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Everything posted by WhiteEagle

  1. Hey guys, I am trying to get the client [2020-04-01] running. I could fix some problems until now, but as soon as I press a key ingame, this error occurs: I found in Asherafs translations this file here: "HotKey_v2.lub" But still the same error. Does anyone know what I have to do? I'd like to get the newer client up and running. SOLVED: I used this translation here: https://github.com/llchrisll/ROenglishRE
  2. Did you pack this in your grf or did you diff in your exe "read data folder first"? add your changes in data/resnametable.txt Like this: Make sure that your payon map does the same name and not like payon_new or similar.
  3. You need to add the new minimap from payon to the client. Here is the path: data\texture\À¯ÀúÀÎÅÍÆäÀ̽º\map If you dont have the file, here it is: payon.bmp
  4. Path: conf/battle/misc.conf Search for: // Fee for transferring zeny via mail (Note 2) // NOTE: this rate is hardcoded in the client, you need to diff your client accordingly if you change this value. // Default: 2(2%) // 0 = No fee mail_zeny_fee: 2
  5. Ragnarok lack on different shield sprites. Thank you very much for sharing!!
  6. Awesome. Thank you very much for your work and time. Thanks thanks thanks. And it works perfect !!
  7. Yes. Because of the source edit you made, MvP's no longer have any loot (except the 3 random mvp drops) if autoloot is on. I recomplie again, but I don't think it will change anything. xD Sorry if I'm making a fuss. Edit: After recompile again, still the same problem. Here, card is autolooted and Eddga drop nothing. (100% Honey dropchance ) with my rates.
  8. Thanks for your time and script. The problem now is that the items of MvP's are completely disabled when autoloot is active. Cards still end up in the inventory. ?
  9. Hey folks, can someone please give me the code that autoloot does not work on cards and MvP's? For MvP's is the mapflag noautoloot not the best solution, because autoloot won't work on the normal monsters.
  10. I've the same problem. I put everything in Pre-Renewal and get the message ingame that I can't use the item. Any update / solution for the problem?
  11. I have here a general question to all and think that many are interested in this topic. There are guides everywhere how to install a server and get it online, but no one says anything about how to proceed. What do you have to protect yourself against? How can you protect yourself properly? And then comes the question about donations. Which payment methods should or can be offered? Do I have to register a business? What about taxes? Especially for those who plan a project for a longer period of time, these are important topics that should be discussed or explained. Many out there have gained their experience and maybe share it with us here. How do I get to this topic? Well, I put my project online a few years ago and everything went well for a while. Then at some point PayPal came and blocked my account for a certain time until the misunderstanding was cleared up. It was about PayPal accusing me of money laundering because of many small amounts of money that came in. In addition to this, there was the problem that a player who was banned was on an official server (in this case fRO) and advertised our server to cause us problems. I had a long conversation with them. Actually they couldn't touch me, because the grey area is with the client. But that's exactly what leads me to start this topic to avoid certain problems and to know beforehand what I can and cannot do.
  12. Dann mal willkommen zurück ?
  13. I only know that Haru from Hercules has this on his server (OriginsRO). No idea if he's reselling it.
  14. @Patskie Thanks I now have the problem that you can make @autoloot 0.5 etc. and have less than 1% drop chance, how can I change this? I tried to set rate = 0 to 100, but then I don't get autoloot turned off because I can't set autoloot 0 or off. ACMD_FUNC(autoloot) { int rate; nullpo_retr(-1, sd); // autoloot command without value if(!message || !*message) { if (sd->state.autoloot) rate = 0; else rate = 10000; } else { double drate; drate = atof(message); rate = (int)(drate*100); } if (rate < 0) rate = 0; if (rate > 10000) rate = 10000; sd->state.autoloot = rate; if (sd->state.autoloot) { snprintf(atcmd_output, sizeof atcmd_output, msg_txt(sd,1187),((double)sd->state.autoloot)/100.); // Autolooting items with drop rates of %0.02f%% and below. clif_displaymessage(fd, atcmd_output); }else clif_displaymessage(fd, msg_txt(sd,1188)); // Autoloot is now off. return 0; }
  15. Can someone please help me add UMOB_BASEEXP and UMOB_JOBEXP for setunitdata? What do I need this for? Well, I would like to get the Bonus-Exp for the event "Monster of the Day" directly from the monster and be able to view it via @mi. Until now you can only run the Bonus Exp through "OnNPCKillEvent:" and the player gets 2x a message from @showexp. By the change with "UMOB_BASEEXP/UMOB_JOBEXP" it would look cleaner. If someone has other solutions to display the bonus-exp directly, I am open for everything.
  16. No that's not what I want. Autoloot works atm like: @autoloot 1% and all items are automatically lootet with a drop chance 1% or below. I want a change that @autoloot 1% loot all items with a drop chance 1% and ABOVE. All items less then 1% drop change are droped.
  17. Can someone please set this up so that autoloot only works on items from 100% to 1% and everything below 1% is dropped? Many thanks in advance
  18. I think that's here is exactly what you want.
  19. Hey guys, If I understand this correctly, MAX_CHAR_BILLING is a function to buy character slots. How is this called by an item? To change the function for the character slot is is CharMove++. Is there something like that for MAX_CHAR_BILLING? #ifdef VIP_ENABLE #define MIN_STORAGE 300 // Default number of storage slots. #define MIN_CHARS 3 // Default number of characters per account. #define MAX_CHAR_VIP 2 // This must be less than MAX_CHARS #define MAX_CHAR_BILLING 5 // This must be less than MAX_CHARS #endif
  20. Hey, if you wanna check the time real time for day and night, use this here: mes (gettime(3)>= 6&&gettime(3)<= 12?"Good Morning":(gettime(3)>=13&&gettime(3)<=18?"Good Afternoon":"Good Evening"))+", "+(Sex?"Mr.":"Mrs.")+" ^0000ff"+strcharinfo(0)+"^000000!";
  21. Yea Right, thats my Problem. Don't know how to call them separately. I think it needs a complete rewrite. Right now you get homos by embyro and randomly when you make call homos. So you have to have a check, which one does the player already have, so you don't have double homos.
  22. Hey, can someone change the skill "Call Homunculus" so that you can choose which of the 4 homis you want to call? All 4 should also be levelled separately by the player.
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