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Everything posted by Stolao

  1. Life insurance has an icon, it's a red scythe. This is just a baseline script feel free to change anything you want. As for what sc to use, not particularly no.
  2. Don't hold your breath, i plan on releasing this when my server hits 50 active players to rAthena. It's currently at 5.
  3. I'm not going to be updating this script anymore other then bug fixes as I'm no longer using it myself since I have updated to a SRC based one, i will eventually release the SRC one.
  4. naw this one is garbage compared to the one I'm running on my server, but its src skill based so I'm not releasing soon
  5. Updated Mining 4.48 -> 4.4B 4.49 Removed use of 'set' 4.4A Fixed not collecting later rewards 4.4B Changed Iron Break Chance from 1200 -> 120
  6. Fixed in 4.4B Update 4.48 -> 4.4B 4.49 Removed use of 'set' 4.4A Fixed not collecting later rewards 4.4B Changed Iron Break Chance from 1200 -> 120 Note: I'm not going to be updating this script anymore other then bug fixes as I'm no longer using it myself since I have updated to a SRC based one, i will eventually release the SRC one.
  7. ya looks like you were right, i went ahead and updated my git, i don't really support this script anymore though since i use an SRC version myself now
  8. Pretty sure this is client side only. I have yet to play with myself but I have seen the files (on phone can't list off head)
  9. @Capuche this comment made my day ty.
  10. Updated Auto Event 2.38 -> 2.5A 2.39 Added Find th Baphomet 2.3A Added Grab the Candy! 2.3B Added Monsters Counting (requires the server to be compiled with regular expressions library enabled) 2.3C Combined OnPCLogout Events 2.3D Added Disgusie Event 2.3E Replaced 'strnpcinfo()' type 0 and 1 with type 3 2.3F Removed dependencey on regular expressions library for Disguise and Coutning 2.40 Fixed Poring Event setting mapflags non-dynamic map 2.41 Added Fabre Event 2.42 Fixed Emp Event Failing to annouce not enough players 2.43 Fixed Zombie Failing to start due to negative index 2.44 Added Devil Square 2.45 Certain mapflags no loger removed on events end 2.46 Warp Players to Save instead of Prontera 2.47 Made default time for emp event ~23 Days 2.48 Added a player death check to zombie event 2.49 Fixed a loop issue in PVP 2.4A Players warp to prontera instead of save, apperenetly map warp doesnt support "Save" 2.4B Fixed Lucky Pick 2.4C Fixed a missing "" in maze event 2.4D Added a check so Mushroom Event will always have at least 1 mushroom 2.4E Fixed incorrect map index for Mushroom and Bapho events 2.4F Fixed incorrect event index for Mushroom and Bapho events 2.50 Added a Gm diplay count for mob counting event if Testmode is enabled 2.51 Removed map warp from counting event 2.52 Counting event now properly removes mobs at events end 2.53 Removed SQL dependency from Fabre event 2.54 Added Warp out for disgusie event 2.55 Disabled Countdown timer in disguse event 2.56 Fixed incorrect Rules check 2.57 Added a Gm diplay mob name for disguise event for gm 99 2.58 Fixed incorrect mapindex for disguise event 2.59 Devil Square now rewards all players once last chest is killed 2.5A Fabre event now propery kills monsters at end
  11. Updated 2.38 -> 2.5A 2.39 Added Find th Baphomet 2.3A Added Grab the Candy! 2.3B Added Monsters Counting (requires the server to be compiled with regular expressions library enabled) 2.3C Combined OnPCLogout Events 2.3D Added Disgusie Event 2.3E Replaced 'strnpcinfo()' type 0 and 1 with type 3 2.3F Removed dependencey on regular expressions library for Disguise and Coutning 2.40 Fixed Poring Event setting mapflags non-dynamic map 2.41 Added Fabre Event 2.42 Fixed Emp Event Failing to annouce not enough players 2.43 Fixed Zombie Failing to start due to negative index 2.44 Added Devil Square 2.45 Certain mapflags no loger removed on events end 2.46 Warp Players to Save instead of Prontera 2.47 Made default time for emp event ~23 Days 2.48 Added a player death check to zombie event 2.49 Fixed a loop issue in PVP 2.4A Players warp to prontera instead of save, apperenetly map warp doesnt support "Save" 2.4B Fixed Lucky Pick 2.4C Fixed a missing "" in maze event 2.4D Added a check so Mushroom Event will always have at least 1 mushroom 2.4E Fixed incorrect map index for Mushroom and Bapho events 2.4F Fixed incorrect event index for Mushroom and Bapho events 2.50 Added a Gm diplay count for mob counting event if Testmode is enabled 2.51 Removed map warp from counting event 2.52 Counting event now properly removes mobs at events end 2.53 Removed SQL dependency from Fabre event 2.54 Added Warp out for disgusie event 2.55 Disabled Countdown timer in disguse event 2.56 Fixed incorrect Rules check 2.57 Added a Gm diplay mob name for disguise event for gm 99 2.58 Fixed incorrect mapindex for disguise event 2.59 Devil Square now rewards all players once last chest is killed 2.5A Fabre event now propery kills monsters at end
  12. Stolao

    Clan System

    Yes ofc it is, but pretty sure it's src not database ?
  13. bonus2 bSubRace,RC_PLAYER,x; has effected doram for basically as long as the class has been implemented in rA, also we don't use revision we use git hash now.
  14. talked in discord a bit, seems this is a limitation of clients before a certain date in 2017, sometime after june at least
  15. you probably made mistake in adding them, monsters begin again at 25000 JT_EVENT_MON_BEGIN = 25000, files thats need adding to are jobname.lub jobidentity.lub NPCIdentity.lub also ofc need the files in right part of the grf
  16. the new LUA formatting of newer clients allows mobs past 3999, there seems to be a hard limit on some of the clients still my old 2013 client had a limit of 12305 or something like that, when i updated to 2015 that limit seems to be removed but I'm not sure of what the new limit is. -feels like I'm stalking you..... 3 responses to you in a row
  17. Stolao


    Welcome back, glad to see old faces coming back. I still have at least one of your releases sitting on my HDD waiting to be added to my project whenever i finally get a chance.
  18. renewal changed a lot, some good some bad. But the difference is quite big, to name a few,. Pre- Armor caps at 99 and the formula is pretty strong and easy to tank Refine limit is 10 Gaining stats slowly increases in cost No 3rd classes (duh) A poring always give same exp Stronger monsters are more rewarding Skills only have variable cast time, Instant Cast is possible 10 level exp share Renewal Armor isn't Capped (i think that's a good thing), and is calculated much differently Refine limit is 20 post 100 gaining stats requires much more stat points 3rd class skills which completely out preform most trans skills larger level difference to a mob means less exp and drops up to 10 levels stronger monsters are not as rewarding,on reason to kill them is to not get exp or drop penalties cant get instant cast 15 level exp share Edit: II' sure i missed a few core things but think this covers most
  19. think he was asking since the downloads no longer work, and your website is a dead link now Edit: that said, nothing dies on the internet, i was able to find in within a few mins
  20. https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/doc/item_db.txt Rtfm Edit: Moved wrong damn section -_-
  21. Data/ Or grf/data Also need to update mapinfo maps conf and mapcache there should be a guide on how to do this please use your available resources and try yourself
  22. I was technically around during the eA days however i made very few post and released nothing mostly lurked and downloaded everything free like a leech.
  23. 1@new does not exist, you need to add it to your mapcache
  24. Updated Topic Added reworked Necromancer Skill Tree
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