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Chaos92 last won the day on April 12

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About Chaos92

  • Birthday December 2

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    Reunite RO
  • Github: reunite-ro
  • Discord: Chaos92#8126
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    In learning.

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  1. since u said pre-re defense but in renewal, with original file its not possible because the def is difference. For example cotton shirt in pre-re def=1 but in renewal def=10. Theres no problem to load all the maps since that is client side. even with pre-re setting should can access renewal maps as long as the client support it. And theres a lot of items with different effect in pre-re and re. In renewal there is rebalance and so much more, so its already different compare to pre-re which is already stopped long time ago. If you asked is it possible, should be. But with more works, more time, more headache, etc.
  2. 2010 client ? I dont know where you can get the data folder and lua files for it anymore. Most probably thats the reason why the error occured.
  3. You can enable/disable it here : https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/src/config/renewal.hpp comment it to disable it by adding // at early lines for example //#define RENEWAL
  4. Before have some suggestion about the SQL generator. I don't think its needed since you might change some data generated and there are already SQL generator from rathena (yaml2sql.bat) so you can use your edited YML and generate the exact SQL for it. And since I saw some users are struggling setting up server with custom max levels, maybe Ill create a generator for that too.
  5. maybe script ? If u are asking why this happen. Since any jobs can warp anywhere it shouldnt be just @go 0. Even starting point of players also isnt @go 0 by default.
  6. make sure the player can ping/connect to your server IP. Ask them to ping, maybe.
  7. To be honest I dont understand much from your request, but if regarding weapontable.lub, itemdb.yml and custom_iteminfo.lua, then you can try my generator here :
  8. https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/src/config/renewal.hpp#L45C1-L45C21 If you didnt want Renewal drop mode, then you can disable it.
  9. If you're korean, I think you can use the default one then. That is client side error so its not related to mysql to be honest.
  10. Either you disable the patch for 'enable the cash shop preview' in nemo/warp, OR you can change in src/config/core.hpp /// Uncomment for use with Nemo patch ExtendCashShopPreview //#define ENABLE_CASHSHOP_PREVIEW_PATCH remove the // to enable it and recompile rathena.
  11. Maybe use Chris RO English Translation project here : https://github.com/llchrisll/ROenglishRE. He got default nemo and warp profiles too.
  12. https://github.com/rathena/rathena/wiki/Data-Folder Maybe this ?
  13. https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/db/re/skill_tree.yml or https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/db/pre-re/skill_tree.yml
  14. most probably accessoryid, accname part
  15. Do you mean @whereis ? @whereis Displays the maps in which monster normally spawns. This does not include mobs summoned by scripts.
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