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Everything posted by crazyarashi

  1. update your client files or mapmsgconf of your serv
  2. did you prepare your own grf and your client?
  3. 4144's Nemo Client is neat for newer clients :))
  4. That's way old and need old resources. zackdreavers translations is for later clients
  5. Big thanks! going to try it out :))
  6. i used only once but it worked fine :))
  7. Use proper translation files for your client. Zackdreaver Translation
  8. OnMinionSummon: .@minion_id = 1002; .@minion_count = 20; monster "prontera",255,55,"Pink Evil Minions",.minion_id,.minion_count,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnMinionKill"; for (.@i = 0; .@i < .minion_count; .@i++){ .gid[.@i] = $@mobid[.@i]; //= store data } Good day rathena, I have a question regarding getunitdata. I want to summon a multiple monster and get their data later on. ( specifically the x and y) during the KillEvent Tried several ways to get the data and yet failed. hopefully anyone can enlighten me on what to do. Thanks in advance
  9. Double check your mysql setup :))
  10. Well sadly these are hardcoded in the client thus making it very hard to change/add
  11. prontera,255,55,4 script alg_teleporter 123,{ if(Zeny >= .warp_fee){ warp "gld2_ald",0,0; end; } mes "- Not Enough Zeny -"; mes "- Come back when you have "+.warp_fee+" Zeny -"; close; OnHour23: OnHour09: OnHour15: OnHour20: enablenpc "alg_teleporter"; end; OnHour10: OnHour16: OnHour21: OnHour00: mapwarp "gld2_ald","SavePoint",0,0; disablenpc "alg_teleporter"; end; OnInit: .warp_fee = 30000; disablenpc "alg_teleporter"; end; }
  12. - script Dynamic_Drops -1,{ OnNPCKillEvent: if( strcharinfo(3) == .map$ ){ if( killedrid == .killed_id ){ flks++; announce "Points +1 ["+ f1ks +"/5]",3; } if( f1ks >= 5 ){ flks = 0; sc_start sc_INCREASEAGI, 360000,10; sc_start sc_BLESSING, 360000,10; .@prize = rand(1,2); if(.@prize == 1){ dispbottom "You got the first prize on the Roulette!"; getitem 2285,1; } else { announce "You got the second prize on the Roulette!"; getitem 16707,1; } } } end; OnInit: .map$ = "prontera"; .killed_id = 1002; end; } you're wrong in the rand line. set .@prize rand (1,2){ -> set .@prize, rand(1,2);
  13. function CustomRateCard { if(vip_status(VIP_STATUS_ACTIVE)) .@chance = 5000; else .@chance = 10000; if( killedrid == getarg(0) && rand( .@chance ) <= getarg(2) ){ getitem getarg(1),1; } return; } please use a codebox.
  14. provide information how you duplicated the shop so we can help you :))
  15. you can just edit yours in your grf with grf editor. just find the location of the icons you want to remove :))
  16. yeah so far out of all the given vps provider only ovh provides a ddos protection ... If you're going for an asia geolocation it doesnt have that choices. just find the APAC VPS in OVH
  17. I don't know much about alibabacloud and linode maybe its good or so. but don't go Vultr.
  18. Using a singapore VPS would suit your geolocation. Both OVH and DigitalOcean have a Singapore Geolocation, you might aswell take a look at it :))
  19. Jellopy XD most misc drops in RO are just for selling purpose actually, so just browsing the misc item will give you the idea already.
  20. Download a clean client, it seems that you're editing a diffed client already.
  21. prontera,255,55,4 script World Boss 123,{ .@kill_count = (.monster_kill_requirement - $world_boss_counter); mes "[ World Boss ]"; mes "Status :" +($world_boss_active == 1?"^00FF00Active^000000":"^FF0000Inactive^000000"); mes "Kill Remaining - [ ^0000FF"+.@kill_count+"^000000 ]"; mes "============================="; mes "Reward:"; mes "<ITEM>World Boss Reward<INFO>501</INFO></ITEM>"; end; OnNPCKillEvent: if($world_boss_active == 1) end; $world_boss_counter += 1; if($world_boss_counter == .monster_kill_requirement){ donpcevent "World Boss::OnSummon"; } end; OnSummon: $world_boss_active = 1; monster "prontera",255,55,"World Boss",1002,1,"World Boss::OnBossKill"; end; OnBossKill: $world_boss_active = 0; $world_boss_counter = 0; getitem 501,1; end; OnInit: .monster_kill_requirement = 100; freeloop(1); while(1){ .@kill_count = (.monster_kill_requirement - $world_boss_counter); waitingroom "Kill Left : ["+.@kill_count+"]",0; sleep 1000; //= 1 Second Refresh delwaitingroom; } freeloop(0); end; } Here a simple base :))
  22. recheck your char/map server configuration.
  23. Download the luadec compiler in the rathena downloads area
  24. I think there is no reason to hide the system folder. If you want it uneditable just compile the lua to lub for encryption.
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