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Everything posted by WhiteEagle

  1. I also had the problem once and it was due to monster_size_effect.lub. I don't know why, but when I changed it, the problem was gone.
  2. skill_db.yml search for your wished skill and change HitCount: 1 to your wish. If you want depending on the level: Hit: Multi_Hit HitCount: - Level: 1 Count: 1 - Level: 2 Count: 2 - Level: 3 Count: 3 - Level: 4 Count: 4 - Level: 5 Count: 5 - Level: 6 Count: 6 - Level: 7 Count: 7 - Level: 8 Count: 8 - Level: 9 Count: 9 - Level: 10 Count: 10
  3. WTF? Where does this cost much time? Just add a new shop and finish. If you don't use the barter files in npc/custom just add - Path: npc/pre-re/merchants/barters.yml Mode: Prerenewal to the barters.yml
  4. You need to add: - Group: PRIVATE_AIRSHIP SubGroups: - SubGroup: 1 List: - Item: Nyangvine_Fruit Rate: 1 - Item: World_Tour_Ticket Rate: 1 to the pre-re or custom item_group_db.yml.
  5. First of all, thank you for your time and work. I am interested in the point where exactly the patcher is better than Thor or different from Thor?^^
  6. Use nemo or warp to dif your .exe and disable "Show server select"
  7. It may be that this duration for SC_Status is not supported. I don't know if it is the source side that is the problem or maybe the SQL database. The tick is set with bigint(20), but maybe it is not enough for this duration.
  8. rAthena has this feature included. This here is no longer needed. # - Group Refine item type. # Levels: Refinement settings per item level. (Default: null) # - Level Item level. # RefineLevels: Refinement settings per refine level. (Default: null) # - Level Refine level. # Bonus Refinement bonus. (Default: 0) # RandomBonus Extra refinement bonus of 0~RandomBonus stacked on Bonus. (Default: 0) # BlacksmithBlessingAmount Amount of Blacksmith Blessing required. (Default: 0) # BroadcastSuccess Broadcast to the whole server when a refine attempt at this level succeeds. (Default: false) # BroadcastFailure Broadcast to the whole server when a refine attempt at this level fails. (Default: false)
  9. Would be awesome if you could share your solution.
  10. I don't know why, but the cards no longer have any effect on Homunculus. With autoloot or without. What do I have to do to make it work again? Would be nice if someone could help me.
  11. Thank you very much for your release. Finally I can use the refineUI. Is it possible you can release a version, where the message is written in #info channel instead of announce?
  12. A very nice person and very quick answers. No matter what questions you have, they were answered with all patience. I can only recommend.
  13. Does anyone know if this theme still work?
  14. At first, thanks for your time and response. I know how to add it as an itemscript, but I don't want to edit it for each weapon individually. I wanted to change it in the source directly I found this part in status.cpp (line 3678) wa->atk += sd->inventory_data[index]->atk; if( info != nullptr ){ wa->atk2 += info->bonus / 100; I tried to add this line below wa->matk += info->bonus / 100; compile error says: 'matk' isn't a member from 'weapon_atk'. Maybe you or someone know what I need to.
  15. Is someone so kind and would write me the function that weapons also get Matk pro upgrade? (For Pre-Renewal) Thanks in advance.
  16. Should work with a check. Something like 'getiteminfo(<item ID>,ITEMINFO_WEAPONLEVEL)'
  17. Unfortunately it did not work. ? Without being able to use Ä Ü Ö, it makes it really hard to translate the iteminfo german. I know that I can use ao, eo and ue, but it doesn't look nice.
  18. Hey guys, I am in despair. Does anyone know a way to use Ä Ö Ü with iteminfo.lua without disabling the other items that use Korean sprites like identifiedResourceName = "아인헤리얼의갑옷",
  19. Sure sure.^^ Here an excample: We have 999 Silvervines and I buy 99 pieces. So just 900 Silvervines are left for the whole server. But my wish is that the 99 pieces are removed only for me and not for the whole server. So everyone has the "own" stack in the shop.
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