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Everything posted by Najara

  1. A client crash generally means a graphical/client-side problem. If it was a problem in the emulator, it would cause your server(s) to crash. Since this is the case with new accounts too, there are a few options.... 1) Your spawn map is a custom map (with textures/models) that's missing in your data folder/grf. 2) Your spawn map has custom monsters in view that are missing in your data folder/grf. 3) Your spawn map has a NPC sprite in view that's missing in your data folder/grf. That said I hope you can trace down the problem, good luck!
  2. Hm, the translator isn't being very accurate. >.< If the issue is the black border (like Adel says), you must use a transparent texture and surround your map with it. Here, like this:
  3. I haven't actually tested the map, but in his mini icon image (after clicking the "Click here to download this file" link), it seems that at least the center screenshots has been taken in-game. But other than that, I second your comment!~ *Edit* By the way, beautiful lightning I must say, a bit too high in certain places but it nicely smooths over.
  4. Aren't there ways of encrypting files for further protection? How secure is 'secure grf'? Thanks in advance, ~Azura Skyy Secure enough. I've yet to find someone who is able to decrypt secured GRF files. Although, just like with about every other software out there, it wouldn't surprise me if it can be done, but it'd probably require average programming knowledge. For now, SecureGRF is one of (if not) the best applications to lock your files.
  5. It seems like server-side there are just a few missing script entries, so no worries. Check your NPC(/re) or /pre-re)/kafra.txt file and look for brasilis. In case nothing is there.... // Brasilis //============================================================ brasilis,197,221,4 script Kafra Employee::kaf_bra 117,{ cutin "kafra_01",2; callfunc "F_Kafra",0,3,0,80,700; savepoint "brasilis",195,259; callfunc "F_KafEnd",0,1,"in the city of Brasilis"; } The same goes for the warps. Best of luck!
  6. So, you want exactly an +25% zoom value, or is default fine too? If the latter, just skip any zoom-out hex option and it'll be defaulted to official settings.(I don't think an 25% hex has ever been made, but don't quote me on it). As for your second question, did you do a restart after setting it to 1? Are your aura_lv and and max_lv set to 99?
  7. Did you delete them from your SQL database? If you delete (not truncate) all "cp" tables, this problem should be resolved. What do you mean with features? Changes you make in your template through an ftp client? Silly question, but have you tried to press F5? As for your server status, contact your web hosting provider and file in a port forward request. The default ports that required to be opened are 6900, 6121 and 5121. Hope this helps.
  8. Beautiful. You're one of the few who is able to pull off combining models/styles from different cities without making it look strange. I share Chemi's opinion about the walkway~ Great job, thanks for sharing this with the community!
  9. I've already responded to the user who was sending a message on your behalf, but haven't received a reply of her yet. Please get the latest (1.3) version, that should fix it. If not, please message me and I shall assist you. Thank you!
  10. Have you properly given the sprites a 'collection' and 'item' image (texture folder)? If yes, your problem is pretty much the same as this, only this user's client defaults to the 'null' image: http://rathena.org/board/topic/95145-headgear-view-and-name-change/ If doing my solution doesn't work for you, please refer back to your texture/À¯ÀúÀÎÅÍÆäÀ̽º/item and texture/À¯ÀúÀÎÅÍÆäÀ̽º/collection and see if your sprites are present. Good luck~
  11. If you have GRF editor downloaded, you can easily view/look up sprites, just load your data.grf and head to the following directory: data/sprite/Àΰ£Á·/¸öÅë From there on just browse through the sub-folders and you'll definitely find what you're looking for. (To clarify, folder '³²' is male and folder '¿©' is female). Good luck~
  12. What to do this very fine day?~

  13. I don't care about money, but I do care about time. It does not make sense for me to put 20+ hours of my time in something, and not even get my paid job's hourly wage out of it. >:

  14. Actually, the map is relatively small so the 3 in the link are all you need. But if you want to see more, please refer to the showcase: http://rathena.org/board/topic/89887-showcase-temple-of-time-zelda-oot/ Many are near the same angle, though. ^^; @ Dextan; Thank you for your purchase~
  15. File Name: Temple of Time (Zelda: OoT) File Submitter: Najara File Submitted: 19 Jul 2014 File Category: Maps & 3D Resources Content Author: Najara & Nintendo Hi community! I've done this map a while ago and surprisingly ever since I've received many requests to release it, so here it is for a small fee. This rar package contains 4 maps, they are however all the same with one or two changes. To clarify: The tOt map: Has BOTH the Hyrule Shield laying on the floor and the Master Sword into the stone. The tOt2 map: ONLY has the Hyrule Shield laying on the floor, the Master Sword has been taken out (nice for some sort of quest to pull out the weapon?) The tOt3 map: ONLY has the Master Sword into the stone. No Hyrule Shield is laying on the floor. The tOt4 map: Does not have the Master Sword into the stone, NOR the Hyrule Shield laying on the floor. Much love, Najara Click here to download this file
  16. If you don't mind me asking, why don't you use the Costume system? With that you can equip a headgear in the costume tab, that item will cover whatever headgear you have equipped in the general tab. Either way, for further support about this matter, I would like to advice you to refer to the Scripting Support/Requests. You will likely get more help there. :3
  17. Zleeps is correct, you will have access until your contract ends. My service got terminated just two days ago, thank god I saw this thread in time so I was able to do back-ups and transfer elsewhere. I really recommend anyone who still has an online asurahost service to back your files up right and seek for a new host as soon as possible. Don't let your server end like Sandbox' friend.
  18. I'm sorry to hear about your problems with AsuraHosting. It is true that their customer support could use some improvement, but other than that I must say that I've (personally) been a happy customer of them for over 1 1/2 years now. My server has only experienced a downtime 2~3 times in that time span. That's not too bad if you ask me. What I liked about them is that they offer clients to use VNC Viewer to control their server; as someone who dislikes PuTTy, this was a huge +1 from me. Oh, and not forget to mention that they've been around for relatively long. :3 But yes, if you're looking for a friendly customer support, weekly (FB) updates and some other services that I currently can't come up with, AsuraHosting isn't the place for you to be.
  19. If you don't mind me asking, why do you need $6 to set up a server? A local/offline rAthena server is completely free of charge. In case you want to create an online server, please hold up. The $6 you are asking for will not be enough. Most (server-host/web-host/etc) services that you're going to need will require you to pay monthly invoices, that said (even if someone is generous enough to give you that money) what will happen next month? Will you come back and ask the community for another donation? Or do you think you can set up a server, a domain and get enough funds from donations to afford your bills for the month after? I'm very sorry to tell you, but that will likely not happen. :[ Please consider transferring some money from your bank to your Paypal. Every business has to starts with a bit of investment. Good luck!
  20. You might already know this, but the client in case sensitive. That said, are you sure you have the sprites named "Chinese_Wings", not "chinese_wings" or any other combination?
  21. A few simple steps should hopefully be enough. 1) Download and configure Browedit - Syouji has explained how in that link. 2) Open the program and load the map you wish to re-name. 3) Click "Save as" and save it with a new name. And that'd be all~
  22. Beautiful. Love the animation in the center. :3 Also, I'm very happy to see you back!
  23. You can't rename maps unless you are saving them with a different name in browedit.
  24. What is your langtype in your clientinfo? Some langtypes mess up certain skills, this being one of them. I recommend switching to another langtype value (1) to see if that makes a difference.
  25. From what I have been told, this isn't possible unless you have Harmony, or a server-side src modification that's similar to Harmony. In that case, you could use last_mac instead of last_ip. But again, without Harmony, this won't work. :[
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