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Haruka Mayumi

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Everything posted by Haruka Mayumi

  1. Sleep and sleep2 basically do the same, but the main difference is that sleep will not keep the rid, while sleep2 does. Also sleep2 will stop the script if there is no unit attached. The Script is hmm.. i dunno if this can be called automated but i think it is. Once 2 parties are registered.. the party pvp will automatically run. =)
  2. What happened in your script is. the value of risk_price is being converted from Integer to Integer.. atoi only accept String to integer. As you can see on the error, it says "Expected String" Here's the right code i guess =) riskPlay: setarray .@risk_price[0],501,502,503,504,504; set .@randitem, rand(0,getarraysize(.@risk_price ) ); set .@itemname$, getitemname( .@risk_price[.@randitem] ); set .@win,rand(0,1); if(.@win == 1){ mes "You won!"; mes " ~ "+.itemname$; getitem .@risk_price[.@randitem],1; }else{ mes "You Lose"; }
  3. Here it is. All you need to do is Configure it at OnInit: Everytime you loaded it. you need to Randomize the Items by talking to the NPC. Only GM Level >99 can see the randomize Option. Link Here: ItemSale.txt
  4. Hello, i don't much understand it. but are you asking that once you killed the tasked MVP. it will automatically give you the reward without talking to the npc again?
  5. on npc talk. add timer.. save coordinates. once the coordinates are not equal to your coordinates.. it will automatically use atcommand "@refresh" to close it. i wonder if you will like that idea. its kinda complicated.
  6. This is much possible.. You just need to make an array of items and everytime the server hits Monday. it will change the item random.. You can also limit players on buying the same items. Somehow this is a good idea.. so if you will let me have the credit on making it. ill make it for you.. and ill post this as mine on script releases Just send me a message.
  7. Hello, I want to ask if there is an item script that can lifesteal a certain amount of the magic damage.. E.G: i used fire bolt.. some of the amount i inflict will heal me.
  8. The Item Prize is set by talking to the NPC.. Also, only GM level 99 can talk to the NPC =)
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