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Everything posted by Chaos92

  1. or maybe your VM clock / PC clock having issue so the editing of it in 'future' wont affect the changes.
  2. Have you run the SQL ? I think this script should have their own SQL which need to be query first so that the table rankpvp01 are exist.
  3. I think you can use getgroupid script commands. *getgroupid({<char_id>}) This function will return the group id to which the invoking player belongs. - script Sample -1,{ OnPCLoginEvent: if ( getgroupid() > 0 && strcharinfo(3) == "mapname") end; atcommand "@kick " +strcharinfo(0); //or change to warp ? end; }
  4. ragnarokheoes.roserver.net means theres typo there. see the spelling.
  5. have you check throughly either at conf/ folder or conf/import folder ?
  6. You should run the sql-files updates if you update the emulator so that it match with changes. just use the upgrade SQL.
  7. u should change in your login database too. the default one is s1 and p1. find it in your database and change it to what you need as your setup.
  8. the packets are not yet coded in rAthena emulator
  9. because its already run away ? Stuffed or hungry pet ?
  10. insert your high priority GRF loaded izlude map.
  11. *getmapxy("<variable for map name>",<variable for x>,<variable for y>{,<type>,"<search value>"}) This function will locate a character object, NPC object or pet's coordinates and place their coordinates into the variables specified when calling it. It will return 0 if the search was successful, and -1 if the parameters given were not variables or the search was not successful. Type is the type of object to search for: BL_PC - Character object (default) BL_NPC - NPC object BL_PET - Pet object BL_HOM - Homunculus object BL_MER - Mercenary object BL_ELEM - Elemental object use the latest one, BL_PC. getmapxy didnt use 0/1 anymore. Example : getmapxy .@map$, .@x, .@y, 0; to getmapxy .@map$, .@x, .@y, BL_PC;
  12. Have you tried reloadscript or restart server ?
  13. All I see = commented query.. just run the first post SQL query
  14. if you have phpmyadmin.. it has query tab so paste it in 'ragnarok' database and execute.
  15. 1. itemcashdb in db 2. check attendance system 3. try reloadbattleconf
  16. Why not view in FluxCP . Admin account can search players account, view inventory, storage, etc. If you need to delete it, just delete it in databases.
  17. As far as I know, you doesnt need to disconnect when VIP System is activated if you use VIP System in rAthena.
  18. Did you use Google Translate ? I cant understand the question at all. disconnect what ? do you mean logout ? and what should be updated or inserted ?
  19. Is this can suit your requirements needed ?
  20. Check your accessoryid and accname most probably there. Or itemdb make sure the view id is correct.
  21. Try to check your iteminfo. if the sprite and collection+item .bmp exist, most probably because of the identified sprite name
  22. you can git pull origin master to pull it to latest master. You might need to fix any merge conflicts if its happen.
  23. what clientdate ? Make sure you add accessoryid.lub and accname.lub too in lua
  24. U require to insert the password for 'root' when you installed mysql. That is your root password. and use mysql user credentials details and edit inter_athena with that.
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