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Everything posted by Najara

  1. Hey everyone. <3 It's me from eA. I thought I might as well bring my maps to rA. The fact that these maps are free does not mean that I don't expect credits. Creditting me is all I ask for, though. A tiny favor in exchange for days of hard work, so please! <: Like my maps? Please be kind to consider buying my Purchasable Maps. Thank you! ♥ Don't forget to let me know when the links are dead! - Altzibar - Info: Pretty much a more exotic (though a much smaller) version of Alberta. Youtube: BGM: El Cazador De La Bruja OST 17 - Walk down to your freedom Download: Click Mirror: Click - Crystilia - Info: My first custom town ever, more of a mansion some people said. Kinda random actually. @_@ Youtube: BGM: Strawberry Panic! - Ending (last episode) soundtrack Download: Click Mirror: Click Minimap: ^Download contains minimap! - Flaris - Info: Based on a (part of a) FlyFF map. Youtube: BGM: FlyFF BGM - Flaris Theme Download: Click Mirror: Click - Jazeera - Info: Jazeera means "island" in Arabic, lol that's all the info I'm able to provide. Youtube: BGM: You and I (unfulfilled feelings) - Gundam Seed Destiny Download: Click Mirror: Click - Lunette - Info: This could be the perfect beginners(/Novice) town, especially if your server has some sort of story line. Youtube: BGM: The Last Exile OST - Lost Friend Download: Click Mirror: Click [New] Minimap: Click - Welgaia - Info: An angelic town, big enough to be used as main city for your server. Youtube: BGM: Nana Mizuki - Fiat Lux/Hikari Are (Tales Of Symphonia OST) Download: Click Mirror: Click Minimap: ^Download contains Minimap! That's it for now. If I happen to make more maps in the future I'll add 'em here. Much love, Najara
  2. It's actually crossing my mind to get back into mapping, hopefully I still got what it takes. What do you guys think?

    1. Olrox


      I think you should. You are really good at it, as also your contributions to now rAthena, will be really appreciated by this new community... I mean, new forum, new maps, new people :3

  3. Hello! I love drawing and do it whenever I find the time for it. Here are some drawings I've done in the past few months, some are RO-related and there are also a few non-RO. I'm not good at colouring so most are just sketches or line-art. - Most Recent [RO] - Mastersmith X Biochemist [Yuri] - RO Stuff - Mastersmith Valkyrie Couple Two men [Yaoi] - Non-RO - Glimpse Of Eternity Back to back [in solitude, where we are atleast alone] My DA for more: DeviantArt Feedback/criticism appreciated! [:
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