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Everything posted by Stolao

  1. Thief has 51 a skill point requirement to unlock all skills full, at job level 50 you have 49 this should not be possible with a default rAthena
  2. Nova != Kro It'sa heavily modified rAthena but if you think this is incorrect anyways can you post an issue on our git for us to investigate.
  3. Edit the AI field of the *monster command I believe 1 makes them fight other monsters
  4. rAthena follows kro not iro but to 'fix' you just need to flag it as ranged.
  5. 3: would require you recode BB butmain part you want to change is the "--ja--" to "["+strcharinfo(0)+"] "+commandformobname() 4: might already exists bit add a variable to autoloot (either script or src) if the variable is active disable it on map entry 4b: can also make a script that drops the items for those monster instead of having in the mobs drops. On phone but you should get idea
  6. as for warps npc and mobs you can find those in the history of rAthena git will take some time to find but im sure you can do it
  7. This will adjust all character of class you edit once this is reloaded.
  8. Random options apply regardless of client, however can only be seen in 2015+
  9. https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/db/re/job_db1.txt Edit the following per class HPFactor,HPMultiplicator Pre/re according
  10. why necro this? also I use it from time to time
  11. No 3rd skill IDs are hardcoded client side to be in 3rd tab, it's quite annoying I ran into this myself and ended up cloning the skill in question to another ID. Could probably be fixed with good hex edits but not my forte
  12. *cough* press the attack *cough* Looks quite fun I must say.
  13. Stolao


    I'm mostly here to make a project I enjoy making and playing I don't care about player base nor what others want for most part. If your here to make the next big server I wish you the best of luck. As for a place to practice your coding rAthena is a good emulator to work in I have found most the restrictions you will find are client side rather then server side as a heads up.
  14. The character is the one who types it.
  15. Stolao


    21031,Caja_1,Caja de Nivel,2,0,,0,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,,,70,,2000,{ callfunc("F_RandWeight",501,1,502,1,503,1,504,1); },{},{ it was missing a comma in the other one, creating inf loop, fixed this works fine just tested
  16. That's an unnecessary variable since you can just check the skills themselves.
  17. I see my error, on selection of continue it falls through all the way to the end instead of the warp. Ty for reporting
  18. 2201,Sunglasses,Sunglasses,5,5000,,100,,0,,0,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,512,,0,0,12,{ },{ set @gear,3; callfunc ChooseHeadgear; },{ setlook 3,0; } Like so You want a setlook "gear",0; in the on unequip field
  19. You should organize your equation with fractions in mind. You can write formula 'supporting' decimals but doing something along these lines X = 123456 Mes X/100 +"."+ (X%100); This will show "123.456"
  20. Stolao


    Ok I haven't updated/tested the script in a while let me check once I get home assuming someone else doesn't show a fix before then
  21. Ty, I'll look into this once I can. If you need and any other issue let me know.
  22. In which part, the scrolling or in the click on? Also that would have 0 effect on it as that only triggers if you are trying to enter a Nightmare PvP map.
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