As the title says, it will convert the server side name to client side name (or as you configure - I'm just using the mapnametable.txt as reference)
Usage - ConvertMapName(<mapname>);
mapname is the server side map name used in mapindex
Practical usage of this function is just to fancy up the mapnames on script. For example on mvp or pvp announcers, instead of announcing 'prt_fild08', it will show as 'Prontera Field F8' as per the default listed in the Loader NPC.
You can modify the Loader NPC as much as you want. It is best to add both the function and the loader npc on 'Global_function.txt' so it will always be loaded first.
This script is only for those who are just very particular on fancy details, otherwise, don't use this function if you have no idea what I mean.
Sample NPCs are attached in the script itself.
-- oopps, I will reupload as a downloadable file instead of a topic. If any mods can remove this please. Sorry.