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Everything posted by WhiteEagle

  1. Would be nice if someone can share a ragexe 2023-05 or above. Thanks.
  2. Works this with HP bonus too and when, how you handled the problem, that the player has the current HP and not every time at the relog, the HP bonus is recalculated and therefore the player has to heal himself every time when logging in by the value he got as a bonus. Example: Player has 500 MaxHP and gets 500 bonus HP After logging in the player has 500/1000 HP.
  3. I know that there was a function that let the player play the pick up animation via a script. Unfortunately, I can not remember what it was called. I would also appreciate a solution how I could display an attack animation on an NPC. Like for example with skilleffect Skillid,1, but I would like to get only the normal attack animated and no skill. To the part with the progressbar, is there a function that checks that the player has canceled the progressbar? Would be nice if someone can help me out here.
  4. I ask the same for few weeks. It's a source change, not a client side thing ^-^
  5. If I remember correctly, you need a source modification for this. e.g. the one from Functor / Gepard.
  6. Maybe change the flag for skill: Flag constants: 0 - SKILL_PERM 1 - SKILL_TEMP 2 - SKILL_TEMPLEVEL 3 - SKILL_PERM_GRANT Like skill 249,5,1;
  7. I would like to have a delay of 3 days when leaving a guild. Can someone tell me how to do that? That would be really friendly.
  8. Yes, but there you have to adjust every Def/Mdef value that is above 99, because in Pre-Renewal the Def does not go above 99.
  9. That would be a great feature in itself. That way you wouldn't have to create a new account for every char if you want to support yourself and you would only have to buy VIP for one account as an example.
  10. My question with these "bot checks" is, isn't it extremely annoying for mobbers? Have just collected a nice mob and want to return to the party and then comes the "Bot Check" and by the monsterignore you lose the whole mob. Sure, better than dying in time, but I think both is not a good solution. There would have to start a timer, so that you have enough time to react. I hope you understand my thought process.
  11. First, thanks again for the release. I have a few suggestions and I would be happy if these could be created and shared. These are the things I noticed or what I think would improve it: The select window should close after selecting a homunculus. You could set a setting in battle/homunculus.conf, which sets the maximum number of homunculus that can be stored. For example that the player may have a maximum of 4 different homunculus. I found a bug, if you have more than one of the same embyros, it just comes out a random homunculus. Also you can have multiple same homunculus, which should not be possible. I think the goal behind the storage system is that you can have all homunculus 1x and not as an example 4 same lifs. (Example you have Lifs with Lv. 1 or Lv. 40 or Lv.88, which of the Lifs has now which level). Therefore the possibility would be practical to prevent that you can have more than one homunculus of the same kind. That you don't get an item back in your inventory when you use "Rest". It might be read directly from the SQL database.
  12. And for other ppl who want to use this, it's skill.cpp not skill.hpp xD Little typo from this awesome guy. ^^
  13. At first, holy awesome work and thank you very much for sharing. I tried to test it, but I got some errors after compiling. Do I miss something?!
  14. I am using this latest client link: https://rathena.org/board/topic/106413-kro-full-client-2023-04-04-includes-bgm-rsu/ Data folder fist: 2022-04-06_Ragexe_datafolderfirstwa_patched.rar Without Data folder first: 2022-04-06_Ragexe_withoutdata_patched.rar Patch Log: - ShowBGEmblem - SkipInFriendList - SkipInGuildList - EnableWho - EnableShowName - ResizeChatBox - ResizeChatRoomBox - ResizePMBox - ResizeNpcBox - ShowRoulette - ZeroCinShop - DefShopBrowser - PreviewInShop - PreviewInTrader - MediumCamAngle - Zoom75Percent - UseOldLogin - UnlimitedChatRepeat - AlwaysAscii - CallKoreaClientInfo - DataFolderFirst - PlainTextDesc - LoadKrExtSettings - IncrViewID - IncrMapQuality - HideBuildInfo - FixArrowsCharset - BossDropIdentified - TranslateClient - NoGGuard - MsgStrings - CustomItemInfoLub - CustomAchieveLub - CustomMonSizeEffLub - CustomTownInfoLub - CustomPetEvoClnLub - CustomTipboxLub - CustomCheckAttLub - CustomPrivAirplaneLub - CustomMapInfoLub - CustomOngQuestInfoLub - CustomRcmdQuestInfoLub - GRFsFromIni - NoFilenameCheck - EnableSysMenu - CustomWinTitle - BorderlessFSW - No1and1Arg - RestoreIcon - EnableDnsSupport - NoNagle - NoHardCodedAddr - NoGNJoyLaunch - SendClientFlags - TildeForMatk - NoSwearFilter - SkipServiceSelect - OpenToServiceSelect - GuildBrackets - FixChatAt - NoHourly - EnableFlagEmotes - NoSerialDisplay - AllowSpaceInGName - DeleteCharWithEmail - NoHelpMsg - CloseCutinOnEsc - MoveUpItemCount - CustomFadeDelay - RelativeDelay4CharDel - HideZeroDateInGuildWin - ShortcutForAll - NoGravityAds - NoGravityLogo - FixLatestNCWin - DisConnToLogin - ShowReplayBtn - HideLicense Hope it helps.
  15. Oh this is an old thread. I don't use this version anymore. I am using 2022-04-06_Ragexe and I dont use the \Addons\WARP Sessions\2020_Translation.yml stuff. I diff all settings manually. Are you using the latest RO client? If you want, I can diff you a .exe.
  16. Well, if you're using pre-renewal, I would suggest that use some files from pre-renewal folder and overwrite the system/iteminfo_en and if you want, some files like maps, navigation from data/ . Aaaaand I can recommend to use WARP instead of NEMO to diff the .exe. After this, it should work as it should.^^ Edit: Add screenshot
  17. I'm used the https://github.com/llchrisll/ROenglishRE translated files. Chris do a rly good job.
  18. You need the included models & textures to your client. This map works to 100%.
  19. Sorry dude, I've add the > in the wrong way. Change --> if (BaseLevel < 15) to if (Baselevel > 15) This is right: if (BaseLevel > 15) { mes "Your baselevel is to high."; close; } if (getmapflag(strcharinfo(3),mf_pvp) || getmapflag(strcharinfo(3),mf_gvg)) { dispbottom "You cannot use this command in the Battle field areas.",0x00ff00; end; } warp "new_1-2",100,100; end;
  20. OnMallWarp: if (BaseLevel < 15) { mes "Your baselevel is to high."; close; } if (getmapflag(strcharinfo(3),mf_pvp) || getmapflag(strcharinfo(3),mf_gvg)) { dispbottom "You cannot use this command in the Battle field areas.",0x00ff00; end; } warp "new_1-2",100,100; end;
  21. https://github.com/rathena/rathena/pull/7410
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