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About chromus28

  • Birthday 05/27/1990

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    Scripting, Learn how to make server and many more

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  1. //-----Warper key trader payon,190,223,4 script Orc's Keeper 431,{ set .@required, 23003; // item Required set .@amount, 1; // item amount if(countitem(.@required) <= .@amount) { mes "Please bring Orc's Keeper Key("+ .@required +") for payment"; close; } if(countitem(.@required) >= .@amount) { mes "Good, then let's move one. shall we?"; next; warp "bossnia_04",203,203; delitem .@required, .@amount; } } //Item trader prontera,130,198,6 script Orc's Key Holder#Key 443,{ //Item ID for key .@key_id = 23003; mes "[^0000FFOrc's Key Holder^000000]"; mes "Do you want the Key to enter on Orc's Memory? BEWARE!! Weak shall not be in that dungeon Only those have a Powerful Equipment can fight and deal with the orc's!! Or else you will be doomed!!"; next; mes "[^0000FFOrc's Key Holder^000000]"; mes "I can give you a "+ getitemname(.@key_id)+" for ^FF0000 25x Mother's Nightmare^000000 and ^FF000010 Yellow Key^000000!"; select("Trade items for a key"); if(countitem(7020) >= 25 && countitem(7422) >= 10) { mes "Here you go!"; delitem 7020,25; delitem 7422,10; getitem .@key_id,1; } else mes "You don't have enough of the items I need"; close; here is the script sir and btw sir this part i have a problem "Please bring Orc's Keeper Key("+ .@required +") for payment" it shows like "Please bring Orc's Keeper Key(ID NUMBER) for the payment itried also the first one who told me without () and its like Please bring IDNUM for payment it didnt show the name of the item bu the id number instead
  2. yes but i want it to be on clip? just like on falcon clip by using that clip any job can use falcon
  3. Hi guys, Just wanna ask if its possible to make the warg tamed? what i mean is example for Falcon clip we can use Falcon and on Merchant Clip we can use Pushcart? it is possible to make some Warg Clip? if can what the script for it?
  4. wow thanks!! Edit: uhmm where is the trade item script here?
  5. Not exactly, but you can use either currency to buy items at the Cash Shop (in value, they are the same). You can use the global variable #KAFRAPOINTS for setting, well, Kafra Points. btw hwere can i find that cash shop?
  6. does the kafra points and cash points are the same?
  7. Hi guys? How can i make an item that can recieve kafra points?? whats the script for it? and i need also an NPC that need an kafra points to buy items? please help?
  8. Hi guys does anyone have a NPC that can choose quest??
  9. Hi guys!! Sorry for asking this npc again but i cannot find my old post before when i asked this npc, Please can anyone give me again this kind of NPC "The NPC will ask for a certain item to trade?" its a simple NPC like he will talk what kind of items he need to trade for his Blah Blah Blah item then after that when you trade your item to his item he will like "Oh thanks you can now be a superman!" please can give me some of this npc again plss??
  10. So i just need to run that in Sql then its fine already?
  11. guys what is the problem if im having this problem?? [Debug]: Source (NPC): Rebirth System at prontera (185,145) : DB error - Table 'ragnarok.rebirth_system' doesn't exist[Debug]: at script.c:15152 - insert into `rebirth_system` values ( 2000001, 'sdfgnsgn', '8', '' ) on duplicate key update `num_rebirth` = `num_rebirth` +1[Debug]: Source (NPC): Rebirth System at prontera (185,145)[sql]: DB error - Table 'ragnarok.rebirth_system' doesn't exist[Debug]: at script.c:15152 - insert into `rebirth_system` values ( 2000001, 'sdfgnsgn', '9', '' ) on duplicate key update `num_rebirth` = `num_rebirth` +1[Debug]: Source (NPC): Rebirth System at prontera (185,145) here is my script /* CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `rebirth_system` ( `account_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'NULL', `num_rebirth` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', `last_ip` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '', PRIMARY KEY (`account_id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM; */ prontera,185,145,4 script Rebirth System 403,{ function checkItem; // check if player have all item required function colorItemrequired; // color the text. Red : not enough item, green otherwise function deleteItem; // delete all items required function displayItemneed; // display all items need at start function getItemReward; // give the items reward function weightreq; // check if your current weight is highter than weight high novice .@eac = eaclass(); if ( num_rebirth == .reset_max ) { mes "You can only rebirth x"+ .reset_max +"."; emotion e_gasp; close; } else if( NextJobExp || NextBaseExp || !( .@eac&EAJL_2 ) || !Upper ) { mes "You must be rebirth max level/max job level."; close; } mes "Items need :"; displayItemneed(); next; switch( select( "^777777~ Rebirth", "~ Informations", "~ Good bye^000000" ) ) { case 1: weightreq(); checkItem(); deleteItem(); break; case 2: mes "You can only rebirth ^ff0000x"+ .reset_max +"^000000. You already rebirth ^ff0000x"+ num_rebirth +"^000000."; mes "Each rebirth you get ^ff0000"+ .num_status +"^000000 status points and after ^ff0000"+ .change_reward +"^000000 rebirth, you get only some items."; close; case 3: mes "Bye."; close; } num_rebirth += 1; if ( Upper ) { // just in case the user change the setting... lastJob = roclass( .@eac&EAJ_UPPERMASK ); jobchange Job_Novice_High; } else jobchange Job_Novice; resetlvl 1; if ( num_rebirth < .change_reward ) StatusPoint = StatusPoint + .num_status * num_rebirth; else getItemReward(); query_sql "insert into `rebirth_system` values ( "+ getcharid(3) +", '"+ escape_sql( strcharinfo(0) ) +"', '"+ num_rebirth +"', '"+ getcharip() +"' ) on duplicate key update `num_rebirth` = `num_rebirth` +1"; announce "[ Rebirth system ] : "+ strcharinfo(0) +" rebirth for the "+ num_rebirth +" time !", 0; close; function checkItem { for ( ; .@i < .size_item; .@i += 2 ) if ( countitem( .item_req[.@i] ) < .item_req[ .@i+1 ] + num_rebirth ) { mes "You don't have enought "+ getitemname( .item_req[.@i] ) +". ^ff0000["+ countitem( .item_req[.@i] ) +"/"+ ( .item_req[ .@i+1 ] + num_rebirth ) +"]^000000"; close; } if ( num_rebirth >= .change_reward ) if ( .add_item_req[1] + num_rebirth - .change_reward > countitem( .add_item_req[0] ) ) { mes "You don't have enought "+ getitemname( .add_item_req[0] ) +". ^ff0000["+ countitem( .add_item_req[0] ) +"/"+ ( .add_item_req[1] + num_rebirth - .change_reward ) +"]^000000"; close; } return; } function colorItemrequired { if ( countitem( .item_req[ getarg(0) ] ) < .item_req[ getarg(0)+1 ] + num_rebirth ) return "^ff0000"; return "^00ff00"; } function deleteItem { for ( ; .@i < .size_item; .@i += 2 ) delitem .item_req[.@i], ( .item_req[ .@i+1 ] + num_rebirth ); if ( num_rebirth >= .change_reward ) delitem .add_item_req[0], ( .add_item_req[1] + num_rebirth - .change_reward ); return; } function displayItemneed { for ( ; .@i < .size_item; .@i += 2 ) mes colorItemrequired( .@i ) +" - x"+ ( .item_req[ .@i+1 ] + num_rebirth ) +" "+ getitemname( .item_req[.@i] ); if ( num_rebirth >= .change_reward ) { if ( .add_item_req[1] + num_rebirth - .change_reward > countitem( .add_item_req[0] ) ) .@color$ = "^ff0000"; else .@color$ = "^00ff00"; mes .@color$ +"- x"+ ( .add_item_req[1] + ( num_rebirth - .change_reward ) ) +" "+ getitemname( .add_item_req[0] ); } return; } function getItemReward { for ( ; .@i < .size_reward; .@i += 2 ) getitem .reward[.@i], .reward[ .@i+1 ]; return; } function weightreq { if ( Weight > 20000 ) { mes "You have too much items on you. Your weight will be too high after rebirth."; close; } return; } OnInit: .reset_max = 9; // how much reset max .change_reward = 10; // after 30 rebirth, change reward .num_status = 100; // + X number of status points // item required <item ID>, <number> setarray .item_req, 501, 5, 502, 2, 503, 3; .size_item = getarraysize( .item_req ); // additionnal items after rebirth >> .change_reward // <item ID>, <number> setarray .add_item_req, 601, 1; // rewards <item ID>, <number> setarray .reward, 504, 1; .size_reward = getarraysize( .reward ); end; }
  12. sir is this a IP bound?? i want an account bound only not ip bound
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