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Everything posted by llchrisll

  1. @Excellion Gear: Just released it, if you want it. Regards, Chris
  2. You can find the topic regarding it here: Regards, Chris
  3. I scripted those two already, but I'm thinking about how to release them since its unofficial version. Request was by akira ro but based on information of NovaRo and Limit RO. Except the text of the npc is by myself. When I get home, I will make an release of it and state the info from above. And I give credits of course to NovaRo and LimitRo for the info. Regards, Chris
  4. =============== Update: 01/15-2018: Added 3 New NPCs & finished updating my older scripts ============ I have now finished updating my previously mentioned older scripts. Update older Scripts: Training System v1.0 to 2.0: Major Update and bug fixes, see 1st post for the whole list Quest System v1.1 to v1.2: Bug fixes Guild Ranker v1.2 to v1.3: Bug fixes and Script Optimizations New Scripts: Dungeon Quest Service + SQL v1.0 Mass Seller v1.0 Daily Reward v1.0
  5. if(#Healer_CD > gettimetick(2)) { mes "Healer on cooldown"; end; } set #Healer_CD,gettimetick(2) + 300; Well you could try to add this after normal_player:
  6. Well, you could use eaclass() instead of upper.
  7. Hi guys, I don't require help with my script itself, but rather a better idea since I lack creativity. Here is the script: Training System Summary: currently I'm in the process of updating it and I would like to change a few things about the training itself. There exists status mastery and weapon mastery and I want to change the training for INT, I have currently an quiz but I'm not quite satisfied with it. I tried to think of something different, but couldn't in the end. If you have also a better idea of any other training, you're more than welcome to tell me about that too. Regards, Chris
  8. Not sure, what the problem is, but something else, the player does always recieve 1 cash points, shouldn't you use .@count instead of + 1? Also 0.01 cash points doesn't exist. Example: 1 cash point costs 15 gold coins: I want 10 (.@count) cash points so 15*10 =150 But I always get 1 cash points instead of the 10. set #CASHPOINTS,#CASHPOINTS + .@count; Would be the correct one. @Radian it's the same
  9. Well you could try to add sleep2 before the effect. Not sure if it helps tho.
  10. First, you have an mistake in your script: You declare an array .@poke but you're using an array called .@tame afterwards, which the content is not declared anywhere. Second, by using an array you have to declare the index [<Index>] where the value is saved inn, or you will always get the first value in the array. Example: .@tame[.@i] Third, if I'm not wrong an pet_db file exists, where you have to declare every mob which can be tamed before using any taming skill/command. I hope I could help. Regards, Chris
  11. As for the x3, exchange callsub(S_changeRates, 2); With callsub(S_changeRates, 3); Not sure about the other error yet.
  12. It looks like in the script are emotions which aren't supported anymore. Try to change them, look up src/map/script_constants.h for a list of emotions by searching for e_. Regards, Chris
  13. Does the map server say anything? Any error?
  14. Major Update of older Scripts: Hello guys, I nearly done updating my older scripts, these are left: Training System Quest System Guild Ranker After that I will continue with the Player Shops Script and then I can do requests again! Regards, Chris
  15. Wasn't the random option saved in card 2-4? So if you take the identifier and add to save @inventorylist_card2-4 and add these values in getitem2 then it should work. Just like the enchantes or do I miss something?
  16. Lol, I even learned something new out of that: npcshopitem "Name",0,0; Didn't know that you can clear it entirely, haha. Thnx @Skorm for that. Regards, Chris
  17. if(getgroupid() > 0) end; or if(getgmlevel() > 0) end; Same thing, only checks if an GM killed it or not. Not sure about homunculus or pets.
  18. If you don't want specific Maps you could exchange with if(getmapflag(strcharinfo(3),mf_pvp) == 0 || getmapflag(strcharinfo(3),mf_gvg) == 0) end;
  19. Not Sure, but maybe it doesn't work since its eAMod and you're not even allowed to distribute it. Regards, Chris
  20. You could try Google for Windows youand also you need to compile. Regards, Chris
  21. Gonna take a look at home, gonna test it the too... xX Edit: Here is the upgraded and fully tested script: If you have questions or anything else, pm me ;). Edit 2: Stupid e-mail protection, in case you don't have javascript activated: bug_quest.txt Regards, Chris
  22. else if(QuestDone != 0) { Announce set QuestDone,1; }
  23. Then it works just fine. && = checks if the next is also true
  24. Huh, typo .... dispbottom not disbottom, at line 2063
  25. anthell02,170,165,3 script Waffel#0 112,{ mes "You have to kill:"; mes "You have "+VitataKills+"/10 Vitata..."; mes "You have "+AntEggKills+"/55 Ant Egg..."; mes "You have "+FamiliarKills+"/5 Familiar"; next; if(VitataKills < 10 && AntEggKills < 55 && FamiliarKills < 5) goto l_nokills; getitem 678,5; close; l_nokills: mes "You didn't kill enough monsters!"; close; OnNPCKillEvent: if(killedrid == 1176 && VitataKills < 10) // = Vitata { set VitataKills,VitataKills + 1; dispbottom "You killed "+VitataKills+"/10 Vitata."; if(VitataKills == 10) dispbottom "You have killed all Vitatas."; } else if (killedrid == 1097 && AntEggKills < 55) // = Ant Egg { set AntEggKills,AntEggKills + 1; dispbottom "You killed "+AntEggKills+"/55 AntEgg."; if(AntEggKills == 55) dispbottom "You have killed all AntEggs."; }else if (killedrid == 1005 && FamiliarKills < 5) // = Familiar { set FamiliarKills,FamiliarKills + 1; dispbottom "You killed "+FamiliarKills+"/5 Familiar."; if(FamiliarKills == 5) dispbottom "You have killed all Familiars."; } else announce "You have killed every Monster.",bc_self; end; } Here you are, should be what you want, with some improvements :). Regards, Chris
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