you will... But actually there's other project who will have better impact on project imo : - Documentations / Schema. (even if partially done it's still minimal and this may be good to review code and not have duplicate handler..) - Tests. (one thing that slow down major change is that we don't have regression test, we just try on our own commit and wait => this why we have quite significant reverts amount, 1 change break another etc... need like a QC. - Open it more. (git good for that for exemple). Many could contribuate occasonially but enter on "staff" may mean to much responsability time etc. (like right now I have no time and feel bad....). So yeah improve casual help. (danger might be we have too much mods and "pollute" repo too much... => In short probably require better guideline/milestone.). In comparaison branching would impact less I think, but all this is admin and we need more code done !!
    2 points
  3. I was looking for the same thing and couldn't find much. I think each may be done seperately when they make them since I noticed even classes that step similar don't match. For instance when they Gypsy Steps, even though her legs cross to step the back leg twists as to her shoulders. When the female Assassin Cross steps she makes the same cross leg step however her back leg and her shoulders stay straight. Then theres others like the female hunter that doesn't cross step at all. Because of this I think there either is no base and each is unique or else they have several bases that gravity uses when making their sprites. However there are a few things I've seen some people try making. This person has some sprites http://www.hbgames.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=159&t=44423&start=0 but since it was 2008 anything not there i doubt he'll show up with. and then theres this one from a DA artist but its again not complete walk sheets http://elychan.deviantart.com/art/Base-Ragnarok-Online-24284580 but then each only provides one base style (what looks to be a dancer and a swordman) and they're both incomplete sheets. At least theres a male and a female I guess? They don't match in style though so you'd still have to do your own work and neither says its ok to use for a game if thats your end goal. But they're examples if thats all you need since it seems you just want an idea of how to start.
    2 points
  4. E - Script Collection Last Update : September 10, 2013 Refine Function SQL Mission Board Monster Marching Vendor Control Advanced Stylist Coin Exchanger Doppelganger Race Of The Day Limited Items Multi Currency Shop Random News GM Online List Link Broken E-Inquiry DotA Runes Flower Counting Game Class Restriction Chain Quest Build Manager Misc Scripts : Freebies Script Card Trader Gold Room [ Pick Gold ] Gold Room [ Guild Tax ] Map Restriction [ GM Based ] Daily Reward Monthly Reward Monster Spawner Monster Summoner with Last Summoned Display Players Stats & Equipments 3rd Job Item Giver Exchanger [ Cashpoint to Coins ] Exchanger [ Poring Coin - Zeny ] Exchanger [ Points to Tickets ] Exchanger [ Item to Item ] Exchanger [ Item to Item ] Exchanger [ Multi Item to 1 Item ] Party Match Auto Ban Over Stats Users Soul Link Buff Kill Players gain Cash Points Party Members All Get Items [ Snippet ] Message Board Stalker Class Skill Reproduce NPC Multiple Selection Quest [ Template ] In-Game Item Rewarder In-Game Points Rewarder Invasion Event Custom Item Rate Status Point Seller [ Snippet ] Anti Bot Security Script Anti Bot Script [ Code / Question ] Item Combo Restriction [ LHZ Card ] Drop Item Upon Death PVP Switcher + Announcer [ Guild Master ] Rotating Waitingroom Messages +10 Refiner [ Specific Items ] Random Rate Item Exchanger MVP Invasion Premium Users [ Boost Rates ] Display Cutin Image upon Login Custom Randomed Box Items Kick GM during WOE Custom Crafting NPC Restrict Same IP [ Certain Map ] Coloured Items Exchanger Guild Master Changer Party Team PK Match Gambling Game IRC Channel Crafting NPC Guild Storage Restriction Stage Game [ Version 4 ] Monster Wiki Event [ Version 3 ] Special Thank you for my Tutor : Notes : I am a bit lazy to write all those Script Descriptions, i do believe that all of you able to get how this script works. Anyway, i will still doing my best to write the Updated Changelog or informations about the script as detail as possible. All the Scripts above are uploaded to Pastebin . Abide the Following Rule : Scripts Error / Not Working , you have to Explain it in Details. ( Add in Images / Modified Scripts ) Do not SPAM / BUMP in my Topic. Do not ask for Support stuffs for other Scripts in this Topic. Link Down , then drop [ @Emistry ] a message. I Reserved the Right for NOT Answering your Posts if you did not abide my Topic's Rules. Keep This In Your Mind : All the Scripts i distribute here are NOT FOR COMMERCIAL USES . DO NOT remove my Credits if you are using part of the scripts to modify your own. DO NOT re-release the scripts in any form / way. If you ♥ these Scripts , Click on to Vote this Topic up. Or you may also click on at above the Topic
    1 point
  5. Peopleperson49's Script Collection Please enjoy my work. If you have any suggestions or find any issues/bugs please let me know! If you like or download my work please click the "Vote this post up" button to the right of the post and check out my server Ragnarok Underground. My scripts are written as I would use it for my Ragnarok Underground server, you might need to configure them before use. My scripts are written to work with the rAthena emulator. When reporting and bug/error/suggestion in this topic please give the emulator version, version of the script your using, and the issue in detail! Super Magnifier Identifys all unidientified items a player is holding at once. I made this a long time ago for my server, but I added here for Nipsino after reading a post he left. Function_SuperMagnifier.txt Rock, Paper, Scissors Roulette This was one of my first scripts I ever made. I learned to script by breaking these type of scripts down and recreating them from scratch. This script was recreated in this same way. It is very similar to the original in design. Allows the player to play roulette with a 5 chamber pistol. Only one bullet is loaded at a time. The script will continue to loop until somebody is shot. Version 2.0: rpsroulette.txt BlackJack Scratchcard Blackjack script that designed to work like a scratchcard. It is based on using eight decks or cards and both numbers and suits determine winning hands. Buster prize for scoring a 30 or 31, which can only be done if you already have a 20 or 21 adding one more element of gambling to it. Item data is included at the bottom of the script. Version 3.3: Scratchcard_BlackJack.txt Powerball Lottery This was one of my first scripts I ever made. I learned to script by breaking these type of scripts down and recreating them from scratch. This script was recreated in this same way. It is very similar to the original in design. Powerball lottery picks 5 miniballs and 1 powerball. Different pay amount based on type of matches made. Version 1.7: lottery.txt Advanced Banker This was one of my first scripts I ever made. I learned to script by breaking these type of scripts down and recreating them from scratch. This script was recreated in this same way. It is very similar to the original in design. Bank with varying account and interest based directly on balance. Also has trustfund which pays out only when the character reaches BaseLevel 150. Most of my scripts give trustfund bonuses and also 1% of any zeny spent goes toward the trustfund. Version 1.4: bank.txt Heads Or Tails This was one of my first scripts I ever made. I learned to script by breaking these type of scripts down and recreating them from scratch. I remember making this one, but I'm not sure if I based it off of another script or not. Player starts by betting 500z and then flips a coin. If heads their money is disabled, if tails they loose all their money. Version 2.4: hot.txt Jackpot Leon This was one of my first scripts I ever made. I learned to script by breaking these type of scripts down and recreating them from scratch. This script was recreated in this same way. It is very similar to the original in design, however I'm not sure where to find that script anymore. The script picks a number between 1 and 100. The player pays 10,000z to make a guess. Each guess increases the size of the Jackpot by 9,000z until somebody wins. Version 2.3: jackpot.txt Double Dice Roll Very simple dice gambling game created for my custom Comodo casino package. You bet various amounts of zeny and roll two dice. The winner is the one with the highest total score. This was created from scratch as part of my casino package and had nothing to do with the rolladice script. Version 2.1: roll_a_dice.txt Saving Angel This script was written for my lovely wife after we were player and our whole party was wiped out in majos. It allows a character to resurrect another character anywhere in the server for a fee. Version 1.8: Saving_Angel.txt Magic 8 Ball Custom script that works just like using a magic 8 ball. Version 2.2: MagicEightball.txt Wishing Well Custom script that allows a player to throw zeny into the wishing well and make a wish. The wish is then sent to any online GM using @request. It is restricted to one use per day to help prevent annoying the crap out of the GM's! Version 1.7: WishingWell.txt Arch Bishop Job Quest This script was written for MelMel on rAthena.org. It is a compltely new version of the third job change quest for an Arch Bishop. I did not use any other scripts as a base. It allows a Priest/High Priest to gather items and then change jobs to an Arch Bishop. The Sub-scripts can be completed in any order and all work off of each other. Version 1.1: Job_AB.txt Guillotine Cross Job Quest This script was written to supplement the fact that the Guillotine Cross still has no official script release on rAthena.org. It is a compltely new version of the third job change quest for a Guillotine Cross. I did not use any other scripts as a base. It allows a Assassin/Assassin Cross to gather items and then change jobs to a Guillotine Cross. Version 1.2: Job_GC.txt Monster Of The Day Another Monster Of The Day script. I made this one from scratch to be very simple and work automatically. Uses almost the full list of monsters from the mob_branch. I included the dispbottom here when players login, but I actually perfer to use a login script with this in it. Version 1.4: MOTD.txt Security Manager Allows a player to set up a password to help protect their account. It uses a simple OnWhisperGlobal function. I nolonger support the use of the whisper system in my Security Manager script after version 1.3. I will still provide support for other issues that might be discovered in scripts prior to v1.4, but they will be fixed in a version that now uses bindatcmd. Version 1.5: Security_Manager.txt GM Headquarters Allows access to a part of the sec_in01 map that doesn't have any warps anyway. This is a nice areas to setup special NPC's or events. Whatever anybody wants to do with it. However the secutiry code is fun for everybody to try to crack. This script currently has shops that be used once a day as a reward for cracking code. It's my intent to eventually add a full warper script that can be used once a day also. Version 1.3: GMHeadquarters.txt Monster Hunter This script was written for vgrebirth on rAthena.org. It allows one party at a time to do the Monster Hunter event. If any member is killed the entire party looses and are warped out. If you kill all the mini-boss monsters the boss monster is spawned. Version 2.7: Monster_Hunter.txt
    1 point
  6. My tool allows you to take wings/rucksacks/whatever sprites, rename them numerically to place into the tool, and will automatically output the renamed files for each class, saving you hours of time having to manually rename each file.Originally inspired by this thread: http://rathena.org/board/topic/72734-guidecustom-wings-at-robe-place/ - I created this tool as a means of saving not only myself, but others time. The script can still use some improvements (automatic creation of folders from steps 2 through 6 in the instructions below for instance), but is for all general purposes ready and working as-is. My script uses PHP and web server magic to run. Your web server will also need to be able to .tar.gz files. I don't know how to check other than running the script, so.. yeah. You will need to download the following zip which contains a robes.php file: http://jtynne.com/rAthena/robetool.zip Next, follow these instructions: 1. Upload the robes.php file to your web server. 2. Create two folders "base" and "output" 3. CHMOD both folders to 0777 4. Inside of the "base" folder, place all of your .spr/.act files for the garment sprite you'd like to create. Number these from 1 upward and remember this number for the next step. 5. Inside of the "output" folder, create an equivalent amount of folders to the same number of .spr/.act's you put in the "base" folder. If you went up to 3.spr/3.act then make three folders: 1 2 3 6. Inside EACH of the numbered folders, create two additional folders with the names "³²" and "¿©" (male/female). This is important so do it! 7. Run the robes.php script from your browser and allow it to run. It will create a .tar.gz file containing all the necessary sprite files, but your work is not yet done. 8. Inside the .tar.gz you will find an "output" folder which contains numbered folders and renamed sprite files for all classes. Take the numbered folders and place them into : data/sprite/·Îºê/ (client-side) 9. Open data/lua files/datainfo/spriterobeid.lua AND data/lua files/datainfo/spriterobename.lua YOU MUST EDIT BOTH FILES. 10. Inside spriterobeid.lua in the SPRITE_ROBE_IDs = { section, add in your new robe reference. e.g. ROBE_MYRO_1 = 1, 11. Inside spriterobename.lua in the RobeNameTable = { section, add in your new robe reference using the data from the previous step as an addendum to the syntax. e.g. [sPRITE_ROBE_IDs.ROBE_MYRO_1] = "1", 12. You can then test these out in-game with @changelook 7 # or adjust the "view" field on a garment and voila. Note: If anyone has questions, I probably won't respond very quickly as I'm busy IRL with school/running my own server/working. Help each other, it's pretty straight-forward so long as you have an understanding of client-side data. If anyone would like to create a more detailed guide, be my guest. If you modify my script, please do give credit where credit is due, as I spent a considerable amount of time making this work. Thanks!
    1 point
  7. jTynne's @go Command Alternative In .txt Format! This is my custom alternative to @go that allows end users the ability to EASILY add/change @go locations on the fly without the need to edit any source files OR recompling/rebooting their server. This is a highly customizable script that is pretty straight-forward in its coding. You can easily add in or adjust existing @go locations in seconds. Please Note: This will replace the default @go command when loaded in-game! Instructions / Customization To use? Simply upload and @loadnpc the file in-game and @go will be modified. If you wish to add in a new @go location, all you have to do is add a new entry following the format noted below: if(@warp$ == "35" || @warp$ == "ecl" || @warp$ == "ecla" || @warp$ == "eclag" || @warp$ == "eclage") { callsub Process,"eclage",110,39,0,0; } if(@warp$ == "36" || @warp$ == "ser" || @warp$ == "sere" || @warp$ == "seren" || @warp$ == "serenglade") { callsub Process,"serenglade",34,82,0,0; } As noted in the text in red above, you add in a number higher than the current highest value (in the script currently, Eclage is 35, so to add in a custom location, simply add in a value of 36, customize the text based warp strings you want (for @go 36, in the above example, you can either use @go 36 or @go ser @go sere @go seren or @go serenglade, and all will teleport you to the same location of serenglade <34,82>). Planned for future releases: - Additional options GM's can set for the command in the header. (Re-use delay, price per use option) Version History : Current Version 2.0 2.0 Dec 31st, 2012 : http://www.jtynne.com/rAthena/scripts/gobind_v2.txt 1.0 Dec 29th, 2012: http://www.jtynne.com/rAthena/scripts/gobind.txt Please report any bugs you may find, and/or if you have any requests / suggestions for the script as a response to this thread. Thank you! (Please +1 me if you enjoy this script~)
    1 point
  8. Thanks for your interest in this guide. The main purpose of all these lines is, to have an -advance level- resource for those guys that wish to go further with their map creations. This guide will cover a useful amount of guides that has never been out there before. Yes, this is a compilation of things I have learned so far until this day; there is more mapping than just learning browedit! Requirements You have already read Aeries Browedit tutorial ---> http://rathena.org/b...e-for-browedit/ You have completely learned Syouji Browedit Tutorial ---> http://rathena.org/b...utorial-videos/ You already have experience with mapping. More than just edit maps, I mean, building your own. You have experience doing -re texturizing- Ragnarok Models and you are able to make your browedit read them You are capable to use Image Editors. Photoshop, GIMP, ... whatever. Probably just the basics, like flipping images or cutting an image. Please... Don't ask for support if you have not fullfilled the previous points I'm listing here. Another point: This guide will not contain links to download copyright software. Here, I will only list the software you will need to follow the video tutorials I will add... it is up to you too obtain this software by purchasing it, or Google it. GR2 Granny Custom 3D models in RO Watch in Full Screen at 1080p About: "An example of how you can add your own custom 3D GR2 models as mobs in Ragnarok Online just like the WoE Guardians or the emperium. You can add them as mobs, or even as NPC. Software Requirements: Granny Pack: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/52175822/Granny.rar Granny Converter: http://rathena.org/board/files/file/3022-granny-converter-by-ricky92/ Umodel: http://www.gildor.org/downloads ActorXImporter: http://www.gildor.org/projects/unactorx RO2 GoTW: https://mega.co.nz/#F!tQwyQCTD!JNEehQnbvdl6Ww5JYo3Kcg If you want to only do a quick test maybe you can download directly the Mejonora already extracted: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/52175822/mejonora_test.rar Tips & Troubleshoting: FBX to RSM Animated Models Watch in Full Screen at 1080p About: "Importing and doing your own animated RSM Models now it is possible.." Software Requirements: RSMConverter 3.0 by @xarple ---> LINK FBX Converter 2013.3 by Autodesk ---> LINK 3DS Max 2013 or More RSW and GND Maps into FBX Watch in Full Screen at 1080p About: "Think about the possibilities you can have by importing whole Ragnarok Maps and be able to edit them with the all powerful 3DS Max design tool" ... transform ground shapes, into complex structures with curves presents for ex. modify vertices structures of map areas, etc." Software Requirements: ROMAPCONV9 by Xarple LINK FBX Converter by Autodesk LINK 3DS Max 2012 or More Importing and Editing RSM Models into 3DS Watch in Full Screen at 1080p About: "You might know that it is possible to Import 3DS to RSM ... But how about the reverse of this? In this tutorial you will learn How to Import RSM to 3DS And open your possibilities to do complex editions to default Ragnarok Models" Software Requirements: Browedit 3D Object Converter any version. 3DS Max 7 or more. I use ver 9 here. I will try to keep this tutorial updated. Volume 1 is ready, and Volume 2 is under progress... Any Inquiries, suggestion or... thanks! are very well appreciated, and will keep me motivated to add more and more videos of all of these things I have learned in years with a lot of effort!. Thanks to all and don't forget to follow this thread. Have a nice day.~
    1 point
  9. since I discover this OnPCStatCalcEvent I keep bringing it up in scripting section and I start to get sick I have to update this patch every single time when I comply a request with it http://rathena.org/board/topic/76088-skill-in-map/#entry166271 http://rathena.org/board/topic/77185-function-changelook-random-viewid/#entry171792 and a few unused like http://rathena.org/board/topic/74206-close-drop-certain-item-on-certain-map/#entry155980 http://rathena.org/board/topic/72989-capture-the-flag-woe-script/#entry150735 I believe this mod is very very helpful for example, in this topic - script kdfjshksfjhksdfj -1,{ OnPCStatCalcEvent: bonus2 bExpAddRace,10,100; // PS: ... can someone confirm this exp is getting more than usual ? bonus2 bExpAddRace,11,100; end; }
    1 point
  10. lol ? isn't the equipments { Iitem Script } field also run the item script field 255 times ? Yeah you're right
    1 point
  11. 4359,B_Eremes_Card,Assassin Cross Card,6,20,,10,,,,,,,,4,,,,,{ if( Class != Job_Champion ) skill "AS_CLOAKING",3; },{},{ sc_end SC_CLOAKING; } @Gandalf Please be polite in your posts / topic... you should know that you're the one who asking for helping... Please respect others.... you ask them to help you , not order them to help you. You will get the help whenever they want to help you. @others. Stop continue posting non-related stuff. Bring it to PM if there are any misunderstanding between you guys.
    1 point
  12. Are you sure youv successfully executed the files? If your are using My SQL Browser Default Schema: Log Execute this 1st ALTER TABLE `picklog` ADD `nsiuid` BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `card3`; and Then: ALTER TABLE `picklog` CHANGE `nsiuid` `unique_id` BIGINT( 20 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';
    1 point
  13. Gandalf, for future reference, rudeness significantly hurts your chances of getting a prompt response. Basic_Scripting#Conditions.2C_Variables.2C_and_Set
    1 point
  14. as far as I concern, the script under OnPCStatCalcEvent label is very short OnPCStatCalcEvent: if ( strcharinfo(3) == "guild_vs2" && .Juggernaught_aid == getcharid(3) ) // conditions bonus .... ; // put all the bonus end;// that's all ^.^ the only things that really concern you is the condition to add the bonus ? lol ? isn't the equipments { Iitem Script } field also run the item script field 255 times ?http://www.eathena.w...dpost&p=1007915 whats the difference ? and @str 255 will run the script field once, as well as OnPCStatCalcEvent also once OnPCIdleEvent, OnPCUseSkill, OnPCAttackEvent, OnPCChatEvent for these 4 I might reconsider, but this one I don't mind still not convince enough ? originally, if we want a donators in a server to gain a permanent status boost we can either 1. use sc_start with high amount <-- looks noob code 2. create a new equipment with insane stats <-- more practical, and everyone currently doing this but the equipment might broke or strip ( can counter with bUnbreakable*** and bUnstripable*** though ) or this 3. OnPCStatCalcEvent OnPCStatCalcEvent: if ( getgroupid() == 1 ) { // Super Player bonus bAllStats, 10; bonus2 bExpAddRace,10,100; bonus2 bExpAddRace,11,100; } end; super player gains a permanent +10 all stats and +100% exp gain by just being a Super Player with no.2, if use /str+100 also execute donator equipment's Item script 100 times or no.3, /str+100 also execute this label 100 times I don't see any difference
    1 point
  15. Well, multi switches isn't really my style. I'm just editing his script In fact, I don't know those item id, I'm just guessing hehe..
    1 point
  16. Isn't that one of there reasons people play in private servers for? To have a completely unique RO experience, if people wanted the original they'd just play in the officials. iRO is free to play. No matter how much argument is made about this or how much logical sense there is to it..It's not probable that a majority of the community is going to support it. People like having options. It was rejected a few(?) times previously; the one I moved was not the first of these suggestions. I personally love that people can mix and match however they choose and setup whatever style server they like; it definitely adds more options to a 10+ year old game now. Personally, I'd be against the removal of pre-renewal or even a branch split, not to mention we have more pressing issues to worry about (like Renewal ATK =p). This would/could be a good idea but considering the history of *athena it will never work! Branches are almost always brushed off to the side to the point that no one cares for them anymore. People would just develop Renewal and Pre-RE would rot away until it breaks compatibility and then everyone would be too lazy to fix it because it would be too much work (even if it is a simple push/pull request).
    1 point
  17. @Taeko Thanks for your support. I wish I could have the time to be more active in the Spanish community (since it is my native language) but, truly I can't afford too much time to make this videos in Spanish Too. All I can offer is support, so anyone in divine RO can contact me in my contact forms and I would be glad to assist them in Spanish. Hope I will be helpful! Volume 2 RSW and GND Maps into FBX About: "Think about the possibilities you can have by importing whole Ragnarok Maps and be able to edit them with the all powerful 3DS Max design tool" ... transform ground shapes, into complex structures with curves presents for ex. modify vertices structures of map areas, etc." Take a look at the initial post of this thread to watch the video tutorial.
    1 point
  18. There's a disguise npc in \npc\custom\events I guess this is it: OnClock0000: OnClock0600: OnClock1200: OnClock1800:
    1 point
  19. Isn't that one of there reasons people play in private servers for? To have a completely unique RO experience, if people wanted the original they'd just play in the officials. iRO is free to play. No matter how much argument is made about this or how much logical sense there is to it..It's not probable that a majority of the community is going to support it. People like having options.
    1 point
  20. Okay, a new version is out, as there was a serious bug which could cause the program to crash randomly with no specific reason, since it was addressing a deleted memory block. New download, same link: Download Here Password is still "www.ricky92.com". Changes in this version: Fixed addressing of deleted memory block, causing random crashes or strange exporter name in the output GR2 Added check for Bink1 texture format, which is unsupported in Granny If any textures of that kind are found, the program will print a warning message. Known bugs: Automatic conversion of GR2 files which have a Runtime Type Tag different from 0x80000015 will fail. It should not be the case, as the granny engine should be able to work out the conversion automatically, or at least give a non-working (yet valid) gr2 file as an output. I'll try to investigate further when I have time (which probably means in a few months, lol) I don't have the gr2 format completely sorted out, as I still rely on the original DLLs to load the file in memory and write the converted output. I have planned to create a standalone, cross-platform library to do this, so that the converter could work even on Linux or Mac OS X. It's just a plan and I will not be able to work it out in the near future, though, as I don't have that much free time at all.
    1 point
  21. An updated translation project can be found here: http://svn6.assembla...lation_Project/ Also, this are some observations about what you have in window: 1. New Create Guild Interface. This have a friendly message about how to create guilds. Also needs a file named "guildtip.txt" in data folder to show some text. 2. New Quest Window. This is a new window that gets a some cool functions. 3~6. Quests Tab. There is a section to active quest, innactive quest, "episode quest"... and can't remember what for is the other 2 tabs. Some functions are controlled from lua files. 7. New Party Creation Button. It is disabled the creation of partys with espaces in name with /organize "party with spaces", it needs to use the party creation window to make those party names. 8. New Battleground Queue System. It is a "recruiting system" that allows players to register to battlegrounds in a queue system (in spanish: "cola de espera"). It is not working in rAthena because is missing the needed packets somebody tell me eAMOD has it working, but I don't know too much about it. (if someone can make it work, please share). 9. New Party Booking System. This Party Booking System allows to search for party members, register a party with some advertisement, and recall members in exchange for zeny. However, this party booking has never be implemented in main servers of kRO, only in sakray server, and it was downgraded in later releases. 10. Navigation System. This is a npc/map/monsters finder, allows you to search for npc/maps/monsters in the game, and gives you a route to follow to find it (like the little robots in Axiom ship from WALL-E movie), using airship routes, kafra teleport system and dungeon teleport scrolls. 11. Personal/Favorite Tab. This tab allows you to put favorite items to have it more quickly. A very interesting function. (the NO MSG right there is a function to prevent you of droping items Active/Deactive). 12. Map Window. It is integrated to navigation system, if you go to Prontera and other town maps, you will see Tool Dealers, Kafras, Weapon Dealers and some other handy npc in mini map. Also, if you use World Map you will see the Kafra Teleport Routes in a very easy way to go, very cool *-*
    1 point
  22. Server Side Setup Guide(For Installing in Windows - Usually for Test Servers): http://rathena.org/board/topic/53291-guidehow-to-setup-a-ragnarok-onlineserver-side-only/ Server Side Setup Guide(For linux - This is commonly used OS in VPS Host): http://rathena.org/board/topic/53369-how-to-setup-your-ragnarok-server-in-linux/ Adding Custom Items Guide: http://rathena.org/board/topic/70005-guide-adding-custom-item-renewal/ Downloading the newest trunk here in rAthena you'll need these: http://rathena.org/board/topic/56594-guide-svn-checkout-using-tortoise-svn/ If you're using 2012Clients adding custom items you will use lub not lua, so here: http://rathena.org/board/topic/53344-compile-other-way-lua-to-lub-files/ If you want to add custom maps in your server: http://rathena.org/board/topic/53375-how-to-add-maps-in-my-server-linux/ If you want some basic scr modifications to be done: http://rathena.org/board/topic/53426-guide-modification-faq/ Well if you don't know how to recompile or compile your svn: http://rathena.org/board/topic/53726-compiling-your-server-in-linux-os/
    1 point
  23. December 31st - Script has been updated to version 2.
    1 point
  24. if ((flag = pc_additem(pl_sd, &item_tmp, get_count))) to if ((flag = pc_additem(pl_sd, &item_tmp, get_count, LOG_TYPE_COMMAND))) try this
    1 point
  25. No. Make your own topic.
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