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Everything posted by crazyarashi

  1. setarray .current_maps$[0] ,"payg_cas04", to setarray .current_maps$[0] ,"payg_cas04";
  2. I don't see the need too add instance_destroy checks. That is why we have the IdleTimeOut in the instance db.
  3. kRO should be in that range of ID's 32k+ except for the 100K > new range of ID in kRO, any missing database is either you make it or wait for updates.
  4. As the post above said it might be your client or it can be something else. Please do provide more info about your problem :))
  5. Edit the item database for it. Make it only wearable for your specific classes. and don't go reviving old topics.
  6. You can't use dead branch on the GVG Mapflag even if you uncomment it out :))
  7. Use item_noequip.txt in the database. This will disable the script effect the item. In your case just restricted in normal maps will do // Structure of Database: // ItemID,Flag // // Legend for 'Flag' field (bitmask): // 1 - restricted in normal maps // 2 - restricted in PVP // 4 - restricted in GVG // 8 - restricted in Battlegrounds // 16 - restricted in WOE:TE castles // Restricted zones - configured by 'restricted <number>' mapflag // 32 - restricted in zone 1 // 64 - restricted in zone 2 // 128 - restricted in zone 3 // 256 - restricted in zone 4 // 512 - restricted in zone 5 // 1024 - restricted in zone 6 // 2048 - restricted in zone 7 // 4096 - restricted in zone 8
  8. The map_flag_vs is for pvp. ATK_ADDRATE(wd.damage, wd.damage2, (map_flag_gvg(src->m) || map_getmapdata(src->m)->flag[MF_BATTLEGROUND] > 0) ? 25 : 100);
  9. It should work even if it's hidden make sure you add a color marker so it will display on the map. Also add an OnTouch event to change its class id ^^
  10. Here is a rather detailed guide, maybe you can start with this ^^
  11. data/texture/À¯ÀúÀÎÅÍÆäÀ̽º/menu_icon/
  12. @domez86 There are simple ways to achieve this than you're request. Make the item account bound and add restriction to the NPC like your past request for the equipment giver. @Sakurada This is script request section not an "opinion request section". You correct people, then maybe it's not hard to read on what section you're at. ^^
  13. Thats what i meant when breaking the newer clients :))
  14. This will work only for older clients since the Nemo's patch usually breaks newer client.
  15. I forgot about the isequipped that could have shorten it a little bit ^^
  16. you didn't mention about being equipped on the topic. prontera,255,255,3 script Equip Freebies 123,{ if(#claimed){ mes "[ Freebies ]"; mes "You alreay receieved your freebies."; close; } getinventorylist; for(.@i = 0; .@i < 20; .@i++){ .@id = getequipid(.@i); if(.@id == -1) .@equip_id[.@i] = 0; // Dummy Data else .@equip_id[.@i] = .@id; } for(.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(.equip_id); .@i++){ if(inarray(.@equip_id[0],.equip_id[.@i]) >= 0 || inarray(@inventorylist_id[0],.equip_id[.@i]) >= 0){ .@fail = 1; break; } continue; } if(.@fail){ mes "[ Freebies ]"; mes "You already have a duplicated freebies in your inventory/equipment."; close; } #claimed = 1; for(.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(.equip_id); .@i++){ getitem .equip_id[.@i],1; equip .equip_id[.@i]; } mes "[ Freebies ]"; mes "Here is your freebies."; end; OnInit: setarray .equip_id,1208,2154; // Add your ID's here. end; } Here is the new script that it will automatically equip it after receiving :))
  17. 22132:4131,{.@r = getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHOES); skill "AL_HEAL",10; if(BaseLevel < 99){ bonus bMatk,.@r*5;bonus bMdef,.@r*; } else { bonus bMatk,.@r*15;bonus bMdef,.@r*10; }} Watch your spaces.
  18. 22132,Lighting_Gods_Shoes,Lightning Gods Shoes,4,20,,400,,18,,1,0xFFFFFFFE,63,2,64,,99,1,,{ .@r = getrefine(); bonus2 bVariableCastrate,-.@r; bonus bMatk,(.@r*5); bonus2 bMagicAddEle,Ele_Earth,2*.@r; bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Neutral,2*.@r; bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Undead,2*.@r; bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Ghost,2*.@r; },{},{} There is nothing wrong with your item script ?
  19. prontera,255,255,3 script Equip Freebies 123,{ if(#claimed){ mes "[ Freebies ]"; mes "You alreay receieved your freebies."; close; } getinventorylist; for(.@i = 0; .@i < 20; .@i++){ .@id = getequipid(.@i); if(.@id == -1) .@equip_id[.@i] = 0; // Dummy Data else .@equip_id[.@i] = .@id; } for(.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(.equip_id); .@i++){ if(inarray(.@equip_id[0],.equip_id[.@i]) >= 0 || inarray(@inventorylist_id[0],.equip_id[.@i]) >= 0){ .@fail = 1; break; } continue; } if(.@fail){ mes "[ Freebies ]"; mes "You already have a duplicated freebies in your inventory/equipment."; close; } #claimed = 1; for(.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(.equip_id); .@i++){ getitem .equip_id[.@i],1; } mes "[ Freebies ]"; mes "Here is your freebies."; end; OnInit: setarray .equip_id,1208,2154; // Add your ID's here. end; }
  20. That's an automatic announcement when you have the VIP feature on.
  21. I believe in the official server they have a way to disable npc for a single id atleast that's what i notice when i copied it. the only work around for this is using OnTouch.
  22. if((MaxWeight - Weight) < 1000){ mes "^FF0000 You must atleast have 1000 extra weight to receive freebies.^000000"; close; } Add this at the part of your script :))
  23. Just adjust the group to fit your needs, no need to the all_commands permission :))
  24. it won't work because you have an extra ; in your code.
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