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Everything posted by Rikimaru

  1. Then why don't you make something like a Quest,that if you have 2 Kiel_Cards you can upgrade them to a Kiel Card v 2. Something like this : // Normal Kiel Card 4403,Kiel_Card, Kiel-D-01 Card, 6,20,, 10,,,,,,,, 769,,,,,{ bonus bDelayRate, -15; },{},{} // Custom Kiel Cards ITEMID,Kiel_Card_v2, Kiel-D-01 Card v2, 6,20,, 10,,,,,,,, 769,,,,,{ bonus bDelayRate, -30; },{},{} ITEMID,Kiel_Card_v3, Kiel-D-01 Card v3, 6,20,, 10,,,,,,,, 769,,,,,{ bonus bDelayRate, -45; },{},{} ITEMID,Kiel_Card_v4, Kiel-D-01 Card v4, 6,20,, 10,,,,,,,, 769,,,,,{ bonus bDelayRate, -60; },{},{} Just an idea.
  2. Sorry,but I don't get what you want us to do. You want a Card that gives a special effect just when it is equiped? Please give us more information about what you want.
  3. .lub files are compiled lua files. So you add the Custom Mobs to .lua files and compile them with the luac tool to .lub files. But lua and lub files are part of the data folder ,so the mobs have to be added to the lua files ,because else the sprites won't show up if you spawn them. And you have to edit the mob_db2 for custom Mobs.
  4. I totally agree with Emistry. RO2... I never played RO2 because I always stood on RO 1. I don't even know how RO2 looks like,so I think yea maybe RO2 has a little effect on RO1,but I think if someone likes RO1 he wouldn't play RO2.
  5. Ich finde es ja einfach ne gute idee ein CP zu machen , da hauptsächlich Flux und Ceres benutzt werden und weniger Starsgames CP , gibt es ja eigentlich nur 3 CP arten deswegen mehr CP's wären da schon gut. Das mit den Item Bildern wäre echt gut,dann könnte man das so machen wie auf Ratemyserver sodass die spieler einmal das item bild sehen und wenn sie drauf klicken das collection bild.
  6. That's good,thank you for the Links to Miruku!
  7. go to your server folder /conf/atcommand_athena.conf now search for time until you find this : // Give server time. (6 same commands) time: 0,99 date: 0,99 serverdate: 0,99 servertime: 0,99 Yes it's already edited in my Server,so the 0 is the GM level ,which is able to use the @ command so normal Players are able to use @time and it displays the Server Time Just edit this in your Server. Greetings, ~Rikimaru
  8. You'll have to give us some more Information like : 1 : You added the Job as a Custom Job to your Server? If not then you won't be able to changebase to your Akatsuki class. If you didn't add the Job to your server I'd suggest you to just replace the Akatsuki Sprite with »êŸ_³² and »êŸ_¿© in the data/sprite/Àΰ£Á·/¸öÅë/³²/ and data/sprite/Àΰ£Á·/¸öÅë/¿©/ folder . After that the Sprite of the Xmas Job is removed and you'll have your Custom Job Sprites. Do it like this because no one knows yet how to fully add custom jobs to the Server After that go to your item_db2 and make a new Item : ITEMID,Akatsuki_Suit,Akatsuki Suit,5,10,,100,,1,,4,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,16,,0,1,0,{ANYBONUS;},{ changebase 26; },{ changebase Class; } the changebase 26; is changing your class sprite to the job 26 Sprite which is going to be your akatsuki sprite. and the changebase Class; changes your class sprite back to the normal job,which the player is after he took off the armor Greetings, ~Rikimaru
  9. There was a Topic about this before. Jguy and his Team wanted to work with 3CeAM , but I didn't know what happened at the end, I just know that Rytech said something that eAthena is going to die and that the 3CeAM Team won't work together with eAthena anymore,since eAthena treated them like sh*t.
  10. Okay I made you a Script. It's like this , the Player talks to the NPC and if he wants to redeem the items,he get's the items and after that he has to wait 24 Hours (1 Day or 86000 seconds ) until he is able to get the item again. You'll just have to edit the NPC Name , location and the Item ID and Item Amount under the Settings. set .@rewname$,"[ Daily Reward ]"; set .rewardid,607; set @rewardamount,10; Change set .@rewname$,"[ YOURNPCNAME ]"; Change set .rewardid,YOUR ITEM WHICH IS GIVEN OUT ENTER THE ID HERE; Change set @rewardamount,THE AMOUNT OF THE ITEM WHICH IS GIVEN OUT; Link to Script: Pastebin.com : http://pastebin.com/1jGzVR1m Codebox : //====================== rAthena Script =============================================================== //=== Made by Rikimaru //=== Topic Link : http://rathena.org/board/topic/58004-request-daily-reward-npc-script/ //==================== Information ==================================================================== //==== Daily Reward Script //================= Version : ========================================================================= //=== V 1.1 Fixed a typo in the Script [ Rikimaru ] //=== V 1.0 Finished Scripting the Daily Reward Script [ Rikimaru ] //============== Credits : ============================================================================ //=== Credits to Rikimaru for the Daily Reward Script //=== rAthena Profile Link : http://rathena.org/board/user/434-rikimaru/ //===================================================================================================== //************************************************************************* prontera,149,191,5 script Daily Reward 911,{ //=========================== Settings ================================================================ set .@rewname$,"[ Daily Reward ]"; set .rewardid,607; set @rewardamount,10; //======================= Settings End ================================================================ //***************************************************************************************************** if(gettimetick(2) - lastTimeTalked > (60 * 60 * 24)) { mes .@rewname$; mes "Hello "+strcharinfo(0)+",I"; mes "am here to give you a daily"; mes "Reward. Do you want to have it?"; next; switch(select("-Yes,sure!:-No,bye!:-Cancel")) { case 1: mes .@rewname$; mes "Okay going to give you the item!"; next; mes .@rewname$; getitem .rewardid,@rewardamount; mes "Okay have fun with it!"; set lastTimeTalked,gettimetick(2); close; case 2: mes .@rewname$; mes "Okay goodbye!"; close; case 3: close; } } mes .@rewname$; mes "Sorry you can get the"; mes "Reward again after "; mes "24 Hours are over!"; close; } I hope this helped you! Greetings , ~ Rikimaru
  11. Umm...Did you steal this from another server? Looks like that.
  12. Ich würde auch noch vorschlagen eine Check Database Funktion zumachen,sodass Spieler sich in dem CP die Item und Mob - Database angucken können und bestimmte sachen die die suchen gefunden werden.
  13. scripting and spriting :)

  14. Öffne die erste von den Dateien (die sind aufgesplittet wurden) einfach mit WinRAR und entpack es dann. Das habe ich schon gemacht,klappt nur nicht,dann steht da das archiv ist zerstÖrt.
  15. Oder Miruku runterladen ,das würde auch funktionieren,ich weiß nur nicht wie ich .001 , .002 , .003 , .004 , .005 , .006 , .007 dateien installieren soll,habe nähmlich alle sachen von Miruku runtergeladen aber sind halt so komische dateien . Hier ist ein Screenshot : Aber damit sollte auch alles funktionieren.
  16. It would be like this in the Script : //====================== rAthena Script =================================== //=== Made by Rikimaru //=== Topic Link : http://rathena.org/board/topic/57794-item-changer/ //==================== Information ======================================== //==== a easy Item Changer from Potions to TCG's //================= Version : ============================================= //=== V 1.1 Fixed a typo in the Script [ Rikimaru ] //=== V 1.0 Finished Scripting the Item Changer [ Rikimaru ] //============== Credits : ================================================ //=== Credits to Rikimaru for the Item Changer Script //=== rAthena Profile Link : http://rathena.org/board/user/434-rikimaru/ //========================================================================= //************************************************************************* mapname,XXX,YYY,DIRECTION script Item Changer 911,{ //=========================== Settings ==================================== set .@changername$,"[ Item Changer ]";// YOU MAY CHANGE THE NAME OF THE NPC set .tcgid,7227; set @tcgamount,1; //======================= Settings End ==================================== //************************************************************************* mes .@changername$; mes "Hello "+strcharinfo(0)+" , what"; mes "can I do for you today?"; mes "Do you want to exchange"; mes "your Potions into TCG Cards?"; next; switch(select("Yes exchange!:Cancel")) { case 1: mes .@changername$; mes "Okay which Potion do"; mes "you want to exchange"; mes "to a TCG Card?"; next; switch(select("-Red Potion:-Blue Potion:Cancel")) { case 1: mes .@changername$; mes "Okay let me check if"; mes "you have the Potions"; next; mes .@changername$; mes "Rustle... Rustle..."; if(countitem(501) < 1) goto l_noitem; delitem 501,1 next; mes .@changername$; getitem .tcgid,@tcgamount; mes "Here take your TCG Cards!"; close; case 2: mes .@changername$; mes "Okay let me check if"; mes "you have the Potions"; next; mes .@changername$; mes "Rustle... Rustle..."; if(countitem(505) < 1) goto l_noitem; delitem 505,1 next; mes .@changername$; getitem .tcgid,@tcgamount; mes "Here take your TCG Cards!"; close; case 3: mes .@changername$; mes "Okay goodbye!"; close; } case 2: mes .@changername$; mes "Okay goodbye!"; close; } l_noitem: mes .@changername$; mes "Sorry you have to get the items first!"; close; } [/codeBOX] I hope that this helped you. DOWNLOAD : Item_Changer.txt Greetings, Rikimaru
  17. rathena is a better version of eathena , nothing changed except the staff. the eathena staff wasn't doing something anymore and here on rathena there's a very active staff with a lot of updates on the Server files , but scripting didn't change,you can use eathena scripts on the rathena software,too.
  18. Ja von den Updates her,wenn man sich nur den changelog anschaut fast täglich 3 oder mehr als 3 Updates von Scripts / db's oder der source Dateien. Wenn natürlich die Deutschen Mitglieder die schon vorhanden sind aktiver werden,könnte ich ja mal ein paar guides schreiben. was nun eathena angeht,ja es ist kaum noch etwas los im eathena board, da Jguy ein sehr großes Team hat ( was auch benötigt wird ),das an den Server Dateien arbeitet,wodurch es ja auch zu mehr Updates / fixes kommt, das ist auch einer der vielen Gründe warum hier so viel los ist. Naja wir werden ja mal schauen was noch so passiert und ob mehr deutsche Mitglieder hier ankommen
  19. Ja,gut wir warten einfach mal ab .
  20. I agree with Judas,most of the fluxs integrated sites look the same.
  21. Tell me if it works,like you wanted it to be.
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