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Everything posted by Chaos92

  1. any scripts that still work for charleston right now?
  2. sclientinfo.xml or clientinfo.xml depends on clients
  3. https://github.com/rathena/rathena/commit/8f512d8abbf3a4b5065e3ffe11f01ef185bd697e have you update this ?
  4. //In this script's original state, a "World Boss" will // spawn in a random location after 10,000 monster kills // every 4 minutes past the hour. Does it mean 10,000 kills for each character or count from all players ?
  5. Always dealing with Functor. 100% recommended. The most reliable Game Guard for Ragnarok online till now.
  6. Chaos92


    identified means items that already identified. unindentified means items that isnt identified yet for example drop by monsters.
  7. Pls add all itemdb, itemdbre, mobdb, mobdbre in sql-files.. import it first in your database/phpmyadmin.
  8. Chaos92

    Web Hosting

    Then you should show us what is your problem. any errors, logs, screenshot, etc.
  9. Chaos92

    Web Hosting

    allow in your database privilege.
  10. Click SQL and execute your .sql-files there.
  11. U need to know your mysql/phpmyadmin username and password. After that u can change the details in conf/inter-athena.conf
  12. Chaos92

    Flux cp error

    refused. Try check your firewall
  13. Well.. ive create this issue before : https://github.com/rathena/FluxCP/issues/238
  14. Version 1.0.0


    In kRO its originally supported up to 30 hair styles for Blank Eyes / Costume Blank Eyes. This file can support up to 84 hair styles.
  15. Hello, that is Random Option System .
  16. most probably accessoryID and accname if you already add all the sprite. or else, your itemdb viewID
  17. you didnt have the palette files then.
  18. told ya... diff client 64k hairstyle
  19. diff your client 64k hairstyles and check your hair color palette. maybe didnt have in your GRF
  20. I dont understand your question but... I think your question regarding renewal drop src/config/renewal.h /// Renewal drop rate algorithms /// (disable by commenting the line) /// /// Leave this line to enable renewal item drop rate algorithms /// While enabled a special modified based on the difference between the player and monster level is applied /// Based on the http://irowiki.org/wiki/Drop_System#Level_Factor table #define RENEWAL_DROP
  21. 1. rename izlude map to the pvp map name. 2. insert in your GRF/patcher. 3. download your mapcache.dat , use wee mapcache and add the new map inside it. 4. restart server
  22. Chaos92

    Help- ME

    your default password s1 /p1 as it told. Check your login table in ragnarok database. makesure it is the same as what you set in conf/char-athena and map-athena
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