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Everything posted by Najara

  1. What version of BE are you using? What Sage suggests should work fine with the stable ones released here on rAthena.
  2. Also known as cutins and renders, many of them already exists. You can find them in (r)data.grf under the following path: data/texture/À¯ÀúÀÎÅÍÆäÀ̽º/illust In order to incorporate them in a script, you'll need to add something like cutin "filename",position; More information can be found here. Good luck~
  3. I like them all, each in their own way. However, since we have to make a choice; The first entry of @fTakano caught my attention the most, followed by the first entry of @Narutekz. Best of luck to all participants.
  4. That's strange... Did you try it with different types of bows? Did you make any source edits? Are you're using the latest item_db.txt from Github; maybe you've changed the range of bow weapons?
  5. Nice! I like your new map! Let's start with the good stuff - You're exploring different styles of textures. Well done because the outcome is surprisingly appealing and adds a good portion of variation to your map. Other than that, you're also appearing to be playing more with heights (in the walkable/player-accessible area) and that's good to see. Now, possible points of attention - some spots seem to contain a lot of models, whereas other spaces are left quite empty, you could try to measure a little more in this. Then there is water; right now your water is not giving the wavey effect that *I think* you're trying to create. You could change the amplitude and phase settings in Windows>Water to achieve a more desirable result. Last but not least is model sizing, if you increase (or decrease for that matter) the size of a certain model too much it'll become blurry (i.e the fountain in your 11th image), you're probably better off reducing it's size, or replace it for another fountain that's a little bit larger by default. All in all, definitely keep it up! You're doing a good job!
  6. Hi there. You need to log into your SQL database and truncate the tables named 'pvpladder' and 'ownladder'. Good luck!
  7. For larger text you can simply diff your client with the increased font size patch. As for the other issue, are you referring to the question marks instead of special characters? I'll be honest, I've never ran a server before using a language other than English but I found this link that may point you in the right direction.
  8. If you search through npcidentity.lub, you'll find that ID 2800 belongs to Horn's sprite. You should change your custom ID to something that does not yet exist. My own lub is rather outdated so I'm not able to give you an exact free/unused ID, but I'm *guessing* some should be free in the range of 3500. Once you've changed the ID, search for JT_MONSTER_LAST in the same file and increase it to a higher value (i.e 3600). After, adjust your mob_db to correspond with the new ID. Your jobname.lub looks fine and if I'm not mistaken, jobidentity.lub need not even be edited. Good luck!
  9. Can you show your clientinfo.xml? Pretty sure this is a client/langtype issue. Try setting it to 0 if it's currently set to anything else.
  10. Hi there. The text table files were abandoned somewhere during 2012; In order to make manual item-related changes in newer clients, refer to System/iteminfo.lua or lub. Good luck~
  11. Hi there. There's no need to create accounts in SQL manually. Given you have a domain, you could simply install FluxCP which includes a working registration form. Alternatively - and if you don't have a domain - rAthena offers the _M/F account registration method which is particularly convenient for testing. Good luck.
  12. You've edited the wrong files. Refer to conf/battle/exp.conf for the EXP rates. Next time, please use the search function. These questions have been answered hundreds of times already in the past.
  13. This has something to do with using a client version different from the client version that has been clarified in your server. You should probably refer to src/config/packet.h
  14. Because you did not apply correctly, you let the NPC heal them before it runs the check. Here; normal_player: if(#Healer_CD > gettimetick(2)) { mes "You can only heal once every 5 minutes."; end; } specialeffect2 EF_HEAL2; percentheal 100,100; set #Healer_CD,gettimetick(2) + 3000; end;
  15. Okay, thanks for clarifying. This makes me believe you're missing some official sound effects. Have you made any edits to your (r)data.grf (i.e deleted the wav files?) Try getting a more recent one and see if that resolves the problem, because I don't think something is wrong with the 2012 client.
  16. Hi. I might be asking the obvious but do you have the BGM directory (including its files) present in your RO folder? And in your RO's GRF, do you see a file named mp3nametable.txt (or something like that)? Also, if you enable the sounds through the option window in-game - so not through the setup - does the crash also occur?
  17. Neat! I like the way you did the lights, it makes it feel very Niflheim'ish which you intended, good job. The snow in the indoor(s) is a bit confusing to me though. Is there a reason as to why you did that? Maybe I'm missing something obvious, haha. And also - personally - I'd have gone with a different choice of water, one of the types that is less bright because as of now the water draws a lot of attention, a little too much so actually. But overall, nice map.
  18. The crash can have two causes, the first and most common is that you've not properly added the model. Maybe a typo somewhere in the model or texture file name? Secondly, have you actually used this models in a map or did you so far only add it client-side? The RO client puts limitations on poly/feces of models; when your value is a little higher than the official models it causes some lagg and when it's way past the allowed limit, it makes the game crash. This only happens when you access the specific map with the high poly/feces model, otherwise - in other maps - the client should run fine. That doesn't explain why you can only open it once though. Perhaps there's something else you've changed other than adding custom models? (i.e running in compatibility mode, changed your setup.exe's graphic settings or running without administrators privileges.)
  19. Hi, this is easier to accomplish through the db/(pre-)re/item_delay.txt file. Simply add an entry under the // Misc tab, like so: 35027,1000 // Test Potion
  20. There are some maps that use the mini maps of other maps, like the WoE maps that you stated, in order to save space in the GRF. Have you edited anything in the official data.grf? I'm asking because you might be missing the data/resnametable.txt file which is responsible for this feature.
  21. 15254,Vestido_Abissal,Vestido Abissal,4,,,40,,120,,1,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,16,,90,1,0,{ bonus bNoKnockback,0; if(getrefine()>=7) { bonus2 bAddRace2,RC_Demon,10;bonus2 bMagicAddRace2,RC_Demon,10;bonus2 bAddRace2,RC_Undead,10;bonus2 bMagicAddRace2,RC_Undead,10;bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Dark,10;bonus2 bMagicAddEle,Ele_Dark,10;bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Undead,10;bonus2 bMagicAddEle,Ele_Undead,10; } if(getrefine()>=9) { bonus2 bAddRace2,RC_Demon,15;bonus2 bMagicAddRace2,RC_Demon,15;bonus2 bAddRace2,RC_Undead,15;bonus2 bMagicAddRace2,RC_Undead,15;bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Dark,15;bonus2 bMagicAddEle,Ele_Dark,15;bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Undead,15;bonus2 bMagicAddEle,Ele_Undead,15; } if(getrefine()>=11) { bonus2 bAddRace2,RC_Demon,15;bonus2 bMagicAddRace2,RC_Demon,15;bonus2 bAddRace2,RC_Undead,15;bonus2 bMagicAddRace2,RC_Undead,15;bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Dark,15;bonus2 bMagicAddEle,Ele_Dark,15;bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Undead,15;bonus2 bMagicAddEle,Ele_Undead,15; } },{},{}
  22. The realism of the shadow in the screenshot is amazing. I'll test it out too, thanks a lot for your contribution(s) to the community!
  23. Hi. Can you clarify what you mean with "but nothing loads"? Do you experience an error? Are your changes not saved upon refresh? Something else? It'll be easier for us to assist if you provide a little more information.
  24. Hmm, ok. Can you attach your whole lua please? *edit* Also for future reference, maybe easier to make an own thread.
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