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Everything posted by icabit

  1. https://rathena.org/board/topic/102531-icabits-exclusive-is-now-free-to-download-good-luck-to-all/ give away for everyone before i go. good lucky everyone ill pass by if i have the chance
  2. my problem is about usable items specifically on this example in item delay i added their respective delay on consume like 607,5000//ygg berry 608,4000//ygg seed 504,3000//white pots when i use item 607 it will give me the delay of 5 seconds but within that 5 seconds i can use another usable like item 608 or 607. so basically players can use another usable while the 1st usable used was still in cooldown any idea's how to script this? i tried google but i failed
  3. icabit

    Timer Edit

    seconds = DIFF_TICK(td->tick,gettick())/1000; try replacing 1000 with 5000 might work im not sure its worth the try though
  4. i dont get this line "i cant seem to understand when it will work, . will not effect if your not being attacked by enemy is this how it works? cuz before you can use it as buff in normal town but now cant use it. " what are you trying to say? be more specific question: additional question, how to increase normal attack damage? answer: items question:why when I place the server in maintenance using char_Athena.conf answer: look for this "group_id_to_connect: -1" in login_athena.conf then modify it restart your server or use @maintenance command
  5. icabit

    Timer Edit

    skill_cast_db.txt check it in db/pre-re if your using prere check it in db/re if your using renewal //===== Guild Skills ======================= //-- GD_EMERGENCYCALL 10013,0,0,0,0,300000,0,5000 // SkillID,CastingTime,AfterCastActDelay,AfterCastWalkDelay,Duration1,Duration2,Cool Down,Fixed Casting Time change the cool down to your liking
  6. replace makeitem 12244,1,.@gold$,.@gx,.@gy; with getitem 12244,1;
  7. are you sure that the item that you tested is refinable? *getequipisenableref(<equipment slot>) Will return 1 if the item equipped on the invoking character in the specified equipment slot is refinable, and 0 if it isn't. For a list of equipment slots see 'getequipid'.in my script line 125 if (getequipisenableref(@slot) == 0) goto NOWAY; meaning it checks if the item your trying to refine is refinable if its not it will go to NOWAY NOWAY: mes "Oh my, I can't refine this item!!!"; close; try the script with a regular item like a hat or any armor that you are sure that can be refined. your probably trying to refine your custom item that isnt refinable
  8. this is not my original script edit these set .@itemid, 20241; //Proof of Donation set .@itemquantity, 300; // item quantity set .@maxrefine, 10; // Max Refine to your liking 10refiner.txt
  9. i have this error before like 123123 times check your custom items there are some typo errors there
  10. http://rathena.org/wiki/atcommand atcommand "@recall";
  11. korea is still hoarding a lot of cool games >.> i think it will be the same story with this game ~_~
  12. its still under data folder data\pallete\
  13. did you change your login screen? or something?
  14. Ohh, then maybe its your custom item... yoona could be right it happens when the sprite is not there or not working properly try resetting your character view id the one your trying to log in or try to login a new account/character that didn't wear any headgears( i would prefer this ) since you said that your client was working for a month but after you added some stuff anyway best of luck
  15. ok 1st of all when did this error occur? did it occur on character selection screen? or it occur when opening the client? or?? please be specific
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