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  1. Well, finally thanks for your answer Pajodex, add if (getreward! = 1) { getitem 21031.99; $ ItemGive ++; getreward ++; and it worked correctly
  2. Thanks for the reply, I was creating a script of my own, but I'm missing the block so I can get the item only once per character, try freebie, but it does not work This is my Script prontera,154,174,3 script Entregador de Cajas 110,{ mes "[Entregador De Cajas]"; mes "Hola ^0080FF"+strcharinfo(0)+"^000000, yo soy un NPC que entrega unas cajas especiales que contienen en su interior un premio aleatorio."; mes "Pero solo te las entregare cuando llegues al nivel base 99."; next; mes "Debo decirte que es 1 caja por nivel, o sea cuando estes capacitado para otorgarte las cajas recibiras 99 de estas."; mes "...."; mes "Se me olvidava decirte, que estas cajas solo la recibiras 1 sola ves."; next; mes "Estas "+(Sex?"seguro":"segura")+" de querer reclamar tus cajas ahora?"; next; switch(select("Si:No por ahora")) { case 1: if (BaseLevel >= 99) goto A_SiCA; break; if (BaseLevel < 99) goto A_NoCA; break; A_SiCA: if(!#Freebie) { mes "Felicitaciones ^0080FF"+strcharinfo(0)+"^000000, Disfruta de tu premio, ojala tengas un lindo objeto."; getitem 21031,99; end; close; set #Freebie, 1; close; }else{ next; mes "ESPERA!!, tu ya has pedido tus caja de nivel."; mes "Eres "+(Sex?"un":"una")+" "+(Sex?"tramposillo":"tramposilla")+", si que lo siento ^0080FF"+strcharinfo(0)+"^000000, que tengas un buen dia, adios."; close; } A_NoCA: mes @npcname$; mes "Lo siento ^0080FF"+strcharinfo(0)+"^000000, no tienes nivel necesario para reclamar las cajas de nivel, sube de nivel para obtener una caja."; end; close; case 2: mes "[Entregador De CAJAS]"; mes "Vuelve cuando quieras reclamar tu caja "+(Sex?"amigo":"amiga")+""; close; end; } OnInit: delwaitingroom; waitingroom "Consigue tus cajas de nivel aqui.",0; end; }
  3. sokarpupe

    gift npc

    Hello everyone, will you happen to have a scrip that requires a base level to deliver prizes that you can share with me?
  4. Hellow everyone, i have problem whit the palettes, i entry all .pal in my .grf (palette/¸ö), later i modify conf/battle/client.conf // Valid range of dyes and styles on the client. min_hair_style: 0 max_hair_style: 30 min_hair_color: 0 max_hair_color: 263 min_cloth_color: 0 max_cloth_color: 553 min_body_style: 0 max_body_style: 1 After, i was go to scr/map/battle.c and i modify { "max_hair_style", &battle_config.max_hair_style, 30, 0, INT_MAX, }, { "min_hair_color", &battle_config.min_hair_color, 0, 0, INT_MAX, }, { "max_hair_color", &battle_config.max_hair_color, 263, 0, INT_MAX, }, { "min_cloth_color", &battle_config.min_cloth_color, 0, 0, INT_MAX, }, { "max_cloth_color", &battle_config.max_cloth_color, 553, 0, INT_MAX, }, And i was compile and i have this error I read in old guides that you had to activate all jobs for this palettes, and this i don't know doing help me plis :s
  5. Hola buenas, buso guía para la configuración de thor patcher para las versiones o
  6. sokarpupe


    thx Stolao for your script and suport, i thought you scrip was wrong, but no, the line was wrong xD i use but this line also wrong. when i thought and see the problem and change some things, and finalliy, this line works 21031,Caja_1,Caja de Nivel,2,0,,0,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,,,70,,2000,{callfunc ("F_RandWeight",501,1,502,1,503,1,504,1); },{},{} Thanks to everyone who commented and tried to solve my question, Thx Stolao
  7. sokarpupe


    Stolao, excuse me, any solution?
  8. sokarpupe


    thx, I use your scrip, but ... it did not work, I don't know which direction to enter the script in my rA emulator, i entry this in rA/npc/custom and, use the line item . 21031,Caja_1,Caja de Nivel,2,0,,0,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,,,70,,2000,{ callfunc "F_RandWeight",501,1,502,1503,1,504,1; },{},{} and it did not work
  9. sokarpupe


    STOLAO, where entry your scrit? in rA/db/re??? or is npc custom script?
  10. sokarpupe


    I see guides, but it's so obsolete first entry in the item_db 21031,Caja_1,Caja de Nivel,2,0,,0,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,,,70,,2000,{ getrandgroupitem(IG_LVLBOX,1); },{},{} then entry in rA/src/map/script_constants.hpp export_constant(IG_LVLBOX); then i modify in rA/src/map/itemdb.hpp #define MAX_ITEMGROUP_RANDGROUP 4 to #define MAX_ITEMGROUP_RANDGROUP 5 then in rA/db/re i create this item_lvlbox.txt // LVLBOX Obtainable Items Database // // Structure of Database: // GroupID,ItemID,Rate // LVLBOX IG_LVLBOX,501,1 // Red Potion IG_LVLBOX,502,1 // Orange Potion IG_LVLBOX,503,1 // Yellow Potion IG_LVLBOX,504,1 // White Potion and i recompile my svr whit ./configure, and it did not work :S I know i forget something, but i do not know what it is, help
  11. sokarpupe


    Hi, I need to create my own boxes, for example, "old blue box", any guide ?. Thank you.
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