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  • Birthday October 5

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  1. Hi ! Im using the instance_enter command on my script .. How to make the whole party enter at once ? is it possible that when the party leader initiate to enter then all members will be warped at once ? thanks
  2. Hi guys ! I need a little help with my instance settings.. This is how this should work... #1. Party of 2 to 5 members to finish an instance. If they a player die 3x inside the instance, that player should warp out and automatically transfer the leadership (if the died player is the leader) [RANDOMLY] to any party member, so that the instance wont break. the condition is that member should be ONLINE.. #2. When creating an instance the leader and members should share the quest price. For example the party has 4 members (including leader) and the amount to get quest is 10,000 zeny .. The NPC should check if party members and also the leader have enough zeny to pay for it .. so every member should have 2,500 zeny on their wallet.. here are my sample scripts .. Im really tired, apology if I messed up This first one is not organized yet and Im kinda confused what to do with this - script mh_ghall -1,{ OnPCDieEvent: @die_count++; if (@die_count >= 1) { .@party_id = getcharid(1); if (is_party_leader(getcharid(1))) { getpartymember .@party_id, 1; party_changeleader(getcharid(1),$@partymembercid[rand(1,$@partymembercount)]); } party_delmember(getcharid(0)); @die_count = 0; end; } end; OnPCLogoutEvent: instance_destroy(instance_id(IM_PARTY)); set @instance_name$, ""; instance_active = 0; } This is the creating of instance NPC switch (@menu_instance) { case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: if (instance_active > 0) { mes .@name$; mes "You have already created one. Kindly destroy instance before getting new one."; end; } instance_create(.@instance_name$[@menu_instance], IM_PARTY); set @instance_name$ , ""+.@instance_name$[@menu_instance]+""; instance_active = 1; break; case 5: mes .@name$; mes "Are you sure you want to destroy ["+.@instance_name$[@menu_instance]+"] instance?"; switch (select("I'm 100% sure!","No, cancel it!")) { case 1: dispbottom "["+@instance_name$+"] instance has been destroyed."; instance_destroy(instance_id(IM_PARTY)); specialeffect2 677; set @instance_name$, ""; instance_active = 0; end; break; case 2: end; } } Thankyou !
  3. Hi ! Im tryng to add instance and i am now on ID: 20 .. Everytime I try to add mo theres an error ,.. help
  4. Hi sir this works good .. One more question .. What if my NPC for creating is different to the npc that will warp me to instance ??
  5. Hi ! what i mean is , is it possible to have multiple instances in one npc ?? like for example I have the gld_dun01 gld_dun02 ~ 03 instances ? I mean , I want to make an NPC like this sir .. I have codes below , problems are noted with // .. Thankyou! setarray .@Instance_Name$[0], "gld_dun01", "gld_dun02", "gld_dun03"; switch (select("Create Instance", "Enter Instance", "Exit")) { case 1: set .@menu, select("Guild Dungeon 1","Guild Dungeon 2","Guild Dungeon 3"); switch(.@menu) { case 1: <create instance for gld01> break; case 2: <create instance for gld02> break; case 3: <create instance for gld03> break; } //NOW AFTER THE PLAYER CREATES INSTANCE THE NPC WILL THEN CLOSE DIALOGUE AND THE PLAYER WILL BE UNATTACHED TO NPC. //THE PROBLEM IS HERE IN CASE 2. MY QUESTION IS.... HOW WILL NPC REGNIZE YOUR CURRENT INSTANCE??? case 2: switch(instance_enter( PROBLEM #2 COZ MY INSTANCE NAMES ARE IN ARRAY FORM.. HOW WILL THE NPC KNOW WHAT INSTANCE TO RUN AND TO WARP MY CHARACTER???)) } Because Ive noticed that instance npc like Endless tower has only 1 dedicated script/npc .. Im planning to make an NPC with many INSTANCES inside.. Please help thankyou ..
  6. Hi ! I would like to ask if is it possible to have an array of Instance names (.@instance_name$)?? For example : //prontera,155,181,5 script Guild Instance Officer 418,{ moc_para01,52,32,4 script Guild Instance Officer 418,{ .@InstanceCooldown = 28800; .@name$ = "["+strnpcinfo(0)+"]"; setarray .@instance_name$[0] = "gld_dun01","gld_dun02","gld_dun03","gld_dun04"; //if (!is_party_leader()) { mes .@name$; mes "You must be a party leader"; end;}; mes .@name$; mes "Today's featured instance guild dungeon is [^000088"+.@instance_name$+"^000000]!"; mes "What would you like to do?"; next; switch(select( "~ ^FF6900Create Instance^000000 -> 1,000,000 Z", "~ ^000088Enter Instance^000000 [^777777"+.@instance_name$+"^000000] -> 200,000 Z", "~ ^FF0000Destroy Current Instance^000000")) { case 1: if (#CD > gettimetick(2)) { mes .@name$; mes "You can create new instance after " + Time2Str(CD) + "."; end; } if (!is_party_leader()) { mes .@name$; mes "Only party leader can create an instance."; end;}; if (instance_picker > 0) { mes .@name$; mes "You have already created one. Kindly destroy instance before getting new one."; end; } callsub(OnCheckZenyCreate); #CD = gettimetick(2) + .@InstanceCooldown; instance_create(.@instance_name$, IM_PARTY); instance_picker = 1; specialeffect2 75; break; case 2: mes .@name$; mes "^FF0000Please note that Token of^000000"; mes "^FF0000Siegfried, Kafra Card^000000"; mes "^FF0000infinite fly wing and any teleport^000000"; mes "^FF0000skills are not allowed inside.^000000"; next; mes .@name$; mes "Ah! I almost Forgot, all guild"; mes "dungeons have two Bow and Sword Guardians."; next; if (select("Enter now","Cancel")==2) end; if ((countitem(40036) || countitem(12887) || countitem(40014) || countitem(12323) || countitem(40028) || countitem(6293) || countitem(40114) || countitem(12211) || countitem(40114) || countitem(40029) || countitem(13602) || countitem(14211) || countitem(13603) || countitem(14212) || countitem(12909) || countitem(14165) || countitem(7621) || countitem(13601) || countitem(14210) || countitem(13600) || countitem(14209) || countitem(12922) || countitem(14178)) > 0 ) { mes .@name$; mes "Kafra Card, Token of Siegfried or Flywing item or boxes on your inventory."; end; } switch(instance_enter(.@instance_name$)) { case IE_NOMEMBER: mes .@name$; mes "ERROR: Party not found."; break; case IE_NOINSTANCE: mes .@name$; mes "ERROR: Party does not have an instance."; break; case IE_OTHER: mes .@name$; mes "ERROR: Unknown error."; break; default: callsub(OnCheckZenyEntry); #CD = gettimetick(2) + .@InstanceCooldown; //announce "Player ["+strcharinfo(0)+"] has entered Guild Dungeon ["+.@instance_name$+"]!",BC_ALL; break; } break; case 3: if (instance_picker <= 0) { mes .@name$; mes "No current instance available to destroy."; end; } mes .@name$; mes "Are you sure you want to destroy ["+.@instance_name$+"] instance?"; switch (select("I'm 100% sure!","No, cancel it!")) { case 1: dispbottom "["+.@instance_name$+"] instance has been destroyed."; instance_destroy(instance_id(IM_PARTY)); specialeffect2 677; instance_picker = 0; break; case 2: end; } } close; OnCheckZenyCreate: .@name$ = "["+strnpcinfo(0)+"]"; if (Zeny < 1000000) { mes .@name$; mes "You don't have enough zeny to enter this instance."; end; } Zeny -= 1000000; return; OnCheckZenyEntry: .@name$ = "["+strnpcinfo(0)+"]"; if (Zeny < 200000) { mes .@name$; mes "You don't have enough zeny to enter this instance."; end; } Zeny -= 200000; return; //OnPCLogoutEvent: //OnPCLoginEvent: //OnPCDieEvent: //if (!IE_NOINSTANCE) end; //if (strcharinfo(3) != "gld_dun01" || strcharinfo(3) != "gld_dun02" || strcharinfo(3) != "gld_dun03" || strcharinfo(3) != "gld_dun04" || strcharinfo(3) != "schg_dun01" || strcharinfo(3) != "arug_dun01") end; //instance_announce('instance_id,"A party member has died! You have 5 minutes to resurect or the instance will be destroyed.",0); //instance_destroy(instance_id(IM_PARTY)); //instance_picker = 0; //end; } If yes, how does the NPC recognize your chosen instance after creating instance and leaving npc ??? This post is related to my last topic .. I hope someone help me agan. thanks
  7. Hi I tried this but nothing happened
  8. Thanks ! Ill try this when I get home .. Seems rathena make it more easier to adjust
  9. Good day ! I need help on activating the matk bonus on impositio magnus please to pre-renewal .. Last time I did it on my old server is I just change this line from the previous rathena status.cpp set_sc( KN_AUTOCOUNTER , SC_AUTOCOUNTER , EFST_AUTOCOUNTER , SCB_NONE ); set_sc( PR_IMPOSITIO , SC_IMPOSITIO , EFST_IMPOSITIO , SCB_WATK #ifdef RENEWAL |SCB_MATK ); #else |SCB_MATK ); but when I used the new repo those lines are gone .. can you help me please ?
  10. Thankyou for your response .. But isnt it doable with SRC so I can give a specific formula for each skill ?
  11. Good day folks ! Just need a little help .. Is it possible in battle.cpp to make a separate effect or damage depending on map (normal, pvp and gvg) ?? Example is PA_SACRIFICE ... case PA_SACRIFICE: skillratio += -10 + 10 * skill_lv; break; is there a code like this ? case PA_SACRIFICE: #ifdef map_flag_gvg skillratio += -10 + 2 * skill_lv; #endif skillratio += -10 + 10 * skill_lv; break; ----------- OR -------------- case PA_SACRIFICE: #ifdef map_flag_pvp skillratio += -10 + 2 * skill_lv; #endif skillratio += -10 + 10 * skill_lv; break; Or is there a more easier way to do this ? Thankyou ! I hope someone notice my post .. Have a nice day !!
  12. can you show us the error ? its on your donpcevent link i supposed..
  13. prontera,161,173,3 script Encantador 933,{ mes "eu posso encantar "+getitemname( .faw_itemid ); mes " "; if( getequipid( EQI_GARMENT ) == .faw_itemid ){ .@refine = getequiprefinerycnt( EQI_GARMENT ); for( .@i = 0; .@i < 4; .@i++ ) .@card[.@i] = getequipcardid( EQI_GARMENT,.@i ); switch( select( "Encantar o item.","Resetar encantamentos." ) ){ case 1: mes "Escolha um slot para encantar."; mes "Você pode encantar mais slots quando tiver um refinamento superior."; .@slot = select( ( .@card[1] || .@refine < 7 )?"":"Enchant Slot 1", ( .@card[2] || .@refine < 8 )?"":"Enchant Slot 2", ( .@card[3] || .@refine < 9 )?"":"Enchant Slot 3", "Cancel" ); if( .@slot < 4 ){ mes "Pick Enchant Type"; .@type = select( .enchant_type_menu$ ) - 1; .@size = .enchant_list_size[.@type]; if( .@size ){ copyarray .@enchant_list[0],getd( ".enchant_list_"+( .@type+1 )+"[0]" ),.@size; if( .@refine >= 9 ){ .@enchant_list[.@size] = .special_enchant[.@type]; .@size++; } delequip EQI_GARMENT; if( rand( 100 ) < .success_rate ){ setd( ".@card["+.@slot+"]" ),.@enchant_list[ rand( .@size ) ]; mes "Pronto, item encantado com sucesso."; getitem2 .faw_itemid,1,1,.@refine,0,.@card[0],.@card[1],.@card[2],.@card[3]; equip .faw_itemid; }else{ mes "Que pena, não conseguimos encantar o item."; } } } break; case 2: mes "Você precisa "+.enchant_reset_skull+" Skulls."; if(countitem(7420) >= .enchant_reset_skull) { if( select( "Confirmar para resetar todos os encantamentos?","Cancelar" ) == 1 ){ if( !.@card[1] && !.@card[2] && !.@card[3] ){ mes "Seu item não tem nenhum item encantado."; }else{ getitem 7420, .enchant_reset_skull; delequip EQI_GARMENT; getitem2 .faw_itemid,1,1,.@refine,0,.@card[0],0,0,0; equip .faw_itemid; mes "Concluído removido todos os itens encantados."; } } } default: break; } }else{ mes "Certifique-se de estar equipado com "+getitemname( .faw_itemid ); } close; OnInit: // FAW item id .faw_itemid = 2589; // enchant success rate .success_rate = 100; // enchant reset cost .enchant_reset_Zeny = 1000000; // enchant reset cost (skull) .enchant_reset_skull = 10; // enchant type category setarray .enchant_type$,"Espírito do Lutador","Pedra Mágica","Mira Apurada","Crítico","MaxHP","MaxSP","ASPD","STR","AGI","DEX","VIT","INT","LUK"; // enchant list ( Fighting Spirit ) setarray .enchant_list_1,4810,4809,4808; // enchant list ( Magic ) setarray .enchant_list_2,4812,4827,4826; // enchant list ( Archer ) setarray .enchant_list_3,4832,4833,4834; // enchant list ( Critical ) setarray .enchant_list_4,4764,4765; // enchant list ( Max HP ) setarray .enchant_list_5,4797,4798,4799; // enchant list ( Max SP ) setarray .enchant_list_6,4870,4800,4801; // enchant list ( ASPD ) setarray .enchant_list_7,4807,4842; // enchant list ( STR ) setarray .enchant_list_8,4702,4703,4704; // enchant list ( AGI ) setarray .enchant_list_9,4732,4733,4734; // enchant list ( DEX ) setarray .enchant_list_10,4722,4723,4724; // enchant list ( VIT ) setarray .enchant_list_11,4742,4743,4744; // enchant list ( INT ) setarray .enchant_list_12,4712,4713,4714; // enchant list ( LUK ) setarray .enchant_list_13,4752,4753,4754; // extra 1 special enchant for 3rd slot if refine above 9 ( follow by category sequences ) //setarray .special_enchant,4821,4828,4835,4765,4868,4801,4807,4853,4854,4857,4855,4856,4858; .enchant_type_size = getarraysize( .enchant_type$ ); for( .@i = 0; .@i < .enchant_type_size; .@i++ ){ .enchant_list_size[.@i] = getarraysize( getd( ".enchant_list_"+( .@i+1 ) ) ); if( !.enchant_list_size[.@i] ){ .enchant_type$[.@i] = ""; } else{ .enchant_type_menu$ = .enchant_type_menu$ + .enchant_type$[.@i]; } .enchant_type_menu$ = .enchant_type_menu$ + ":"; } end; }
  14. hi guys im using 20211103 client .. damage shows like this
  15. Hi ! does anyone here have these buttons ? Texture/À¯ÀúÀÎÅÍÆäÀ̽º/basic_interface/btn_e_change_a.bmp Texture/À¯ÀúÀÎÅÍÆäÀ̽º/basic_interface/btn_e_change_b.bmp Texture/À¯ÀúÀÎÅÍÆäÀ̽º/basic_interface/btn_e_change_c.bmp Texture/À¯ÀúÀÎÅÍÆäÀ̽º/basic_interface/btn_e_off_a.bmp Texture/À¯ÀúÀÎÅÍÆäÀ̽º/basic_interface/btn_e_off_b.bmp Texture/À¯ÀúÀÎÅÍÆäÀ̽º/basic_interface/btn_e_off_c.bmp Im currently getting an error .. after trying to make buttons it appears that the off button is at the middle off change button. I honestly have no Idea for this yet. Please help ..Thankyou !
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