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Everything posted by WhiteEagle

  1. Sorry if it's in the wrong section. ? It's possible to bring the auction house system back to the new clients like 2018-06-20~?? I don't want to miss the new features but also have the auction System.
  2. Please update it to the latest rev. Thanks ?
  3. Cool idea. Can be coupled with quests. Is a little more pleasant than "bring me the item in text format" for the next questpart Will this buyable?
  4. Has anyone found a way to patch Read questid2display.txt / RecommendedQuestInfoList.lub? Would use newer clients for the attendance etc.
  5. Yea I know what you try to say. But you need to convert it into ANSI, but if you do this, the korean letters (spritenames) can't be read then anymore.
  6. I think the problem is, if you change it in ANSI, that the spritename is no longer readable.
  7. That's a good question. Never test it with comma, sorry.
  8. You can work with OnNPCKillEvent: and strcharinfo(3). OnInit: setarray .map$,"prt_fild04","prt_fild05"; end; OnNPCKillEvent: for (.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(.map$); .@i++) if (strcharinfo(3) == .map$ ) { set .@mob_base,((getmonsterinfo(killedrid,MOB_BASEEXP) / 100) * YOURBONUS); set .@mob_job,((getmonsterinfo(killedrid,MOB_JOBEXP) / 100) * YOURBONUS); set BaseExp,(BaseExp + .@mob_base); set JobExp,(JobExp + .@mob_job); end; } end; Didn't test it, but like this should it work.
  9. Wird noch an dem Ergo Patcher gearbeitet?
  10. Ah okay. Sad. Thanks for your Reply.
  11. Hey, does anyone know how to use this or get this working?
  12. Mkay. Yea that's sad. But thanks for your Reply.
  13. I've test it out, but found no way to add more items as one. Sorry.
  14. Here, that's the structure: IconName = "ico_nq.bmp", // Normal Quest IconName = "ico_nj.bmp", // Job Quest IconName = "ico_gq.bmp", // Guide Quest [1238] = { Title = "Shop guide", IconName = "ico_nq.bmp", Description = { "The first quest. Experience about the use of shop. After buying one Red Potion, report to Leonie.", }, Summary = "Talk to Leonie", NpcSpr = "4_M_THAIONGBAK", NpcNavi = "com_d02_i", NpcPosX = 241, NpcPosY = 255, RewardEXP = "4300000", RewardJEXP = "2800000", RewardItemList = { { ItemID = 501, ItemNum = 1 }} },
  15. Ok, well. The problem is, that OngoingQuestInfoList don't Support Monster.
  16. Got it to work, let me test out to add a Monster.
  17. You can try this : RewardEXP = "1000", RewardJEXP = "1000", RewardITEM = "512", May I ask where you found the translated quest info?
  18. I would like to know what options are available to have npcs in several languages. I know this way, but how do I do that with menus? if (#langtype == 3) { mes "Möchtest du das 'Trainingsgelände' überspringen und direkt nach Yesenia gehen oder eins der Trainingsgelände nutzten?";} if (#langtype == 0) { mes "Do you want to skip the 'Trainings Ground' and go straight to Yesenia or use one of the training grounds?";} I found only this solution: switch(select( (#langtype == 3)? Ja, bitte.": Yes, please." Is there perhaps a way how to connect 2 servers. Example: rathena1 (english) and rathena2 (german) are connected, and via clientinfo you log in via the english or german server? Hope you can help me to find out what is the best way (easiest way) Thanks
  19. Wow nice thanks. I'll test it. Feedback: Works perfect. Thanks mate~
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