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  1. Who is functor? unsa lain paagi bai bsag mag himo lag laing data folder ba.
  2. image.jpeg I guess the mention above post said that he wanted to achieved something so, in his case he wanted to use a dual client.exe in that server he played. However he get disconnected. Reason, maybe th server use Gepard Shield Blocks dual client. Or the server use something that blocks other clients. Yes the server does use Gepard Shield. What i did is that i just get the server ip and paste the sclientinfo to a Clean Data folder and diff my own client. Is that possible?
  3. I tried using NEMO to the client of 2015-11-04. I planned to use this a dual client to a server. But everytime i try to log in it says "Disconnected from server"
  4. Hi to all, ive downloaded this kRO: https://rathena.org/board/topic/106413-kro-full-client-2016-06-22-includes-bgm-rsu/ and i wanted to make sure where i can get a Stable Client and Data Folder? Thank you sir!
  5. I know there's a lot. But im asking for .XML template. Like the one they used on blogs then upload it to other webhost.
  6. I would like to ask you guys if you know a free webhost that supports a .xml template? You just upload the .xml and then your site is good to go. And if yes, how?
  7. Hello rAthena, I would like to request if any of you have this kind of script?; There is a arena in which you can enter and after 30 seconds the first wave of 30 monster ( custom monsters ) will spawn. After everything has been killed, the second wave of 30 monster (custom monsters ) will again respawn, until 5 waves ( but you can set this in any rounds you like ). After the last wave, you will receive 1 #6024 item. You can enter only once every 24 hours of your IP address. When you die, you cant enter again. Thank you for sharing if any of you has this.
  8. download client: http://supportmii.com/ro1/Clients/ download data folder: http://rathena.org/board/topic/66962-basic-complete-renewal-data-english-folder/
  9. up. can someone modify the script?
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