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Functor last won the day on December 5 2020

Functor had the most liked content!

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  • Gender
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    Gepard Shield
  • Github: functor-x

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  • Skype
    Don't try to add me in Skype. It is better to send me PM on this forum. There are a lot scammers in Skype. + I don't have Facebook account.

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  1. @unnamed What is your EXE version?
  2. It can be the problem of ExternalSettings file "..\data\luafiles514\lua files\service_korea\externalsettings_kr.lub". You should check it in this file:
  3. Hello! You should try to apply the patch "Always load Korea ExternalSettings lua file"
  4. Hello! Don't apply NEMO's patch "HKLM to HKCU".
  5. * @dance X by Anarchist * => Special effects with dance style
  6. No. Have you recompiled the server?
  7. https://mega.nz/#!JM8gDYoJ!cWFKphZJ3Lk_8Qwz-23g9-4_3n6zo_6UijETS2aK6wA
  8. Correct. Developers of rAthena haven't used it yet. Need to modify the code of the function "clif_skill_warppoint".
  9. Since versions "2017-05-02aRagexe" and "2017-04-19bRagexeRE" there is no need to modify the code of EXE. These EXEs support the new network packet 0xABE. I will check the code of the latest rAthena after arriving at home.
  10. You should apply patches by using NEMO patcher and upload EXE. I will modify it.
  11. @Artur9211 You should upload your EXE and send me a link.
  12. Hello! Send me your Skype login in PM. I will add you.
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