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Everything posted by WhiteEagle

  1. Hi Functor, would be really nice from you if you could do this for me too. Thank you very much 2020-06-17aRagexe_patched-WARP.exe
  2. No, the problem is present since it was released. (I am talking about the current .yml version) Thanks for your help. You safed my life. ^-^
  3. Currently, the problem with the "Random Option System" is that when options can be distributed randomly, it happens that a option is not displayed. This happens when one of the random options is skipped. Can anyone solve this problem? It is extremely inconvenient when the player cannot see what options active now. Here is a picture which shows what is meant. The knife has 2 options but only one is shown in the item description. In the SQL the problem can be shown very simply. Here you can see that this problem only occurs when one of the options is skipped, as already mentioned above. In this case option_id1 was skipped and option_id2 got the value. I hope I could describe the problem so far understandable so that the error can be fixed. Thank you
  4. The problem has caused a diff "allow spam skills by hotkey". Anyways, thanks for your help. Hope guys with the same problem help this too. :DD
  5. Yea,... i don't understand this too. ?
  6. Here this works: 1. Go to the path -> db/ 1.1 Add in item_randomopt_db.yml: Footer: Imports: - Path: db/pre-re/item_randomopt_db.yml Mode: Prerenewal - Path: db/re/item_randomopt_db.yml Mode: Renewal - Path: db/import/item_randomopt_db.yml 1.2 Add in item_randomopt_group.yml: Footer: Imports: - Path: db/pre-re/item_randomopt_group.yml Mode: Prerenewal - Path: db/re/item_randomopt_group.yml Mode: Renewal - Path: db/import/item_randomopt_group.yml 2. Go to the path -> db/re 2.1 Copy item_randomopt_group.yml and item_randomopt_db.yml 2.2 Add both files in db/pre-re 3. Have fun ?
  7. Ok. I have now used a fresh client and fresh installed rAthena. Same problem. Just 4 Spheres..... I use the translated files from chrisll.
  8. I've source modifications. But not on Monk skills or anything with spiritball.
  9. That's the problem. I don't do any modifications on monk skills or with 'spiritball' values. ?
  10. Thanks for your time and answer. I am using the pre-renewal database and yes I've the same and original settings. - Id: 260 Name: MO_SPIRITSRECOVERY Description: Spiritual Cadence MaxLevel: 5 Type: Weapon - Id: 261 Name: MO_CALLSPIRITS Description: Summon Spirit Sphere MaxLevel: 5 TargetType: Self DamageFlags: NoDamage: true Hit: Single HitCount: 1 CastTime: 1000 Duration1: 600000 Requires: SpCost: 8 - Id: 262 Name: MO_ABSORBSPIRITS Description: Absorb Spirit Sphere MaxLevel: 1 Type: Weapon TargetType: Support DamageFlags: NoDamage: true Range: 9 Hit: Single HitCount: 1 CastCancel: true CastTime: 1000 Requires: SpCost: 5 I have no clue why this happen
  11. I don't know why, but Call Spirit just summon 4 spirits now and I don't find any solutions about this. When I use Dangerous Soul Collect (CH_SOULCOLLECT) I got all 5 spirits. Would be awesome if someone has an idea/solution. Here some part of the source what I've found and i tried the int limit to set to 5 instead of skill_lv but it doesn't help. case MO_CALLSPIRITS: if(sd) { int limit = skill_lv; if( sd->sc.data[SC_RAISINGDRAGON] ) limit += sd->sc.data[SC_RAISINGDRAGON]->val1; clif_skill_nodamage(src,bl,skill_id,skill_lv,1); pc_addspiritball(sd,skill_get_time(skill_id,skill_lv),limit); } break; case CH_SOULCOLLECT: if(sd) { int limit = 5; if( sd->sc.data[SC_RAISINGDRAGON] ) limit += sd->sc.data[SC_RAISINGDRAGON]->val1; clif_skill_nodamage(src,bl,skill_id,skill_lv,1); for (i = 0; i < limit; i++) pc_addspiritball(sd,skill_get_time(skill_id,skill_lv),limit); } break;
  12. I don't know if anything has changed, but pet support skills are not working at the moment.
  13. I think the easiest way is to create 2 different exe, each calling a different iteminfo.
  14. I have the problem that the web-server files are not created. I do not get any error messages. I am using Debian 9. Tested it with Debian 10 too. Same result. Same files on Windows (PC) works perfect. Can anyone help me to make it works for me on Debian 9? Wanna use Emblems ? ./configure --enable-web-service Message: configure: output name = login-server, char-server, map-server configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile config.status: creating src/common/Makefile config.status: creating 3rdparty/libconfig/Makefile config.status: creating 3rdparty/yaml-cpp/Makefile config.status: creating 3rdparty/httplib/Makefile config.status: creating src/char/Makefile config.status: creating src/login/Makefile config.status: creating src/map/Makefile config.status: creating src/tool/Makefile config.status: creating src/web/Makefile Make server- Last message. No web-server file is created. CXX vending.cpp LD map-server
  15. Because then it is only set for the individual player. If you are in a party, it is not counted for the other party members and if you set it for the party, everyone gets the full EXP, no matter how high the level difference of the individual party members is. So many checks need to be built in to make it work as it should. With setunitdata, every time the Monster of the Day changes, you could just change the EXP and be done. For instances, you could determine the exp for each individual MvP, e.g. how long a player needs to get to the MvP. The faster the player arrives, the more exp the MvP gives and and and
  16. Is someone kind enough to give me the code to add UMOB_BASEEXP and UMOB_JOBEXP to getunitdata/setunitdata. I would need these for events like "Monster of the Day", where the exp for individual monsters are raised. Would be awesome
  17. Can anyone upload the model.pth that works for ragnarok stuff? Would be awesome.
  18. Hi Akkarin, I have installed your theme and the Youtube window is not displayed. I have also tested it with other youtube_codes, nothing.. Am I missing something? The other question is, where is the event sidebar displayed or how do I display it? // Events Sidebar 'events' => array( 'Race to 99', 'Screenshot Contest' ), Thanks ~
  19. I am interested too. Just now where to find the new one...
  20. The Announce comes every time something is refined to +7 or higher. That means also +8, +9,+10.
  21. Just as an idea, how about adding a filter? Lv.1 and 2 weapons would also trigger the announce and Lv.1 is safe till +7. Just change this: if (getequiprefinerycnt(.@part) >= 7) announce strcharinfo(0)+" has refined "+getequipname(.@part)+" to +"+getequiprefinerycnt(.@part)+"!",0; To this: if (getequiprefinerycnt(.@part) >= 7) { if (.@part == EQI_GARMENT || .@part == EQI_HEAD_TOP || .@part == EQI_SHOES || .@part == EQI_ARMOR) { announce strcharinfo(0)+" has refined ["+getequipname(.@part)+"] to +"+getequiprefinerycnt(.@part)+"!",0; } if (getequipweaponlv(.@part) >= 3 ) { announce strcharinfo(0)+" has refined the weapon ["+getequipname(.@part)+"] to +"+getequiprefinerycnt(.@part)+"!",0; } }
  22. Love it. Thanks again for your sharing. Ragnarok in general has far too few different shield looks.
  23. In hercules, there is a script command that puts items that are looted directly into the FAV inventory. *setfavoriteitemidx(<idx>, <flag>) This function will set an item in inventory as favorite or not. If its favorite item, it will be moved to favorite tab, else move out from favorite tab. Note: Cant change favorite flag of an equipped item. Valid Parameters: <idx> - inventory index, refer *getinventorylist() <flag> - true/false (true = favorite item, false = otherwise) --------------------------------------- *autofavoriteitem(<item_id>, <flag>) This function will auto set an item as favorite when <item_id> is obtained. If its favorite item, it will be auto moved to favorite tab, else move out from favorite tab. This setting affect not only attached player, but also everyone player globally. Valid Parameters: <item_id> - item ID <flag> - true/false (true = favorite item, false = otherwise) Does anyone know a similar funtion in rAthena or can create this for rAthena? That would be really great and practical. Currently I have to do this in pc.cpp for each individual item. ( Marked in the field with /////) if (i >= MAX_INVENTORY) { i = pc_search_inventory(sd,0); if( i < 0 ) return ADDITEM_OVERITEM; memcpy(&sd->inventory.u.items_inventory[i], item, sizeof(sd->inventory.u.items_inventory[0])); // clear equip and favorite fields first, just in case if( item->equip ) sd->inventory.u.items_inventory[i].equip = 0; if( item->favorite ) sd->inventory.u.items_inventory[i].favorite = 0; if( item->equipSwitch ) sd->inventory.u.items_inventory[i].equipSwitch = 0; sd->inventory.u.items_inventory[i].amount = amount; sd->inventory_data[i] = id; sd->last_addeditem_index = i; if (!itemdb_isstackable2(id) || id->flag.guid) sd->inventory.u.items_inventory[i].unique_id = item->unique_id ? item->unique_id : pc_generate_unique_id(sd); ////////////////////////////////////////// if ( item->nameid == 32510 ) sd->inventory.u.items_inventory[i].favorite = 1; ////////////////////////////////////////// clif_additem(sd,i,amount,0); }
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