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Everything posted by WhiteEagle

  1. Yea BaseLevel is used in scripts. For source you need sd->status.base_level if i remember correct.
  2. You can use stuff like this: Zeny -= value * BaseLevel; or like Rynbef said, do if checks like if (BaseLevel >= 30) Zeny -= 2000; else if (BaseLevel >= 20) Zeny -= 1000; and so on
  3. src/status.cpp search for: // Skill-related recovery (only when sit) there you can edit the source. ^-^
  4. src/skill.cpp case NV_FIRSTAID: clif_skill_nodamage(src,bl,skill_id,5,1); status_heal(bl,5,0,0); <---- just change 5 to your wished amount break;
  5. Did you patch your exe with this here? That could create your problem.
  6. You talk about the client date, not the rAthena version. Im confused how do you able to use rAthena when you don't know what rAthena is. xD
  7. Looks like you use a really old version of rAthena. Well, in atcommand.cpp, you can search for mobinfo and scroll down to // drops In the latest rAthena, the part looks like this: int droprate = mob_getdroprate( &sd->bl, mob, mob->dropitem[i].rate, drop_modifier ); sprintf(atcmd_output2, " - %s %02.02f%%", item_db.create_item_link( id ).c_str(), (float)droprate / 100); So, if you want to get displayed in @mi your bubblegum, you need to add the part with the SC_ITEMBOOST in mob.cpp
  8. You seem to have misunderstood his issue. The problem is not about displaying the exact value with 5 decimal places or how its calculated ^^, but rather that nothing changes for him, whether with or without Bubble Gum active (SC_ITEMBOOST). And you said, its not changing at @mi or @monsterinfo if u are using bubble gum or HE gum, but it does. I don't talk about the calculation for 100%, 200% or other SC_ITEMBOOST value. Just, when you are using an Item with SC_ITEMBOOST, it's showing in @mi, that what he ask for.
  9. Could you post here your entrys? Without it, it's really hard to help/find the problem.
  10. I have added a custom skill, but I have the problem that the player's weapon is not displayed. Like with SM_BASH, for example. How and where do I have to set this? I would appreciate your help, thank you.
  11. Well, you can search in mob.cpp for: if (src) { if (battle_config.drops_by_luk) // Drops affected by luk as a fixed increase [Valaris] drop_rate += status_get_luk(src) * battle_config.drops_by_luk / 100; if (battle_config.drops_by_luk2) // Drops affected by luk as a % increase [Skotlex] drop_rate += (int)(0.5 + drop_rate * status_get_luk(src) * battle_config.drops_by_luk2 / 10000.); There should be a part with if (sd->sc.getSCE(SC_ITEMBOOST)) drop_rate_bonus += sd->sc.getSCE(SC_ITEMBOOST)->val1;
  12. Already answered your question in discord.
  13. This refers to the fact that it is easier and faster to reduce the player's HP/SP than to use skills for 5 minutes. !heal 0 -1500 as an example would have deducted 1500 SP from you, triggering the AutoPot. Was just a help to make your videos shorter
  14. WhiteEagle


    I think, you talk about cutin "filename",3; <-- position 3 *cutin "<filename>",<position>; *cutin2 "<filename>",<position>; This command will display a picture, usually an NPC illustration, also called cutin, for the currently attached client. The position parameter determines the placement of the illustration and takes following values: 0 bottom left corner 1 bottom middle 2 bottom right corner 3 middle of screen in a movable window with an empty title bar 4 middle of screen without the window header, but still movable 255 clear all displayed cutins
  15. Hey guys, Could anyone show me how to create a SC_STATUS like SC_BURNING, that deals damage based on players 'ATK/MATK instead of fixed or percentage damage? I couldn't find a DoT effect where the damage depends on the player's stats, so I need your help. Thanks ~ case SC_BURNING: if (sce->val4 >= 0) { int64 damage = 1000 + (3 * status->max_hp) / 100; // Deals fixed (1000 + 3%*MaxHP) map_freeblock_lock(); dounlock = true; status_fix_damage(bl, bl, damage, clif_damage(bl, bl, tick, 0, 1, damage, 1, DMG_NORMAL, 0, false),0); } break;
  16. It's in refine_db.yml. Path: db/pre-re/ or db/re/ And its used like this here: - Level: 13 Bonus: 2800 BlacksmithBlessingAmount: 16 BroadcastSuccess: true BroadcastFailure: true Chances: - Type: Normal Rate: 800 Price: 100000 Material: Carnium BreakingRate: 2000 DowngradeAmount: 3 - Type: HD Rate: 800 Price: 100000 Material: HD_Carnium DowngradeAmount: 1
  17. Hey there~ I want to switch the order of the name and title, but after a few hours, I give up. So, it would be nice if you could help me out with my problem. Here is my problem: When you use 'setunittitle', the title appears above the NPC name. As an example: But I want the title beneath the name, like here: "I know I could simply use the name in 'setunittitle' and change the NPC name to the title name, but, well... that's not the intended use, is it?" In clif.cpp, the section where the name and title are defined is located: void clif_name( struct block_list* src, struct block_list *bl, send_target target ){ case BL_HOM: case BL_MER: case BL_PET: case BL_NPC: case BL_ELEM: { PACKET_ZC_ACK_REQNAMEALL_NPC packet = { 0 }; packet.packet_id = HEADER_ZC_ACK_REQNAMEALL_NPC; packet.gid = bl->id; switch (bl->type) { case BL_HOM: memcpy(packet.name, ((TBL_HOM *)bl)->homunculus.name, NAME_LENGTH); break; case BL_MER: memcpy(packet.name, ((TBL_MER *)bl)->db->name.c_str(), NAME_LENGTH); break; case BL_PET: safestrncpy(packet.name, ((TBL_PET *)bl)->pet.name, NAME_LENGTH); break; case BL_NPC: safestrncpy(packet.name, ((TBL_NPC *)bl)->name, NAME_LENGTH); break; case BL_ELEM: safestrncpy(packet.name, ((TBL_ELEM *)bl)->db->name.c_str(), NAME_LENGTH); break; } #if PACKETVER_MAIN_NUM >= 20180207 || PACKETVER_RE_NUM >= 20171129 || PACKETVER_ZERO_NUM >= 20171130 unit_data *ud = unit_bl2ud(bl); if (ud != nullptr) { memcpy(packet.title, ud->title, NAME_LENGTH); packet.groupId = ud->group_id; } #endif clif_send(&packet, sizeof(packet), src, target); } The next consideration is whether it would be possible to add a function that centers the name beneath the title. As you can observe, when the name is shorter than the title, it looks quite unappealing. It would be a good change for rAthena, I think, as I am not the only one bothered by this and centering the name would be a generally positive modification. I would greatly appreciate it if someone could provide me with the solution. Thank you.
  18. Script: | account wide #rops += 1000; or for chars: rops += 1000;
  19. Hey I would reduce the min. dropchance to 0.001% instead of 0.01%. If this possible and when, could anyone give me the solution? Thanks guys ^-^
  20. It's not the question, but maybe it helps. That's shows the skill-name instead of the ID.
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