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Everything posted by icabit

  1. make sure your using the same identifiedResourceName as the orginal one
  2. use the same resourcename and view id and that should do it your item script is already correct except for this part {},{ bonus bStr,100; },{} technically that item bonus script works. but im not sure what your really trying to pull off about putting the bonus on equip also remove 1 ";" in the 2nd one [29600] = { unidentifiedDisplayName = "Accessory", unidentifiedResourceName = "Ice_Dragon", unidentifiedDescriptionName = { "Unidentified item, can be identified with [Magnifier].", }, identifiedDisplayName = "Ice_Dragon", identifiedResourceName = "Ice_Dragon", identifiedDescriptionName = { "^008000[ Black Howling Hair ]^000000", "~Item description coming soon~", "Class :^777777 Headgear^000000", "Defense :^777777 10^000000", "Equipped on :^777777 Upper^000000", "Weight :^777777 10^000000", "Required Level :^777777 255^000000", "Applicable Job :^777777 Every Job Except Novice^000000", }, slotCount = 1, ClassNum = 2000 }, [29601] = { unidentifiedDisplayName = "Ice_Dragon", unidentifiedResourceName = "Ice_Dragon", unidentifiedDescriptionName = { "Unidentified item, can be identified with [Magnifier].", }, identifiedDisplayName = "Black Howling Hair", identifiedResourceName = "Ice_Dragon", identifiedDescriptionName = { "^008000[ Black Howling Hair ]^000000", "~Item description coming soon~", "Class :^777777 Headgear^000000", "Defense :^777777 10^000000", "Equipped on :^777777 Upper^000000", "Weight :^777777 10^000000", "Required Level :^777777 255^000000", "Applicable Job :^777777 Every Job Except Novice^000000", }, slotCount = 1, ClassNum = 2000 },
  3. check your rathena\npc\custom\quests\hunting_missions.txt
  4. this is not introduction area @_@ you should have posted here http://rathena.org/board/forum/89-introductions/ anyway hi and welcome to rathena
  5. i think that item is a robe if im not mistaken http://ratemyserver.net/index.php?iname=2573&page=re_item_db&quick=1&isearch=Search so basically the sprite for this is not in data\sprite\¾Ç¼¼»ç¸®\¿© female data\sprite\¾Ç¼¼»ç¸®\³² male since this is a robe the sprite sprite is located at data\sprite\·Îºê\ and that item by default is reading spriterobename.lub/lua spriterobename.lub/lua my reference: click here so basically what you need to do is transfer the sprite to data\sprite\¾Ç¼¼»ç¸®\(male/female) and configure your accname and accessoryid lua/lub
  6. Are you serious that this is not a filipino section? this topic wasn't in filipino section when it was 1st posted
  7. insert this in your @afk command in atcommand.c if (status_isdead(&sd->bl)){ clif_displaymessage(sd->fd,"You can not use @afk while dead."); return 0; } i use this code for most of my commands so they can't use that specific command when they are dead works great for me tested and proven with @go, @warp and @storage(these are the commands i have tried this code with) but looking at the code. its very much understandable what it does
  8. im not sure if im pointing the right answer since i can't see any screenshot of the error but i think this reply of mine might make sense check src\config\renewal.h check src\map\status.h so maybe your script doesn't support max refine 10? maybe your src code was only mean't for RENEWAL cause its quite obvious that RENEWAL supports refine +20 and has a different structure in refine_db.txt maybe something like this i hope i gave you some ideas im not good with any src edits but i think my answer is logical
  9. GODLIKE! as always i love your work Olrox keep it up
  10. data/wav i wont bother to support this topic anymore since this is not a script release this is scripting support section but it ended up that i fixed it myself so LOL @moderators kindly close this topic the topic is not solved
  11. updates for? @_@ be specific
  12. http://rathena.org/board/topic/81176-refine-bonus/ might help you out
  13. http://rathena.org/wiki/Getinventorylist something like this could help but problem is you can't check their weapon lvl in the inventory since getweaponlv is only used for equipment slot maybe could use @inventorylist_id[] and get the range of item numbers for weapon in item_db and your item_db2 example getinventorylist; for(set .@i,0; .@i < @inventorylist_count; set .@i,.@i+1){ if((@inventorylist_id[.@i] >= 1000)||(@inventorylist_id[.@i] <= 10000)){// this will trigger if the item number of a specific item in your inventory in on or between 1000 and 10000 mes "YOUR MESSAGE"; close; } } or use ur sql item_db note equiplocation 32 = lefthand note equiplocation 2 = righthand note equiplocation 34 = bothhands getinventorylist; for(set .@i,0; .@i < @inventorylist_count; set .@i,.@i+1){ query_sql ("SELECT `equip_locations` FROM `item_db` WHERE `id` ="+@inventorylist_id[.@i]+"",.@eloc);// make sure you are reading the right database im using item_db if(.@eloc==32 || .@eloc==2 || .@eloc==34) { mes "You are not Allowed to bring any weapon or shield"; close; break;//ends the loop } } if you wanna use item_db and item_db2 in your sql database use this note equiplocation 32 = lefthand note equiplocation 2 = righthand note equiplocation 34 = bothhands getinventorylist; for(set .@i,0; .@i < @inventorylist_count; set .@i,.@i+1){ query_sql ("SELECT `equip_locations` FROM `item_db` WHERE `id` ="+@inventorylist_id[.@i]+"",.@eloc);// make sure you are reading the right database im using item_db query_sql ("SELECT `equip_locations` FROM `item_db2` WHERE `id` ="+@inventorylist_id[.@i]+"",.@eloc2);// make sure you are reading the right database im using item_db2 if(.@eloc==32 || .@eloc==2 || .@eloc==34) { mes "You are not Allowed to bring any weapon or shield"; close; break;//ends the loop } if(.@eloc2==32 || .@eloc2==2 || .@eloc2==34) { mes "You are not Allowed to bring any weapon or shield"; close; break;//ends the loop } } i haven't tested this but using item_db in your sql database is the best solution for these kinds of scenario since like i said above getweaponlv is only used for equipment slot. it doesn't support items in your inventory
  14. the script is working fine i just need to add custom aura's in @effect T_T i saw this specialeffectinfo2 lua's dunno how to use them though
  15. i like the idea of work smarter, not harder +1 to topic i agree with the confusing part like which client uses cskroption or iteminfowell cskroption is the custom diff that others have made instead of iteminfo, so that kro updating does not affect their files. thx for this info now i fully understand
  16. that i don't know of maybe bindatcmd script can do this im not sure im not familiar with string manipulation in rathena or any athena mod xD Dude by the way, yes it does work perfectly but say, if before you got hit, and spam the @aura command, theres a delay before the attacker lands an AOE or melee attack on you like 2-3 secs. Where can we adjust that so when you do the @aura command, you can be attacked right away without delays? Thank you!
  17. i like the idea of work smarter, not harder +1 to topic i agree with the confusing part like which client uses cskroption or iteminfo
  18. if you want to disable them in gvg maps go configure your item_noequip.txt in your db folder this is just a shortcut though but doing this will disable them in gvg maps any time of the day
  19. very possible i attached some diffs i used it as my base diff the @warp@godelay patch will make it possible after you apply this diff in your svn replace your @aura in atcommand.c with this /*========================================== * Auras personalizadas *------------------------------------------*/ int atcommand_aura(const int fd, struct map_session_data* sd, const char* command, const char* message) { struct map_session_data *pl_sd = 0; int type = 0; if( !pc_get_group_level(sd) && DIFF_TICK(gettick(),sd->canlog_tick) < 5000 ) { clif_displaymessage(fd,"@aura cannot be issued since you were into battle recently"); return -1; } if (!message || !*message || sscanf(message, "%d %[^\n]", &type, atcmd_player_name) < 2) { if (!message || !*message || sscanf(message, "%d", &type) < 1) { clif_displaymessage(fd, "Please, enter at least an option (usage: @aura )."); return -1; } atcmd_player_name[0] = 0; pl_sd = sd; } if( pl_sd != sd ) { if ((pl_sd = map_nick2sd(atcmd_player_name)) == NULL) return -1; } sprintf(atcmd_output, "Current Aura: %d", pl_sd->status.aura); clif_displaymessage(fd, atcmd_output); pl_sd->status.aura = type; pc_setglobalreg(pl_sd,"USERAURA",type); pc_setpos(pl_sd, pl_sd->mapindex, pl_sd->bl.x, pl_sd->bl.y, 3); return 0; } i made it to work just now TEST IT WITH A NORMAL CHARACTER not a GM char @[email protected] @[email protected]
  20. i did this to my old server before when a bugged happened then some players were over stat so here's the script to fix that issue easily since all of the players needs to login i created this script 1st kick all the players now they are all forced to login and do the check - script statreseter -1,{ OnPCLoginEvent: if(resetstat!=1) // check if they already been reset { ResetStatus; //remove "//" before ResetSkill if you wanna reset skills too //ResetSkill; set resetstat,1; // sets a variable to the player if hes stats were already reset } } if you wanna do a reset again kick all the players then do a query on your database delete * from `global_reg_value` where str ='resetstat' hope it helps
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