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Haruka Mayumi

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Everything posted by Haruka Mayumi

  1. You can do that however it's best solution to use the config folder in src. under src/config/renewal.hpp comment the #define RENEWAL_STAT /// Renewal stat calculations /// (disable by commenting the line) /// /// Leave this line to enable renewal calculation for increasing status/parameter points //#define RENEWAL_STAT Up Vote and Answer if it helps.
  2. -Please do use "Code TAG" or Attach the script file.. Add this at line 338: should look like this + query_sql("select name from pvpladder order by kills desc limit 10",$@rname$); + for(.z=0;.@z<getarraysize($@rname$);.@z++){ + if($@rname$[.@z]!=$@initrname$[.@z]){ + announce ((Sex)? "Mr. ":"Ms. ")+strcharinfo(0)+" has achieved rank "+(.@z+1)+" in PvP Ladder after Killing "+rid2name(killedrid)+"!~",bc_all; + query_sql("select name from pvpladder order by kills desc limit 10", $@initrname$); + break; + } + } end; OnStreakReset: then Add this at OnInit: Line 34. OnInit: + query_sql("select name from pvpladder order by kills desc limit 10", $@initrname$); Up Vote and Answer if this helps. EDIT 1: You have 2 OnInit, so i added the Line number.
  3. Instances should have '@' sign after number.. and maps should not contain more than 11 letters. so the map should be something like 1@ordeal..
  4. You are probably using outdated cursors.act and cursors.spr cursor.rar
  5. texture/maps are missing. i don't mind taking the image from the gats. but its still better to use the official one.
  6. if( Class == 0 ) mes "Hi"; else if( Class == 4001 ) mes "Hello";
  7. You only START apache if you will use web. All you need is start the MySql. Also apache blowing up?.
  8. yes you can. good alternative is xampp, it's much more easier to use it than openserver..
  9. Something like this?. just refine it on your own. its a rush work. PS. i also think that Euphy Quest Shop will do the trick prontera,155,179,3 script YUMI 94,{ for(.@i=0;.@i<getarraysize(.Exchange);.@i+=4){ mes (++.@x)+". "+.Exchange[.@i+1]+"x "+getitemname(.Exchange[.@i])+" = "+.Exchange[.@i+3]+"x "+getitemname(.Exchange[.@i+2]); set .@menu$,.@menu$+getitemname(.Exchange[.@i])+":"; } set .@choice,select(.@menu$)-1; next; if(countitem(.Exchange[.@choice*4])<.Exchange[.@choice*4+1]){ mes "not enough material"; end; } mes "exchange done"; delitem .Exchange[.@choice*4],.Exchange[.@choice*4+1]; getitem .Exchange[.@choice*4+2],.Exchange[.@choice*4+3]; end; OnInit: //<arg 1: Material;>, <arg 2: Material Amount;>, <arg 3:Prize;>, <arg 4: Prize amount;>,{Repeat} setarray .Exchange[0],909,5,7179,1, 914,3,7179,5; end; }
  10. you set it as account variable which is "#". set #prmm, ((#prmm > gettimetick(2))? #prmm : gettimetick(2)) + .@ticks; but you used a character variable on this line to check. if (prmm > gettimetick(2)) also, if you will use the vip system. use vip_status and vip_time as it will automatically changed the players group to 5. *vip_status(<type>,{"<character name>"}) Returns various information about a player's VIP status. Valid types: VIP_STATUS_ACTIVE - VIP status: true if the player is a VIP or false if not VIP_STATUS_EXPIRE - VIP expire timestamp if the player is VIP or 0 if not VIP_STATUS_REMAINING - VIP time remaining in seconds NOTE: This command is only available if the VIP System is enabled. --------------------------------------- *vip_time <time>,{"<character name>"}; Changes a player's VIP time (in minutes). A positive value will increase time, and a negative value will decrease time. NOTE: This command is only available if the VIP System is enabled.
  11. for commands like @autoloot. you can go to trunk/conf/groups.conf for customize commands like @buff, you can use bindatcmd. Sample: - script test -1,{ OnBuff: specialeffect2 EF_INCAGILITY; sc_start SC_INCREASEAGI,360000,10; specialeffect2 EF_BLESSING; sc_start SC_BLESSING,360000,10; end; OnInit: bindatcmd "buff","test::OnBuff",99,99; end; } after that, save it as txt. then use @reloadnpcfile {Path of the txt.}
  12. Originally, This is a Character Sprite. it seems like you put it as an item sprite..
  13. @Blaze012 Pretty sure it's "atoi" not "atio" just edit that.
  14. The patch still using Session Data instead of Unit Data. it's not updated.
  15. Line 23: nyd_dun02,100,201,3 script Yggdrasil Gatekeeper 111,8,8,{ + if (ins_nyd < 131) set ins_nyd,131;
  16. Bump for this post. same issue. anyone know?
  17. Make sure the item is sellable in NPC.. Check it at item_trade.txt
  18. if( map_getmapflag(sd->bl.m, MF_NOVENDING) ) if( map_getcell(sd->bl.m,sd->bl.x,sd->bl.y,CELL_CHKNOVENDING) ) to if( !map_getmapflag(sd->bl.m, MF_NOVENDING) ) if( !map_getcell(sd->bl.m,sd->bl.x,sd->bl.y,CELL_CHKNOVENDING) ) Line 754 Skill.cpp.. just a reverse. Any map that has NOVENDING mapflag will allow players to vend there. lol
  19. 1. It will become Fire. However if you use Neutral Arrow. it will be based on your Weapon Element. 2. The element endowed will be use. 3. Skills hit 100+ perfect dodge.. you wont be able to hit it using normal attack.. Element Priority is... Endow > Arrow Element > Weapon Element.
  20. .@warpName$ = getmapinfo( strnpcinfo(3) ); <--- missing 1 brace
  21. // When affected with the "Hallucination" status effect, send the effect to client? (Note 1) // NOTE: Set to 'no' if the client lags due to the "Wavy" screen effect. display_hallucination: yes Under conf/client.conf
  22. ACMD_FUNC(afk) { nullpo_retr(-1, sd); if( map_getmapflag(sd->bl.m, MF_AUTOTRADE) != battle_config.autotrade_mapflag ) { clif_displaymessage(fd, msg_txt(sd,1179)); // Autotrade is not allowed on this map. return -1; } if( pc_isdead(sd) ) { clif_displaymessage(fd, msg_txt(sd,1180)); // You cannot autotrade when dead. return -1; } sd->state.autotrade = 1; if( battle_config.at_timeout ) { int timeout = atoi(message); status_change_start(NULL,&sd->bl, SC_AUTOTRADE, 10000, 0, 0, 0, 0, ((timeout > 0) ? min(timeout,battle_config.at_timeout) : battle_config.at_timeout) * 60000, 0); } clif_changelook(&sd->bl,LOOK_HEAD_TOP,471); channel_pcquit(sd,0xF); //leave all chan clif_authfail_fd(sd->fd, 15); return 0; } ACMD_DEF(afk)
  23. bonus3 bAddEffOnSkill,RG_BACKSTAP,Eff_Stun,10000;
  24. Your item bonus script is too long. Your bonus script consist of 2280 characters. i even minimized it and used switch. still have 2104 characters. The longest bonus script i've seen so far on db is 669 characters which is krieger staff.. The solution i know so far is create a function for it and use callfunc on your item. Also your script should have "{ }" for every if/else if since its not a 1 liner.. Here's my solution Create a function script first. Load it then reloaditemdb. function script itembonus { switch(BaseJob){ case Job_Rogue: bonus2 bSkillAtk,"RG_RAID",25;bonus2 bSkillAtk,"RG_BACKSTAP",25;bonus5 bAutoSpell,"NPC_WIDESTONE",1,70,BF_WEAPON,0;break; case Job_Knight: bonus bAspdRate,10; bonus bCritical,15; bonus2 bSkillAtk,"KN_PIERCE",30; bonus2 bSkillAtk,"KN_BRANDISHSPEAR",30; bonus2 bSkillAtk,"KN_SPEARSTAB",30; bonus2 bSkillAtk,"KN_SPEARBOOMERANG",30;break; case Job_Crusader: bonus2 bSkillAtk,"CR_GRANDCROSS",30; bonus2 bSkillAtk,"CR_SHIELDBOOMERANG",10; bonus2 bSubClass,Class_Boss,25; bonus2 bSubSize,Size_Large,25;break; case Job_Monk: bonus3 bAutoSpell,"MO_CALLSPIRITS",1,20; bonus bHit,30; bonus bAspdRate,5; bonus2 bSkillAtk,"MO_COMBOFINISH",40; bonus2 bSkillCooldown,"MO_EXTREMITYFIST",20000;break; case Job_Priest: bonus bMaxSPrate,25; bonus2 bSkillAtk,"PR_MAGNUS",30; bonus2 bVariableCastrate,"PR_MAGNUS",-30; bonus bMatkRate,20; skill "ALL_ODINS_POWER",1;break; case Job_Hunter: bonus bCritical,15; bonus2 bSkillAtk,"HT_BLITZBEAT",30; bonus3 bAutoSpell,"HT_BLITZBEAT",5,500; bonus bLongAtkRate,10;break; case Job_Bard: bonus bLongAtkRate,10; bonus2 bSkillAtk,"BA_MUSICALSTRIKE",300; bonus4 bAutoSpellOnSkill,"BA_MUSICALSTRIKE","BA_PANGVOICE",1,1000;break; case Job_Dancer: bonus bLongAtkRate,10; bonus2 bSkillAtk,"DC_THROWARROW",300; bonus4 bAutoSpellOnSkill,"DC_THROWARROW","DC_WINKCHARM",1,1000;break; case Job_Wizard: bonus2 bSkillAtk,"WZ_EARTHSPIKE",40; bonus2 bVariableCastrate,"WZ_EARTHSPIKE",-25; bonus4 bAutoSpellOnSkill,"WZ_HEAVENDRIVE","WZ_EARTHSPIKE",5,2500; bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Neutral,15;break; case Job_Sage: bonus2 bSkillAtk,"MG_THUNDERSTORM",40; bonus2 bVariableCastrate,"MG_THUNDERSTORM",-10; bonus bLongAtkDef,15; bonus2 bSkillAtk,"MG_NAPALMBEAT",40;break; case Job_Blacksmith: bonus bSplashRange,1; bonus bBaseAtk,50; bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Neutral,15; bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Fire,15; bonus2 bSkillAtk,"MC_MAMMONITE",20;break; case Job_Alchemist: bonus2 bSkillAtk,"AM_ACIDTERROR",20; bonus2 bSkillAtk,"AM_DEMONSTRATION",20; bonus2 bAddMonsterDropItem,929,2500;break; case Job_Assassin: bonus bAspdRate,5; bonus bCritAtkRate,20; bonus2 bIgnoreDefClassRate,Class_Normal,25; bonus2 bSkillAtk,"AS_SPLASHER",25;break; } return; } then here's the item_db 20507,C_Poring_Bag,Costume Poring Bag,4,0,,0,,0,,0,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,8192,,1,0,16,{ callfunc "itembonus",BaseJob; },{},{}
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