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Everything posted by Stolao

  1. What do you mean exactly,you mean apply the bonuses or only gain exp with it or gain bonus exp with or only gain effects while wearing that headgear. To all of those yes you can.
  2. Devil square is on my list of to add just haven't gotten to it to much work with my project. I guess I could add a RNG option to it as well.
  3. What's your rathena git version? Looks like it's probably outdated.
  4. Yes it's working in latest Use at wi or at weaponinfo Invisible no location
  5. Can you provide and image where we can see Stats as Unarmed scales with Str and Bow damage scale with Dex...
  6. Oh shit my bad I fixed locally but not live, it has an extra [ in that line that's all I'll fix once home
  7. What's your stats? Because the main value scales with primary stat, only thing I can think of. It works fine and not op on my server.
  8. Whats your git hash/client version/Mining version? Did you make any changes?
  9. 1) No 3) No Other 2 search the forums and wiki
  10. Why not just give all players the skill ALL_INCCARRY, level 10 early on and edit the value per level in the src. There is nothing wrong with your method other then conflicts on updating item_db but above method would be alot cleaner.
  11. skill_cast_db.txt Change //-- AS_SPLASHER 141,1000,0,0,5000:5500:6000:6500:7000:7500:8000:8500:9000:9500,60000,0 to //-- AS_SPLASHER 141,1000,0,0,3200:3400:3600:3800:4000:4200:4400:4600:4800:5000,60000,0 this will not go from a 5 - 9.5 -> 3.2 - 5 second timer
  12. I have released a new version update
  13. Released a Version 2 for testing, its a separate file Update Info 2.00 Origional Make 2.01 Fixed Logic Bug 2.02 Fixed Year Multiplier 2.03 Added an IP check 2.04 Split Rewards up 2.05 Move ip check to Daily reward collection 2.06 Added ability to see next day via commands/relogging 2.07 Added Delay 2.08 Moved Delay to none VIP only 2.09 Removed some useless lines 2.0A Removed Menus due to bugs 2.0B Fixed VIP Cutin 2.0C Added it showing previos day cutin 2.0D Added a for loop 2.0E Fixed Ramined logged in time calculation (visual bug) 2.0F Added a F_InsertPlural to "more minute" 2.10 Added a Mac Check 2.11 Changed the IP check to [Sader1992] version 2.12 Enable Bound Type 2.13 Added 'collectreward', 'dailyreward', 'collectdaily' Commands 2.14 Added 'nextreward' Command 2.15 Added Daily Buffs 2.16 Added Exp Rewards 2.17 Removed Reards for Autotraders 2.18 Move Buffs to Daily so VIP wont trigger twice 2.19 Optimized Slightly 2.1A Fixed a bug with VIP getting bonus rewards in normal rewards 2.1B Fixed some documentaion
  14. Update 2.09 Updated Mail to RoDex 2.0A Fixed infinite loop in Emp event 2.0B Fixed Lucky Pick using account instead of character id 2.0C Added at_endevent 2.0D Readded Old Mail support (in case somone uses) 2.0E Added a 'BugTest' Event to test rewards (at_runevent only)
  15. personally i would back them up in an archive on a separate system (maybe a personal NAS or something) in case you need to review them at a later date, then clear it from your server. also do this during your regular maintenance as to not have any issues.
  16. I plan to just haven't gotten around to it because of my project. It's a matter of resources (time) that's all.
  17. Really should make a PR so I can fix via phone, else I'll forget nwhen I get home
  18. Updated PvP Ladder 3.04 Optimized and fixed SQL queries [Secret] 3.05 Replaced some queries with addrid(0) 3.06 Updated Rewards to RODEX compatable
  19. Updated post to show newest version, might have another version coming soon as well have a few ideas to improve
  20. Stolao

    Old Face

    Welcome back sir long time no see Your old server was.my.1st introduction to RO btw
  21. This script requires the common library from Yuchinin. I have tested this and working fine
  22. $EVENT_CONTROL[Timestamp] Timstamps are 0-168
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