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Everything posted by icabit

  1. check your male/female sprites i think they are the same with the drop sprite better check them using actor or actor2
  2. try spriterepository.com
  3. http://pastebin.com/9W0SB9pJ try this i added sc_end sc_all; before warping to guild_vs5 - line 20 i added check the weight of the player. if the player's weight is 1 or more it will not allow him to join the event - line 15-19 i added no command mapflag this will not allow players @storage to get items from their storage - line 169
  4. you should understand how it works 1st http://rathena.org/wiki/Custom_Items then theres a video here in the 2nd link http://rathena.org/board/files/file/2738-icabits-item-builder/
  5. did you recompile after this? after recompiling got to skill_cast_db.txt //depends if your using pre-re or re try reducing AfterCastWalkDelay // SkillID,CastingTime,AfterCastActDelay,AfterCastWalkDelay,Duration1,Duration2,Cool Down,Fixed Casting Time //-- AS_SONICBLOW 136,0,0,2000,0,5000,0,-1
  6. File Name: Icabit's Decompose System File Submitter: icabit File Submitted: 09 May 2013 File Category: Utilities Content Author: Icabit Disclaimer Reading this topic might take a lot of your time but i will appreciate it if you do Author: me Idea: from dragon nest's item decompose and spiral and vortex refine this will only require 1 source edit for max_itemgroup for the custom pouches(like old blue box) but you won't need to patch anything pls check the video below What does this do? so basically this npc decomposes your items in exchange for armor/weapon dusts and sometimes it give your spiral/vortex refine ticket you can use these tickets on another special refiner npc that i made too there's a generator for the files that you will need check the video below How to install? installation is very easy i made a video guide check the video's below note "You might need net framework 3.5 for the decompose generator if you wont use the sample output i gave" Uncommon questions. Q1: what will i gain out from this? A1: this will improve your server's economy. zeny, items, refining materials will become a need if you implement this in your server since there will always be a demand for better refine gears. the players needs to decompose lots of items and with that they will use zeny every time they will decompose. In other words this is a good ZENY SINKER. Q2: this might cause imbalance to the game when players get over refined items like +16-20. what can you say about that? A2: well its up to the server owner if he implements the pouches(+16-20 refine) in game npc's. since you will need to create your own npc that will allow you tell sell these pouches in the currency of armor/weapon dust. (i recommend emistry's muti-currencyshop) Q3: who are you? can you be trusted? A3: well im just an average scripter who knows some fuctions of scripting and its up to you if you trust me or not( i wont blame you if you don't) Q4: what do you want to gain from this? A4: i wanted to release this with something in return, its about giving and taking Common questions. Q1: so what does these custom dust for? A1: you can make an npc that will let you sell custom spiral/vortex pouches in exchange for a certain dust example: you can sell Spiral Head_Gear Pouch 4-10 for 1k pcs of armor dust in that npc when you open this pouch youll get 1 random spiral Spiral Head_Gear refine ticket from 4 to 10 example is Spiral Head Gear 6UP you can use emistry's currency shop for the pouch seller npc(my recommendation but still up to you) i did't included it in the video since that is not my script and i can't include it in my release these are the list of pouches created by the generator Q2 whats the difference between spiral and vortex gurantee refine? A2 spiral is a step by step refine example you have a +5 hat you will need Spiral Head Gear 6UP to make it +6 with no fail while vortex is a shortcut refine example you have a +0 hat and you will use Vortex Head Gear 6UP your item will be +6 instantly sprial refine auto detects the item that will be used to refine the specific item you choose vortex refine allows you to choose what refine lvl you want your item will be Q3 what if i use +20 vortex to a +19 item? A3 the item will become +20. Q4 what if i use a vortex +10 vortex to a an item that has refine lvl 11 or more? A4 the npc will not allow you to use a vortex refine ticket to an item that a refine is more than it Q5 what if i decompose my armors and i will have more than 30k dust in total if its executed? A5 the npc wont allow you to continue Q6 what if the player changes the item when decomposing and refining? A6 the npc wont allow you to continue Q7 what if i the player has a low weight limit? A7 the dust,refine ticket and pouch doesn't have any weight Q8 is there a setting that i can change the quantity and droprate when decomposing? A8 yes in the npc itself check the video below if you want a detailed guide and look of it Q9 do i need to do a diff patch on my svn? A9 no. but you will be required to do 1 source edit for max_itemgroup for the custom pouches(like old blue box) Q10 can i change the rates of each pouches? A10 yes instructions will be given once you have my files Q11 does this support more than +20 refine? A11 no. it would be a different story if that happens. it only supports +10 and 20 Q12 is this a paid script? A12 yes Q13 what svn does this support? A13 tested on hercules and rathena. i haven't tried this with eathena and 3ceam Q14 would i get support once i have your files? A14 yes. but i will not support it to the extent that you will modify the script thoroughly like making the refine max lvl to 30. i can only modify the script for you if you want to and if its achievable Q15 once i have your files can i redistribute? A15 thats a big no For questions leave a reply below if your question is not listed above i will not answer questions that are rephrased/revised i will not answer questions that is already answered i will not answer questions that is not related to the topic Video's i was using a backup npc file in the video the minor problems you see that i encountered in the video was already fixed in the original one. i was just too lazy to create a new video and i am very sorry for my typo errors and grammar i know my english is bad xD part 1 part 2 part 3 for inquiries only add me on skype james.calvo123 i will only support on the topic Click here to download this file
  7. copy and paste them? beware that if you are copying armor type items their defense rate is bigger in renewal than in pre renewal note that if you have tons of armor in prerenewal it will be imbalance sometimes it will result to negative armor this is from my observation i don't know about other items
  8. you may try emistry his accepting script works
  9. https://rathena.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/rathena/trunk/doc/script_commands.txt i edited skorms script i removed if ( getgmlevel() < .level ) end; and query_sql "SELECT `group_id` FROM `login` JOIN `char` ON `login`.`account_id` = `char`.`account_id` WHERE `char`.`name` ='" +escape_sql(@name$)+ "'",@is_staff; if (@is_staff == 0) { mes .npc$; mes @name$+ " is not a staff on this server"; close; } i replaced it if ( getgroupid() < .level ) end; heres my script for now i added the one for character details and reset note this is not yet tested the sql database i used for reference is from https://rathena.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/rathena/trunk/sql-files/main.sql prontera,150,150,0 script Sample 100,{ if ( getgroupid() < .level ) end; mes .npc$; mes "What can i do for you?"; next; switch(select("Account Data:Character Data:IP Tracker:Nothing")) { case 1: mes .npc$; mes "Input the name of character"; next; input @name$; query_sql "SELECT `login`.`account_id`, `userid` , `user_pass`, `sex` , `email` , `group_id` , `lastlogin` FROM `login` JOIN `char` ON `login`.`account_id` = `char`.`account_id` WHERE `char`.`name` ='" +escape_sql(@name$)+ "'",@aid,@u$,@up$,@s$,@e$,@gid,@ll$; mes .npc$; mes "The account information of " +@name$+ " are as follows : "; next; mes .npc$; mes "Account ID : " +@aid; mes "Account Username : " +@u$; mes "Password : " +@up$; mes "Gender : " +@s$; mes "E-Mail : " +@e$; mes "Group ID : " +@gid; mes "Last Login : " +@ll$; break; case 2: input @name$; query_sql "SELECT * FROM `char` WHERE `name` ='" +escape_sql(@name$) +"'",@char_id,@account_id,@char_num,@name$,@class,@base_level,@job_level,@base_exp,@job_exp,@zeny,@str,@agi,@vit,@int,@dex,@luk,@max_hp,@hp,@max_sp,@sp,@status_point,@skill_point,@option,@karma,@manner,@party_id,@guild_id,@pet_id,@homun_id,@elemental_id,@hair,@hair_color,@clothes_color,@weapon,@shield,@head_top,@head_mid,@head_bottom,@robe,@last_map$,@last_x,@last_y,@save_map$,@save_x,@save_y,@partner_id,@online,@father,@mother,@child,@fame,@rename,@delete_date,@moves; mes .npc$; mes "The account information of " +@name$+ " are as follows : "; next; mes .npc$; mes "Character ID : " + @char_id; mes "Account ID : " + @account_id; mes "Slot : " + @char_num; mes "Character Name : " + @name$; mes "Class : " + @class; mes "Base Level : " + @base_level; mes "Job Level : " + @job_level; mes "Base Exp : " + @base_exp; mes "Job Exp : " + @job_exp; mes "Zeny : " + @zeny; mes "Strength : " + @str; mes "Agility : " + @agi; mes "Vitality : " + @vit; mes "Intelligence : " + @int; mes "Dexterity : " + @dex; mes "Luk : " + @luk; mes "Max Hp : " + @max_hp; mes "Current Hp : " + @hp; mes "Max Sp : " + @max_sp; mes "Current Sp : " + @sp; mes "Status Points : " + @status_point; mes "Skill Points : " + @skill_point; mes "Option : " + @option; mes "Karma : " + @karma; mes "Manner : " + @manner; mes "Party ID : " + @party_id; mes "Guild ID : " + @guild_id; mes "Pet ID : " + @pet_id; mes "Homunculus ID : " + @homun_id; mes "Elemental ID : " + @elemental_id; mes "Hair : " + @hair; mes "Hair Color : " + @hair_color; mes "Clothes Color : " + @clothes_color; mes "Weapon : " + @weapon; mes "Shield : " + @shield; mes "Upper Head Gear : " + @head_top; mes "Middle Head Gear : " + @head_mid; mes "Bottom Head Gear : " + @head_bottom; mes "Robe : " + @robe; mes "Last Map : " + @last_map$; mes "Last Map X : " + @last_x; mes "Last Map Y : " + @last_y; mes "Save Map : " + @save_map$; mes "Save Map X : " + @save_x; mes "Save Map Y : " + @save_y; mes "Partner ID : " + @partner_id; mes "Online : " + @online; mes "Father : " + @father; mes "Mother : " + @mother; mes "Child : " + @child; mes "Fame : " + @fame; mes "Rename : " + @rename; mes "Delete Date : " + @delete_date; mes "Moves : " + @moves; next; mes "What do you want to do?"; switch(select("Reset Look:UnEquip:Reset Position:Nothing")) { case 1: mes "Are you sure you want to Reset the look of this character?"; switch(select("Yes:No")) { case 1: query "UPDATE hair=0,hair_color=0,clothes_color=0 WHERE `name` ='" +escape_sql(@name$) +"'"; mes "The reset look was successful"; goto Lbreak; case 2: goto Lbreak; } goto Lbreak; case 2: mes "Are you sure you want to UnEquip this character?"; switch(select("Yes:No")) { case 1: query "UPDATE weapon=0,shield=0,head_top=0,head_mid=0,head_bottom=0,robe=0 WHERE `name` ='" +escape_sql(@name$) +"'"; mes "UnEquip was successful"; goto Lbreak; case 2: goto Lbreak; } goto Lbreak; case 3: mes "Are you sure you want to Reset The Position of this character?"; switch(select("Yes:No")) { case 1: query "UPDATE last_map=Prontera,Last_x=156,Last_y=191 WHERE `name` ='" +escape_sql(@name$) +"'"; mes "UnEquip was successful"; goto Lbreak; case 2: goto Lbreak; } goto Lbreak; case 4: goto Lbreak; } Lbreak: break; close; case 3: mes .npc$; mes "Tracker Report :"; mes "=============================="; query_sql "SELECT `userid`, `lastlogin`, `last_ip` FROM `login` WHERE `group_id` != '0'", @user$, @login$, @lastIP$; for ( set .@i, 0; .@i < getarraysize(@user$); set .@i, .@i + 1 ) { mes "Login : " +@user$[.@i]; mes "Date/Time : " +@login$[.@i]; mes "IP Address : " +@lastIP$[.@i]; mes "=============================="; } break; case 3: mes .npc$; mes "Nice to meet you " +(Sex?"sir":"maam")+ "."; break; default: break; } end; OnInit: // NPC Name set .npc$, "[ " +strnpcinfo(1)+ " ]"; // Lowest GM level to access the npc set .level, 99; end; } i will follow this topic as much as possible
  10. ill keep in touch with you i might need this script myself but i can't promise you that im a good scripter
  11. If you find any issue, contact me sending me an e-mail to: [email protected] but i think this is possible to script ill try it out if i have time
  12. i have this problem with several scripts before and up until now from copying from pastebin and etc heres a way to fix this create a new note then paste all the content there make sure you have the right tabbing
  13. i saw this post on rathena http://rathena.org/board/topic/58583-request-mapname-self-announce/ i wonder why no one every released one I was bored and i was thinking of making something so i remembered that eamod has this feature so i made one for us i don't know how eamod did it but i just do it via script i know theres like 123123 maps out there but it was easy to get them all to work once you know a little bit of programming LOL it will announce to yourself where you are currently this will announce the map listed on mapindex in data folder so it wont announce something like iz_dun01 it will announce it as undersea tunnel works on every map that is enabled by default in hercules but the script is quite simple and i suppose it will work with rathena and eathena too note: if you will encounter errors on your map server just simply look for it in the script and comment them or delete them. if you know how to enable those maps then do so. its yours to decide what you do note 2: i will only support major problems of the script note 3: you may modify it but don't remove the header check the attached picture for an example mapannounce.txt
  14. where i gonna put the Skill? can you give me a sample thnakyou check this out for example http://ratemyserver.net/index.php?iname=sword+guar&page=item_db&quick=1&isearch=Search bonus2 bSkillAtk,62,25; 62 stands for skill id of bowling bash ( you can check skill id in skill_db.txt ) 25 stands for % of increase damage
  15. try changing getgmlevel() to getgroupid()
  16. work hard, play hard and sleep harder

  17. look for $icaGMLevel under oninit i didn't know some people are still using my modification LOL
  18. Yeah, and it worked, thanks for the help. no problem dude i just think giving out the right information i know is the right thing to do. since i have encountered this problem before if theres anything else i can help you with just go a head and pm me and ill check it out. but im just an amateur so dont expect every question you have for me has an answer cause i just answer them base on my experience on athena world
  19. Thanks, will try it out and let you know of the result But teh original website which I got the sprite is showing the animation this is a standard for the client side and you should follow it if you really want to show the custom sprite when attacking this is all i can help you with and its your choice to follow it or not
  20. omg a must have 10/10 i will be spreading your fanpage to some ro related facebook groups
  21. http://rathena.org/wiki/Custom_Items The item 1266, a katar, does show the item sprite. So my theory is, if you make a custom item with the next ID of the type of weapon you want, it will take its sprite. The weapons would be: -, Daggers: does not have free IDs. I have to test this one -, Katars: Starts on ID 1250. Has 35 free IDs -, 1-Handed Sword: Starts on ID 1101. Only has 2 Free IDs (in svn 4025) -, 2-Handed Sword: Starts on ID 1151. Has 30 free IDs -, 1-Handed Axe: Starts on ID 1301. Has 43 free IDs -, 2-Handed Axe: Starts on ID 1351. Has 32 free IDs -, 1-Handed Spears: Starts on ID 1401. Has 34 free IDs -, 2-Handed Spears: Starts on ID 1451. Has no free IDs -, 2-Handed Staffs: same as before -, Maces: Starts on ID 1501. Has 19 free IDs -, Books: Starts on 1550. Has only 2 IDs. -, Staffs: Starts on ID 1601. Has 79 free IDs -, Bows: Starts on ID 1724. Has 26 free IDs -, Knuckles: Starts on ID 1801. Has 95 free IDs -, Instruments: Starts on ID 1901. Has 32 free IDs -, Whips: Starts on ID 1950. Has 130 free IDs
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