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Everything posted by Najara

  1. @rmon - Hi. You're showing us the first entry of your iteminfo.lua, but according to the error box the mistake is at line 131949. Control + G to line 131949 and copy/paste the content of that particular item, then we're able to assist further.
  2. Yeah, I should probably update that thread some day. For now try the solution Pandoras suggested, it should work.
  3. Najara

    cannot save

    Hi. Is your client running in the background? Close it first, then try again.
  4. Hey there. Bit of a late reply but if you locate the "ChatWndInfo_U.lub" in your RO/savedata directory, are your preferences stored/displayed there? If not, try running your client in administrator mode, create a new tab again and close your client. This should make your settings save upon the next launch.
  5. Hi there. Could you perhaps clarify with what do you mean with "more responsive"?
  6. If this is just for your personal (GM) use, you can use the @stpoint command to increase them manually for your character. But if you want the amount to be updated server-wide, then refer to db/(pre-)re/statpoint.txt Take note that that file goes by level, so every time you level up you get a certain amount of point. Calculate accordingly.
  7. Hi there. Maybe a silly question but are you sure you are trying to ride a dragon instead of a peco? Check the all in one NPC in order to confirm. My (long ago) experience is that RKs can ride peco's but the sprite won't show, so maybe you're riding the wrong creature.
  8. I have been trying to investigate this myself but unfortunately so far without desirable result. Hoping for @NeoMind to return from MIA, he'd be able to assist.
  9. Hey there. Quesooo. To give you some clarification, your lubs should look like this: npcidentity entry: ["JT_MONSTER_LAST"] = 3300, <-- This is your current last monster ID. Whatever it's set to, boost it by like 100. Never let the value of the other entry (see below) surpass this value. ["JT_CUSTOM_MOB_NAME] = 3200, <-- Input the new monster's sprite name and ID in the lub here. Example: If the last official(/non-custom) monster ID is 3199, give your new monster an ID of 3200. jobname entry: [jobtbl.JT_CUSTOM_MOB_NAME] = "Custom_Mob_Name", <-- Sprite & mob name goes here. Keep in mind, the part between the quotes must be its exact sprite name. It's case sensitive, so if the .spr and .act do not have any capitalized characters, do not include them. Then of course, the entry in the mob_db.txt should correspond to the above info. Best of luck.
  10. Hello. The error is pretty straight forward, your client can't find that specific file (weird signs).spr. Try to locate the path in your GRF in order to see that you might've missed adding it. If it's there, perhaps you did not add the GRF in your data.ini?
  11. Hey there, I haven't used any 2017 clients unfortunately, only late 2016 and the patch works fine for it. Have you tried applying it to your 2017 client already in NEMO?
  12. Hi Lai. That's the hourly reminder. You can diff it out of the client by checking 'Remove Hourly Announce (Recommended)' in NEMO.
  13. Correct, these are extremely old maps created when I just started getting acquainted with BrowEdit (somewhere between 2009-2012). While free, be cautious. Not many of them are a reliable source to work flawless in your server. But perhaps you have mapping knowledge and are able to fix things up by your own? (Honestly, I'd do it myself but I don't have the spare time right now.) If not, you're best to DL someone elses free map(s) or refer to the purchasable (fully-working & complete) maps available on my site.
  14. Your graphics don't show up as it directs to the hosting's main site, plus, the advertisement images on there aren't exactly decent. I'm only looking out for you, so you can take actions and avoid being warned by a mod.
  15. First case looks really good. Very clean and modern, yet manages to maintain the cute'ish RO theme. By the way, the images link to a rather...inappropriate site. You might want to fix that up.
  16. Enable debug mode in config/application.php and $showExceptions in config/error.php, then re-load the page. If you can't figure it out, you could also consider adding vote sites manually by inserting the entries in the cp_v4p_sites table in SQL. The fields are pretty much self-exploratory.
  17. The second row (Max, +10 MIL, etc) are a texture. Refer to your data.grf's texture directory in order to locate it, then replace it with another texture that matches the BG and put that in your personal grf so it ove-writes data.grf's. Not sure about the first row. But out of curiosity, why you want to delete that part? Doesn't it kill the entire purpose of the bank if you can't deposit or withdraw zeny?
  18. It's been a while since I had that error but you need to clear your lightmaps. If I am not mistaken, it is done like this: 1. Go to Tools > Clear map > Lightmaps (and/or Lights. Either or both). 2. Then Generate > Calculate Lightmaps without shadows. 3. Save & close. 4. Now re-open your map. The error should be gone. Right, this means you'll have to re-do your lights. Just a prior warning.
  19. ^Yep! It *should* be this: http://www.mediafire.com/file/t5m2yz1o8yqucn2/winter.rar
  20. Nice. There's clearly a lot of creativity in you! As for your problem, Nyanko summed it up. Using gats and a wide surrounding area around your map will be the best way to go. It's a common first-timer mistake to build near the edges, but this is something you'll want to avoid in the future or you'll have to do a lot of work to fix it up later on. Rather frustrating and discouraging. Hm... this is a little difficult to fix now because 200x200 is the largest (safest) size to use (although, some claim 225x225 is), everything beyond that will cause the client to crash. But your map is already 200x200, so the only thing I can really suggest at this point is try to slim in the map to make it more centered somehow.
  21. They're all beautiful, I just love how a few changes such as modified lightning and a change of textures can give maps a complete over-haul in expression, while maintaining the original way it's setup. Well done!
  22. Nice, Kaze! Well done, I like how you applied different levels of height and am def looking forward to see more from you.
  23. Since there are so limited paid services for maps, an alternative route you can take is browse through the map showcase and map download section to see if there's a designer you like and make them a proposal directly. I'm sure you'll be able to find someone willing to work with you!
  24. Outstanding! As a mapper, I'm absolutely in awe with the shadows and lightmaps of this client. Amazing work! Please keep it up, don't let it die like the many abandoned projects in this section.
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