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Haruka Mayumi

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Everything posted by Haruka Mayumi

  1. its working perfectly. you should check if the line one is TAB or SPACE.. to announce the player name.. use strcharinfo(0) example announce strcharinfo(0)+" just got his freebies!.",bc_all,0x8A2BE2;
  2. prontera,150,184,4 script Freebies 790,{ OnInit: waitingroom "Freebies",0; if(#sorry == 1) goto L_1; mes "You will receive Some Present as a reward for joining the server"; mes "We're gladly thankful for your support in the future too."; next; if(checkweight(2504,1) == 0 ) goto L_OverWeight; getitem2 14533,10,1,0,0,0,0,0,0;// (Custom Items getitem2 501,100,1,0,0,0,0,0,0;// (Custom Items getitem2 7227,2,1,0,0,0,0,0,0; // (Custom Items getitem2 969,10,1,0,0,0,0,0,0; // (Custom Items getitem2 602,20,1,0,0,0,0,0,0; // (Custom Items getitem2 601,50,1,0,0,0,0,0,0; // (Custom Items announce "[YOUR MESSAGE]",bc_all,0x8A2BE2; emotion e_thx; set #sorry,1; close; L_OverWeight: mes "Sorry, you are over weight"; emotion e_omg; close; L_1: mes "You had already received before the gift."; emotion e_bzz; close; } just after the getitem2. edit it
  3. if(.@diff > 0){ npctalk "Punching Bag : I've taken " + (.@diff/5) + " DPS in last 5 seconds."; setunitdata .gid[.@dupid],UMOB_HP,.mhp[.@dupid]; specialeffect EF_HEAL; //setmapflag( "Punching Bag",mf_monster_noteleport ); } you tried to setmapflag on a monster.
  4. { bonus bAspdRate,BaseLevel/10; bonus bMaxHP,(-40*(BaseLevel/10));},{},{}
  5. Hi, is there anyone that can add bonus2 bMagicHPDrainRate,x,n;(Magic Type Skills) like bonus2 bHPDrainRate,x,n; (For Physical Only) I Actually add 100% chance to lifesteal on my server. however Mages or Magic Type Characters can't lifesteal using the bonus2 bHPDrainRate,x,n;. hoping that someone could help me on this. Thank you
  6. { bonus2 bRegenPercentHP,5,1000; bonus bAbsorbDmgMaxHP,2; },{},{}
  7. Okay so i fixed my own problem.. @mhielo12 also maybe yours. the problem on the diff is on the Vending.c the thing about it says we don't have enough items because its looking on our cart.. not on our inventory.. =) replace all the cart.u.items_inventory -> inventory.u.items_inventory there are 4 cart.u.items_inventory on the diff. so you will see them easily.
  8. If theres no download.php there. create one. =)
  9. insert blank download.php under modules/main/ and edit your download.php at themes/default/main/
  10. check accessoryid.lub in yourR.grf and check the view id item_db.txt it should be the same
  11. Change this line if(gettime(3) % 2 == 0) donpcevent "DiceTrigger::OnDiceETrigger"; into donpcevent "DiceTrigger::OnDiceETrigger"; The reason why it doesnt start is because .. You set The OnClock0100, Onclock0300.. gettime(3) = get the hour. the script will work on your set OnClock.. 0100 = 1:00 AM so once it starts. this is what happens OnClock0100: if(gettime(3) % 2 == 0) is 1 % 2 = 1, so the if statement will block the donpc event =) Also here another one.. OnClock0100: OnClock0300: OnClock0500: OnClock0700: OnClock0900: OnClock1100: OnClock1300: OnClock1500: OnClock1700: OnClock1900: OnClock2100: OnClock2300: donpcevent "DiceTrigger::OnDiceETrigger"; end; //The code below will do the same as above =) OnMinute00: if(gettime(3) % 2 == 1) donpcevent "DiceTrigger::OnDiceETrigger"; end; Don't forget to press the Answer if it helps you and upvote =)
  12. where will you use it. so that i can help you.. there are ways wherein you don't need mail to give the prize to them when they are offline.
  13. do you want this buffs to normal players or vip players?. sc_start SC_ITEMBOOST,300000,200; // 5 minutes Item BOOST sc_start SC_EXPBOOST,300000,200; // 5 minutes Exp Boost
  14. Okay ill be home in 20 minutes and gonna fix it on my server. i just edited it without trying ^_~ But for now, i saw the errors.. i think this will work now,. i just forgot the terminators =) //=========== PORING CATCHER MADE ==============\\ //=== BY: SHOGS-GFX and RAGNAROK DEVELOPERS ====\\ //= Please Report if you encounter some errors =\\ //===== https://www.facebook.com/ShogsGfx ======\\ //==============================================\\ //==FUNCTIONS===================================\\ /* GM Can start the event manualy GM Can also stop the event manualy HOW: just PM this npc (npc:pcatch) The Next Guide Will Be Given by the Manager */ //======= PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE CREDITS =========\\ //==============================================\\ //== MORE UPDATES TO COME FOR BETTER FUNCTION ==\\ //===== https://www.facebook.com/ShogsGfx ======\\ //==============================================\\ //====LEVEL OF GM CAN CONTROL THE EVENT=========\\ - script GMCONTROL -1,{ OnInit: set $gmcontrol,60; end; } //---------------END OF SETUP-------------------\\ //================ON WHISPER=========================\\ - script pcatch -1,{ //====LEVEL OF GM CAN CONTROL THE EVENT=========\\ //OnInit: //set $gmcontrol,60; //end; //---------------END OF SETUP-------------------\\ OnWhisperGlobal: if(getgmlevel() >= $gmcontrol) { mes "^3399FF[Poring Catcher]^000000"; mes "Hello GameMaster!"; mes "What do you want to do?"; switch(select("Start Event:Stop Event:Nothing")) { case 1: { next; mes "^3399FF[Poring Catcher]^000000"; mes "Please confirm by typing START."; input .@confirm$; if (.@confirm$ == "START") { donpcevent "Announcer2::OnGMStart"; close; } mes "Confirmation failed"; close; break; } case 2: { next; mes "^3399FF[Poring Catcher]^000000"; mes "Please confirm by typing STOP."; input .@confirm$; if (.@confirm$ == "STOP") { donpcevent "Announcer2::OnGMStop"; close; } mes "Confirmation failed"; close; break; } case 3: { next; mes "^3399FF[Poring Catcher]^000000"; mes "Good bye"; close; } } } } //====================ANNOUNCER======================\\ - script Announcer2 -1,{ OnGMStart: killmonster "poring_w01.gat","All"; announce "(Poring Manager) : A Gamemaster started a Poring Catcher Event now.",0; sleep 3000; announce "(Poring Manager) : If you want to join, come at the middle of Prontera, enter the warp portal.",0; enablenpc "PoringCatcher"; sleep 2000; announce "(Poring Manager) : Prize: will be TCG and Gold Coins",0; sleep 2000; announce "(Poring Manager) : The portal is going to close in one minute.",0; sleep 60000; announce "(Poring Manager) : The portal has been closed.",0; disablenpc "PoringCatcher"; if(getmapusers("poring_w01") == 0) { disablenpc "Poring Banker"; announce "Event Poring Catcher didn't start because there's no players.",0; end; } donpcevent "Poring Banker::OnEnable"; end; OnGMStop: killmonster "poring_w01.gat","All"; announce "A Gamemaster has stopped the Poring Catcher Event",0; mapwarp "poring_w01.gat","prontera.gat",155,173; disablenpc "Poring Banker"; disablenpc "PoringCatcher"; end; OnClock1200: OnClock1100: OnClock1300: OnClock2300: killmonster "poring_w01.gat","All"; announce "(Poring Manager) : Poring Catcher Event will start at the moment.",0; sleep 3000; announce "(Poring Manager) : If you want to join, come at the middle of Prontera, enter the warp portal.",0; enablenpc "PoringCatcher"; sleep 2000; announce "(Poring Manager) : Prize: will be TCG and Gold Coins",0; sleep 2000; announce "(Poring Manager) : The portal is going to close in one minute.",0; sleep 60000; announce "(Poring Manager) : The portal has been closed.",0; disablenpc "PoringCatcher"; if(getmapusers("poring_w01") == 0) { disablenpc "Poring Banker"; announce "Event Poring Catcher didn't start because no players found in map.",0; end; } donpcevent "Poring Banker::OnEnable"; end; OnInit: disablenpc "Poring Banker"; disablenpc "PoringCatcher"; } //---------All Job Registration---------------------------------------- prontera,155,173,0 warp PoringCatcher 2,2,poring_w01,105,128 //--------------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------------- - script Poring Banker -1,{ OnEnable: mapannounce "poring_w01","Poring Manager: The Poring Catcher Event will start shortly",0; sleep2 10000; mapannounce "poring_w01","Poring Manager: I will be summoning 100 porings with different names kill the real poring",0; sleep2 10000; mapannounce "poring_w01","Poring Manager: What are we waiting for?..Let's Catch some Porings!!...",0; sleep2 10000; goto L_Start; end; L_Start: if(getmapusers("poring_w01") == 0) goto L_None; if(getmapusers("poring_w01") >= 1) { mapannounce "poring_w01","Poring Manager: Get ready at the count of 5 we will start!....",0; sleep2 6000; mapannounce "poring_w01","Poring Manager: 5",0; sleep2 5000; mapannounce "poring_w01","Poring Manager: 4",0; sleep2 4000; mapannounce "poring_w01","Poring Manager: 3",0; sleep2 3000; mapannounce "poring_w01","Poring Manager: 2",0; sleep2 2000; mapannounce "poring_w01","Poring Manager: 1",0; donpcevent "Poringsummoner::OnSummon"; end; } L_None: donpcevent “poringwin::L_Reset”; disablenpc "Poring Banker"; killmonster "poring_w01.gat","All"; end; } //==================SUMMONER OF PORINGS ======================\\ - script Poringsummoner -1,{ OnSummon: if(getmapusers("poring_w01") == 0) goto L_2None; monster "poring_w01.gat",0,0,"Poring",1002,1,"poringwin::OnMobKilled"; monster "poring_w01.gat",0,0,"Pouring",1002,10,"poringlose::OnMobKilled"; monster "poring_w01.gat",0,0,"Proing",1002,10,"poringlose::OnMobKilled"; monster "poring_w01.gat",0,0,"Poirng",1002,10,"poringlose::OnMobKilled"; monster "poring_w01.gat",0,0,"Poing",1002,10,"poringlose::OnMobKilled"; monster "poring_w01.gat",0,0,"I'm not a Poring",1002,5,"poringlose::OnMobKilled"; monster "poring_w01.gat",0,0,"Gnirop",1002,1,"poringlose::OnMobKilled"; monster "poring_w01.gat",0,0,"Poring",1113,1,"poringlose::OnMobKilled"; monster "poring_w01.gat",0,0,"Poring",1062,1,"poringlose::OnMobKilled"; monster "poring_w01.gat",0,0,"Por|ng",1002,10,"poringlose::OnMobKilled"; monster "poring_w01.gat",0,0,"Por1ng",1002,10,"poringlose::OnMobKilled"; monster "poring_w01.gat",0,0,"Porong",1002,10,"poringlose::OnMobKilled"; monster "poring_w01.gat",0,0,"P0ring",1002,10,"poringlose::OnMobKilled"; monster "poring_w01.gat",0,0,"P@ring",1002,10,"poringlose::OnMobKilled"; monster "poring_w01.gat",0,0,"Porng",1002,1,"poringlose::OnMobKilled";end; L_2None: donpcevent “poringwin::L_Reset”; disablenpc "Poring Banker"; killmonster "poring_w01.gat","All"; end; } //==================REAL PORING FOR WIN======================\\ - script poringwin -1,{ OnMobKilled: killmonster "poring_w01.gat","All"; getitem 7227,1; getitem 671, 10; announce "Poring Banker: We have a winner for Round”+.round+”! well done " + strcharinfo(0) + ".",0; set .round,.round+1; if(.round==10){ atcommand "@doommap"; warp "SavePoint",0,0; set .round,1; }else{ sleep2 5000; mapannounce "poring_w01","Poring Manager: Round ”+.round+” will start in a few seconds!”,0; sleep2 5000; donpcevent “Poring Banker::L_Start”; } end; L_Reset: set .round,1; end; OnInit: set .round,1; end; } //==================DUMY PORINGS FOR LOSERS======================\\ - script poringlose -1,{ OnMobKilled: dispbottom "Your out of the game, You did not catch the right Poring !"; percentheal -99,-99; warp "SavePoint",0,0; end; } //==================Mapflags========================\\ poring_w01 mapflag nowarp poring_w01 mapflag nowarpto poring_w01 mapflag noteleport poring_w01 mapflag nosave poring_w01 mapflag nomemo poring_w01 mapflag nobranch poring_w01 mapflag noloot poring_w01 mapflag noskill poring_w01 mapflag nopenalty
  15. Here, if there's an error or something, please comment on my post. i just edited this just now per your request.. Don't forget to Upvote and Answer if this helps you =) -Credits to owner-(modified) //=========== PORING CATCHER MADE ==============\\ //=== BY: SHOGS-GFX and RAGNAROK DEVELOPERS ====\\ //= Please Report if you encounter some errors =\\ //===== https://www.facebook.com/ShogsGfx ======\\ //==============================================\\ //==FUNCTIONS===================================\\ /* GM Can start the event manualy GM Can also stop the event manualy HOW: just PM this npc (npc:pcatch) The Next Guide Will Be Given by the Manager */ //======= PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE CREDITS =========\\ //==============================================\\ //== MORE UPDATES TO COME FOR BETTER FUNCTION ==\\ //===== https://www.facebook.com/ShogsGfx ======\\ //==============================================\\ //====LEVEL OF GM CAN CONTROL THE EVENT=========\\ - script GMCONTROL -1,{ OnInit: set $gmcontrol,60; end; } //---------------END OF SETUP-------------------\\ //================ON WHISPER=========================\\ - script pcatch -1,{ //====LEVEL OF GM CAN CONTROL THE EVENT=========\\ //OnInit: //set $gmcontrol,60; //end; //---------------END OF SETUP-------------------\\ OnWhisperGlobal: if(getgmlevel() >= $gmcontrol) { mes "^3399FF[Poring Catcher]^000000"; mes "Hello GameMaster!"; mes "What do you want to do?"; switch(select("Start Event:Stop Event:Nothing")) { case 1: { next; mes "^3399FF[Poring Catcher]^000000"; mes "Please confirm by typing START."; input .@confirm$; if (.@confirm$ == "START") { donpcevent "Announcer2::OnGMStart"; close; } mes "Confirmation failed"; close; break; } case 2: { next; mes "^3399FF[Poring Catcher]^000000"; mes "Please confirm by typing STOP."; input .@confirm$; if (.@confirm$ == "STOP") { donpcevent "Announcer2::OnGMStop"; close; } mes "Confirmation failed"; close; break; } case 3: { next; mes "^3399FF[Poring Catcher]^000000"; mes "Good bye"; close; } } } } //====================ANNOUNCER======================\\ - script Announcer2 -1,{ OnGMStart: killmonster "poring_w01.gat","All"; announce "(Poring Manager) : A Gamemaster started a Poring Catcher Event now.",0; sleep 3000; announce "(Poring Manager) : If you want to join, come at the middle of Prontera, enter the warp portal.",0; enablenpc "PoringCatcher"; sleep 2000; announce "(Poring Manager) : Prize: will be TCG and Gold Coins",0; sleep 2000; announce "(Poring Manager) : The portal is going to close in one minute.",0; sleep 60000; announce "(Poring Manager) : The portal has been closed.",0; disablenpc "PoringCatcher"; if(getmapusers("poring_w01") == 0) { disablenpc "Poring Banker"; announce "Event Poring Catcher didn't start because there's no players.",0; end; } donpcevent "Poring Banker::OnEnable"; end; OnGMStop: killmonster "poring_w01.gat","All"; announce "A Gamemaster has stopped the Poring Catcher Event",0; mapwarp "poring_w01.gat","prontera.gat",155,173; disablenpc "Poring Banker"; disablenpc "PoringCatcher"; end; OnClock1200: OnClock1100: OnClock1300: OnClock2300: killmonster "poring_w01.gat","All"; announce "(Poring Manager) : Poring Catcher Event will start at the moment.",0; sleep 3000; announce "(Poring Manager) : If you want to join, come at the middle of Prontera, enter the warp portal.",0; enablenpc "PoringCatcher"; sleep 2000; announce "(Poring Manager) : Prize: will be TCG and Gold Coins",0; sleep 2000; announce "(Poring Manager) : The portal is going to close in one minute.",0; sleep 60000; announce "(Poring Manager) : The portal has been closed.",0; disablenpc "PoringCatcher"; if(getmapusers("poring_w01") == 0) { disablenpc "Poring Banker"; announce "Event Poring Catcher didn't start because no players found in map.",0; end; } donpcevent "Poring Banker::OnEnable"; end; OnInit: disablenpc "Poring Banker"; disablenpc "PoringCatcher"; } //---------All Job Registration---------------------------------------- prontera,155,173,0 warp PoringCatcher 2,2,poring_w01,105,128 //--------------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------------- - script Poring Banker -1,{ OnEnable: mapannounce "poring_w01","Poring Manager: The Poring Catcher Event will start shortly",0; sleep2 10000; mapannounce "poring_w01","Poring Manager: I will be summoning 100 porings with different names kill the real poring",0; sleep2 10000; mapannounce "poring_w01","Poring Manager: What are we waiting for?..Let's Catch some Porings!!...",0; sleep2 10000; goto L_Start; end; L_Start: if(getmapusers("poring_w01") == 0) goto L_None; if(getmapusers("poring_w01") >= 1) { mapannounce "poring_w01","Poring Manager: Get ready at the count of 5 we will start!....",0; sleep2 6000; mapannounce "poring_w01","Poring Manager: 5",0; sleep2 5000; mapannounce "poring_w01","Poring Manager: 4",0; sleep2 4000; mapannounce "poring_w01","Poring Manager: 3",0; sleep2 3000; mapannounce "poring_w01","Poring Manager: 2",0; sleep2 2000; mapannounce "poring_w01","Poring Manager: 1",0; donpcevent "Poringsummoner::OnSummon"; end; } L_None: donpcevent “poringwin::L_Reset” disablenpc "Poring Banker"; killmonster "poring_w01.gat","All"; end; } //==================SUMMONER OF PORINGS ======================\\ - script Poringsummoner -1,{ OnSummon: if(getmapusers("poring_w01") == 0) goto L_2None; monster "poring_w01.gat",0,0,"Poring",1002,1,"poringwin::OnMobKilled"; monster "poring_w01.gat",0,0,"Pouring",1002,10,"poringlose::OnMobKilled"; monster "poring_w01.gat",0,0,"Proing",1002,10,"poringlose::OnMobKilled"; monster "poring_w01.gat",0,0,"Poirng",1002,10,"poringlose::OnMobKilled"; monster "poring_w01.gat",0,0,"Poing",1002,10,"poringlose::OnMobKilled"; monster "poring_w01.gat",0,0,"I'm not a Poring",1002,5,"poringlose::OnMobKilled"; monster "poring_w01.gat",0,0,"Gnirop",1002,1,"poringlose::OnMobKilled"; monster "poring_w01.gat",0,0,"Poring",1113,1,"poringlose::OnMobKilled"; monster "poring_w01.gat",0,0,"Poring",1062,1,"poringlose::OnMobKilled"; monster "poring_w01.gat",0,0,"Por|ng",1002,10,"poringlose::OnMobKilled"; monster "poring_w01.gat",0,0,"Por1ng",1002,10,"poringlose::OnMobKilled"; monster "poring_w01.gat",0,0,"Porong",1002,10,"poringlose::OnMobKilled"; monster "poring_w01.gat",0,0,"P0ring",1002,10,"poringlose::OnMobKilled"; monster "poring_w01.gat",0,0,"P@ring",1002,10,"poringlose::OnMobKilled"; monster "poring_w01.gat",0,0,"Porng",1002,1,"poringlose::OnMobKilled";end; L_2None: donpcevent “poringwin::L_Reset” disablenpc "Poring Banker"; killmonster "poring_w01.gat","All"; end; } //==================REAL PORING FOR WIN======================\\ - script poringwin -1,{ OnMobKilled: killmonster "poring_w01.gat","All"; getitem 7227,1; getitem 671, 10; announce "Poring Banker: We have a winner for Round”+.round+”! well done " + strcharinfo(0) + ".",0; set .round,.round+1; if(.round==10){ atcommand "@doommap"; warp "SavePoint",0,0; set .round,1; }else{ sleep2 5000; mapannounce "poring_w01","Poring Manager: Round ”+.round+” will start in a few seconds!”,0; sleep2 5000; donpcevent “Poring Banker::L_Start” } end; L_Reset: set .round,1; end; OnInit: set .round,1; end; } //==================DUMY PORINGS FOR LOSERS======================\\ - script poringlose -1,{ OnMobKilled: dispbottom "Your out of the game, You did not catch the right Poring !"; percentheal -99,-99; warp "SavePoint",0,0; end; } //==================Mapflags========================\\ poring_w01 mapflag nowarp poring_w01 mapflag nowarpto poring_w01 mapflag noteleport poring_w01 mapflag nosave poring_w01 mapflag nomemo poring_w01 mapflag nobranch poring_w01 mapflag noloot poring_w01 mapflag noskill poring_w01 mapflag nopenalty
  16. if you accidentally add those System on your Full client installer. so far i don't think its possible to delete the folders using the thor =) [not yet 100% Sure]
  17. It's possible for users to DROP or edit something on your database using a script like you want(though it depends on the script).. =)
  18. Nope.. there's no negative impact on deleting the logs. those logs are there just for you to review whats going on on your server.. so its okay to delete them if you don't want to review the happening on your server =)
  19. Here's the Script OnNPCKillEvent: if(FirstEncounter==1 && PoringKills<10){ if( killedrid == 1002 ){ set PoringKills,PoringKills +1; dispbottom "You have killed "+PoringKills+" Porings."; } } end;
  20. hmm.. i don't know about the zeny. but you can check their inventory and create an array of menu of those items. =)
  21. oh yes. i forgot to change that too =) You're welcome
  22. Emistry scripts are very reliable,. they are easy to setup, The scripts produces your expectation.. As expected from one of the best scripters in rathena =)
  23. Haven't surfed rathena for weeks now.. Here's your Script - Random Warper Though ill even use it on my server with more advance features. =) Hope you up this as your ANSWER. it can help me
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